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Balbas Pusa as a Herbal Remedy: Uses and Benefits

Balbas Pusa as a Herbal Remedy: Uses and Benefits
Balbas Pusa as a Herbal Remedy: Uses and Benefits

Even before the production of synthetic medicines, plants were often used to cure illness and aid in promoting health and wellness. One of these herbal remedies is called kabling gubat or balbas pusa. Learn more about the health benefits of this plant, how to prepare balbas pusa as an herbal remedy, as well as any precautions that you need to be aware of.

What Is Balbas Pusa?

Balbas Pusa is a plant that is popularly used as an herbal remedy in Southeast Asia. Because of this, the knowledge of how to prepare Balbas Pusa is widely known in various Southeast Asian countries.


Balbas Pusa reportedly has

  • Anti-microbial properties
  • Can be used as a diuretic
  • Helps with the treatment of certain kidney problems
  • Helps with hypertension
  • Improves symptoms of diabetes
  • Can be used in addressing obesity, especially if combined with other herbal remedies

All of these benefits make Balbas Pusa a popular herb for people who want to live a more natural lifestyle or for those looking for alternative forms of medicine.

What Are the Health Benefits of Balbas Pusa?

Balbas Pusa has numerous health benefits. A number of studies highlight its efficacy as a medicinal herb.

Here are some of its medicinal uses:

It has antioxidant properties

Researchers have found that extracts made using the Balbas Pusa plant work effectively as antioxidants. Antioxidants are chemical compounds that hunt down free radicals, or chemicals that can cause damage to cells.

Researchers need to perform more tests to confirm its antioxidant properties. But initial research with Balbas Pusa extract shows a lot of potential.

It helps against inflammation

Balbas Pusa also shows promise in terms of preventing inflammation. A study conducted about this aspect of the plant showed that Balbas Pusa extract helped lower inflammation when it was tested on rats.

While more testing may confirm its effectivity on humans, these initial results are promising. This plant has a lot of potential as herbal medicine.

It also has antimicrobial properties

Another study done on Balbas Pusa shows that it can kill certain types of food-borne bacteria. This means that drinking tea made from Balbas Pusa can kill harmful bacteria, especially those that could cause disease.

It can help with hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol

Balbas Pusa contains a chemical compound that has the ability to aid in lowering high blood pressure.

Balbas Pusa extract was also found to be able to lower blood sugar levels, and also high cholesterol levels in the blood.

It also has the potential to help control obesity, as well as mitigate the negative health effects that come with being obese.


It could help in the treatment of liver cancer

Lastly, researchers found that sinensetin, a chemical compound found in Balbas Pusa, can help in killing off and slowing down the spread of cancer cells, specifically that of liver cancer.

The researchers used extracts made from the plant, and tested it on liver cancer cells. They found that it can induce cell death in cancer cells. It also slowed down the growth and spread of these cells.

All of these health benefits support what people in Southeast Asia have known for hundreds of years; that Balbas Pusa is an effective herbal medicine with numerous health benefits and healing properties.

How Can It Be Used as Medicine?

Knowing how to prepare Balbas Pusa helps preserve its chemical compounds. The simplest and most straightforward preparation is steeping the leaves in hot water. This is the most common preparation, and has been called “Java tea” in some places.

What Precautions Do I Need To Take?

In terms of toxicity, more studies need to be done. Drinking the leaves as tea is beneficial. However, people who use Balbas Pusa claim that the other parts of the plant, such as the flower and the stem, can be toxic.

People can also have allergic reactions to Balbas Pusa. Before consuming it, it would be a good idea to consult your doctor and find out if you are allergic to it.

Additionally, women who are pregnant or who are breastfeeding should avoid drinking tea made from Balbas Pusa. There are no studies regarding its safety for babies.  

As with other medicinal plants, it is always good to talk to your doctor before trying a herbal remedy. You must consult your physician especially if you are intending to use Balbas Pusa for high blood pressure, diabetes, or even cancer. Your doctor would best be able to provide you with information regarding Balbas Pusa and how you can safely use it. 

Remember, herbal remedies are not a replacement for medicine. The chemical compounds in plants are not exact amounts. This means that consuming too much of a certain plant may no longer be beneficial, and start to cause harm.

Learn more about Herbal Medicine here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Current Version


Written by Jan Alwyn Batara

Medically reviewed by Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

Updated by: Vincent Sales

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Written by Jan Alwyn Batara · Updated Mar 13, 2023

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