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Herbal For Uric Acid: Which One Works the Best?

Herbal For Uric Acid: Which One Works the Best?
Herbal For Uric Acid: Which One Works the Best?

What’s the best herbal for uric acid? Gout, a painful condition caused by the buildup of uric acid, is a problem that affects millions of Filipinos. Because treatment for gout can get expensive, some people would rather use herbal remedies for uric acid instead.

But just how effective are these herbal remedies when it come to lowering uric acid levels? Let’s find out.

Why Do You Need to Lower Uric Acid Levels?

First off, let’s discuss how high uric acid levels in the body can lead to gout. Uric acid is a byproduct of the body when you eat food that is rich in purines.

Examples of food that are rich in purines are:

  • Red meat
  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Organ meats

The more of these types of food you eat, the more uric acid gets produced.

If there is too much uric acid in your body, it can start to build up and form urate crystals in your joints. This build-up of crystals causes pain, redness, and swelling that are commonly associated with gout. It can also cause stiffness, which makes moving difficult for people who are having a gout attack.

One way of dealing with these symptoms would be to take over-the-counter medication that’s specifically designed to treat gout. But for people looking for natural gout remedies, there are a lot of options available.

Herbal for Uric Acid

What’s the best herbal for uric acid? Here are 5 of the most common herbal remedies that can help lower uric acid levels, and manage gout:

Ulasimang bato

The first herbal for uric acid: Ulasimang bato, also known as pansit-pansitan, is a very popular herbal medicine in the Philippines.

The most common use of pansit-pansitan is to treat arthritis and gout, and it is a very effective remedy to those problems.

Pansit-pansitan has analgesic properties, which means it can help relieve inflammation, such as those caused by gout. Another benefit is that it can actually lower the level of uric acid in the body.

This means that aside from helping relieve pain from gout, it can also help prevent it from reoccurring in the future. This is the reason why pansit-pansitan is one of the most popular herbal remedies for uric acid.

To use this herb, you can eat it raw, or steep it in hot water and drink it as tea. You can also wrap crushed leaves in cloth, and use it as a poultice to put on the affected area. Some even use it in a salad because the leaves have a mild peppery taste.

Pansit-pansitan has been generally recognized as safe to eat and use, so there should be no problems should you wish to use it as an herbal remedy for uric acid. Just be sure to wash it thoroughly before eating.


Celery is widely known as an effective alternative medicine that can help lower uric acid levels in the body.

Scientists have studied the effects of celery on the uric acid levels of rats, and found that it does indeed work in lowering uric acid levels.

To use celery as a herbal for uric acid, you can either eat it raw as a tasty snack, or mix it with other food. The great thing about celery is that aside from lowering uric acid in the body, it also contains a lot of fiber; vitamins A, K, and C; as well as folate and potassium. This makes it a great addition to your diet.


Cherry is another great herbal for uric acid. Studies conducted on gout patients found that those who eat cherries have fewer gout attacks and generally lower uric acid levels compared to those who don’t consume cherries.

However, there have yet to be any significant scientific studies that test the effects of cherries on uric acid levels in the body. Despite this, eating cherries is harmless, and numerous gout patients have reported generally positive results once they started eating cherries to treat their gout.


Ginger is an herb that has been used since ancient times to cure a number of diseases, one of which is gout.

Studies conducted on rats found that ginger can lower the levels of uric acid in the blood and urine.

When it comes to using ginger, it can be eaten raw by itself. However, some people may find the taste too strong. It can also be used in cooking, or steeped in hot water and drank as tea.


Coffee is another common herbal for gout. Scientists have found that both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee work just as well in lowering uric acid levels. This means that drinking coffee every day might actually help prevent gout.

Aside from using these herbal remedies, it is important to remember that changing your diet and lifestyle can help prevent gout. By avoiding foods that are high in purine, you can lower the risk of future gout attacks.

Learn more about Herbals & Alternatives here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Indian Medicinal Plants Useful in Treatment of Gout: A Review for Current Status and Future Prospective,, Accessed September 2, 2020

Gout Home Remedies: What Works and What Doesn’t,, Accessed September 2, 2020

(PDF) Herbs for Gout,, Accessed September 2, 2020

Gout – Diagnosis and treatment – Mayo Clinic,, Accessed September 2, 2020

ULASIMANG BATO: Anti-Inflammatory drug formulation,, Accessed September 2, 2020

The role of Western herbal medicine in the treatment of gout – ScienceDirect,, Accessed September 2, 2020

Current Version


Written by Jan Alwyn Batara

Medically reviewed by Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

Updated by: Jan Alwyn Batara

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Written by Jan Alwyn Batara · Updated Sep 27, 2023

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