Potassium is a notable mineral as it helps the body perform well. And it is already second nature for people to always include bananas in their grocery list to obtain this mineral. While it is the first food that comes into mind, there are far more sources rich in potassium. This article tells you more about it.
Potassium: An Overview
Potassium would have to be that mineral the body requires a good dosage of through food consumption or pill supplementation. Its primary function in the body is to assist and maintain the normal fluid levels within the cells. Its counterpart — sodium — plays the same role only outside the cell.
Potassium is also known as an electrolyte because it has a modest electrical charge that stimulates numerous cell and nerve activities.
Too high or too low levels of potassium may pose a threat to the body. Inadequate potassium consumption raises blood pressure, kidney stone risk, bone turnover, urinary calcium excretion, and salt sensitivity. In some cases, severe potassium deficiency (serum potassium level at less than 3.6 mmol/L) can also lead to weakened muscles (hypokalemia).
This brought the National Academy of Medicine to establish an Adequate Intake (AI) guideline for potassium. It may vary depending on a person’s age, sex, or even health condition.
- 2,300 mg per day is the AI for women 14-18 years old. Meanwhile, AI is at 2,600 mg daily for those women 19 and older.
- AI ranges from 2,500 – 2,900 for pregnant and lactating women.
- Men have the highest rates as those who are at 14-18 years old are required to have 3,000 mg on a daily basis. Whereas those older need 400 mg more.
Fruits and Vegetables Rich in Potassium
Potassium is abundant in many food products, particularly fruits and vegetables. Sources such as bananas, leafy green vegetables, beans, and nuts are all included in this rundown.
For sure, this popular yellow fruit would have to be on top of this list.
A medium banana has around 422 milligrams of potassium in it. Another option rich in potassium is its cousin, the plantain.
Leafy green vegetables
Potassium levels in a half-cup portion of cooked spinach can reach about 400 milligrams.
Other leafy greens like Swiss chard, Brussel sprouts, and beet greens also contain good amounts of this mineral.

Beans are an excellent source of potassium. Each half-cup portion of white beans and adzuki beans has around 600 milligrams.
Wheres, lima, navy, pinto, and Great Northern beans provide more than 350 mg of potassium per half-cup serving. Soybeans (edamame) and lentils are also rich in potassium.
Did you know that potatoes are much more nutritious with their skin on? It is known that one baked potato with skin has over 900 mg of potassium as compared to a skinless one at approximately 500 milligrams.
Tomatoes are not only good sources of vitamin C but also a good option to consider if you want to increase your potassium intake.
A cup of chopped tomatoes contains over 400 milligrams of potassium, whereas a cup of tomato juice or puree contains over 500 mg.
A half-cup serving of creamy avocado includes approximately 364 milligrams of potassium. So, from fruit salad to avocado toast or even a quick dip from your guacamole can get you your potassium fix.
Other fruits and vegetable potassium sources include:
- Artichokes
- Prunes
- Dates
- Nectarines
- Oranges
- Cantaloupes
And while you are at it, you may also incorporate milk or yogurt in your recipes to add to your potassium intake.
Key Takeaway
People reach for bananas as their main source of potassium in order to help them strengthen their muscles and bones. And while it may be convenient to do so, you may also mix things up by adding other fruits and vegetables rich in potassium in your meal plan.
If you’re worried about inadequate potassium intake or other related conditions, always consult your healthcare provider.
Learn more helpful Nutrition Facts here.