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Milk Tea Disadvantages: Why Are They Unhealthy?

Milk Tea Disadvantages: Why Are They Unhealthy?
Milk Tea Disadvantages: Why Are They Unhealthy?

While drinking milk tea in moderation might assist your body to detoxify, overconsumption of milk tea can result in acne and pimples. This article can tell you more about this. Learn more about milk tea disadvantages here. 

Milk Tea Disadvantages: 9 Reasons

Here are nine ways why drinking milk tea could be bad for your health.

1. Insomnia

The first in the list of milk tea disadvantages: While consuming small amounts of caffeine won’t harm you, consuming more than two cups per day can cause serious sleep problems.

Black tea, used in most milk teas, is also high in caffeine. It can cause sleep disturbances like insomnia.

2. Anxiety

While some teas, like chamomile, are known for their calming properties, drinking excessive amounts of milk tea can have the opposite effect. This is because, while tea can activate brain cells to help you relax, excessive consumption can lead to a chemical imbalance in the brain that can worsen anxiety.

Drinking more than 150 ml of tea per day increases your risk of developing anxiety. If you notice that your anxiety is getting worse, speak to your doctor. 

3. Pimples

The key components of a cup of coffee or tea are milk and sugar, which make skin more prone to breakouts. 

4. Headache

You probably may have gone for a cup of tea in the hopes that it would give you some much-needed headache relief. But unfortunately, your habit could be the source of your problem. Although moderate intake is healthy for most people, drinking too much could have negative side effects, such as anxiety, headaches, digestive problems, and disrupted sleep patterns. Most people can drink 3–4 cups (710–950 ml) of tea daily without experiencing any side effects.

5. Low nutrient absorption

Tea contains a substance called tannin, which inhibits the absorption of iron, zinc, and calcium. It is best to leave a 30-minute gap between eating a meal and drinking tea to ensure you have the best chance to absorb the nutrients from your meal. 

6. Blood pressure imbalance

When taken in small doses, tea can help improve circulation, heart health, brain and nerve functions, and your immune system. However, if you consume too much of the beverage, it either raises your heart rate and causes high blood pressure or it slows it down excessively due to its calming properties and causes your blood pressure to drop excessively. This is one of the milk tea disadvantages you should be wary of. 

7. Increased restlessness

We frequently go for a cup of tea to ease our stress and unwind after a long day, but did you know that drinking milk team may make stress and anxiety worse? Yes, drinking too much tea might make you agitated. And the most straightforward way to treat such symptoms is to simply reduce your tea consumption and switch to healthier variants like chamomile, white tea, or green tea.

Key Takeaway

Are there numerous milk tea disadvantages? It’s okay to drink three to five cups of tea per day on average; the rest depends on how your body responds to the substances in tea.

Limited research suggests that adding milk to tea may interfere with antioxidant component activity and absorption, while other studies suggest the opposite. Tea is regarded as being incredibly good for the body when consumed in regulated, controlled doses. However, for concerns, consult a dietitian or your doctor. 

Learn more Nutrition Facts here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Tea and Health: Studies in Humans Accessed 18 May 2020 The Effect of Black Tea on Blood

Pressure Accessed 18 May 2020 Effect of Green Tea Consumption on Blood Pressure? Accessed 18 May 2020

Phenolic Profiles and Antioxidant Activities of 30 Tea Infusions from Green, Black, Oolong, White, Yellow and Dark Teas Accessed 18 May 2020

Food Data Central – Milk Accessed 18 May 2020

Current Version


Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel

Expertly reviewed by Chris Icamen

Updated by: Kristel Lagorza

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Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel · Updated Oct 04, 2022

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