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Juice Cleanse DIY: What's the Truth Behind This New Trend?

Juice Cleanse DIY: What's the Truth Behind This New Trend?
Juice Cleanse DIY: What's the Truth Behind This New Trend?

We’re always on the lookout for the next new diet craze. Because let’s be honest, sustaining a diet is incredibly hard and boring. That’s why new trends and fads are great because they keep things exciting! (However, one must always be wary of those diets that are not sustainable and which are detrimental in the long run.) One of the recent trends to come out is what is known as a juice cleanse. But what is it exactly? Is it easy? Is it safe? Does it work? How do I juice cleanse diy? Read on. 

What is a Juice Cleanse?

A juice cleanse is a kind of detox diet. As the name suggests, a juice cleanse involves only drinking vegetable and fruit juice for a certain amount of days. Juice cleanses usually last 1-3 days, but they can go for as long as 10 days.

People believe that going on a juice cleanse helps detoxify the body from an unhealthy build-up of fats and toxins coming from an unhealthy diet. This trendy detox craze also touts that it can help with weight loss and maintenance.

What are the Proposed Benefits?

Here are some proposed benefits of going on a juice cleanse:

  • Improved overall health
  • Flushing out of toxins
  • Better digestion

While the entire idea of detoxifying by only drinking juices and vegetables makes sense, we need to turn to science to verify its claims.

Unfortunately, there is no current evidence or study that strongly points to the exact effectiveness of a juice cleanse. Some schools of thought even argue that solely drinking vegetables and fruits can deprive the body of fiber.

On the other hand, certain fruits and vegetables (like citrus, kale, and carrot ) have been proven to be beneficial to overall health so an increased intake of them can help your body.

With all the information available to us right now, it might be wise to not put too much stock into the efficacy of a juice cleanse when it comes to a healthier lifestyle. However, introducing more fruits and vegetables in your diet through juicing may be a good idea. Maybe finding a middle ground, one where you introduce juices but not entirely relying on fasting would be the best course of action.  

Is it Effective?

When it comes to the topic of weight loss, going on a juice cleanse can certainly produce results. For the short-term, it can be a quick means to reset your body. However, it’s not a suitable nor sustainable method for any long-term results. If you’re set on juicing, find a middle ground between juicing and other more stable weight loss methods like meal planning or exercise.  

Juice Cleanse DIY

Still interested in trying the juice cleanse? Here’s your juice cleanse diy. For the juice cleanse you can prepare any and as many types of fruits and veggies you’d like in your juice or smoothie. But avoid adding too much sugar (you can opt for low-calorie sweeteners) or fruits that are high in sugar. 


Leading up to your cleanse, you need to wean yourself from certain foods. Gradually lessen and remove your intake of coffee, sugar, dairy, alcohol, and wheat.

If you smoke, you should also call it quits leading up to the fast. This is to help you control any cravings or withdrawal symptoms that might arise from the fast.

Drink, drink, drink

During the entire fasting process, you should be drinking 32 ounces of juice or smoothie with at least half of it being made up of vegetables.

Breaking the fast

After fasting, you need to be careful with the amount of food you eat because your stomach will be sensitive. Eat lightly for a few days following the fast. Gradually include foods into your meals in the following days.

Key Takeaways

A juice cleanse is a diet trend that is said to help cleanse your body of toxins by only drinking fruit and vegetable juice for a set amount of time. While it boasts a lot of benefits like overall health and weight loss, there aren’t enough scientific studies now to give enough credence to it.

However, science does agree that fruits and vegetables are beneficial to the body, and upping our intake can be good for your health. While we can’t solely rely on it, introducing more fruit and vegetables to our diet is beneficial. 

Learn Other Healthy Eating Tips here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

What is a Juice Cleanse, Accessed March 26, 2021

Are Juice Cleanses Actually Good For You?, Accessed March 26, 2021

Juicing — Fad or Fab?, Accessed March 26, 2021

Is Juicing Healthier Than Eating Whole Fruits or Vegetables?, Accessed March 26, 2021

Do Detox Diets Offer Any Health Benefits?, Accessed March 26, 2021

Current Version


Written by Sky Abundo

Medically reviewed by Regina Victoria Boyles, MD

Updated by: Regina Victoria Boyles

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Written by Sky Abundo · Updated Jul 08, 2023

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