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Gallbladder Polyps Treatment without Surgery: Is it Possible?

Gallbladder Polyps Treatment without Surgery: Is it Possible?
Gallbladder Polyps Treatment without Surgery: Is it Possible?

Gallbladder polyps are small, abnormal tissue growths that stick out from the lining of the gallbladder. It typically does not show any clinical symptoms. A majority of cases are discovered through a CT scan or an ultrasound. However, gallbladder polyps may cause nausea, vomiting, and occasional pain in the right part of the upper abdomen. Is there available gallbladder polyps treatment without surgery?

Most polyps are usually small and benign (noncancerous). Researchers suggest that about 95% of the cases were noncancerous. However, there is a chance that some polyps can be cancerous.

It can be determined by a medical professional whether the polyp is malignant (cancerous) or not based on its size. Small gallbladder growths that are less than ½ inch in diameter are likely to be non-cancerous. 

Polyps that are larger than ½ inch in diameter have an increased chance of it turning into cancer, and growths that have a diameter that exceeds ¾ inches are very likely to pose a significant risk of it being cancerous.

The risk of cancer increases with polyp size, with adenomatous polyps ≥10 mm having a 37% to 55% risk of malignancy

gallbladder polyps treatment without surgery

Gallbladder Polyps Treatment Without Surgery: When is it Recommended?

Treating gallbladder polyps depends on the size of their growth. For smaller polyps that are less than ½ inch in diameter, it usually does not require any treatment, but your doctor may implore you to schedule regular checkups in order to observe for any changes that may indicate malignancy which can usually be done through a standard abdominal ultrasound or an endoscopic ultrasound.

When is Gallbladder Polyps Treatment Through Surgery Required?

Polyps that are larger than ½ inch in diameter may require undergoing surgery. There are two common types of surgery that people with gallbladder polyps go through. 

The first one is called an “Open gallbladder removal”, which involves the process of removing the gallbladder through an opening provided by a large incision in the abdomen.

 The second one is called a “laparoscopic cholecystectomy”. It is a minimally invasive surgery that involves cutting small incisions through the use of specialized tools in order to remove the diseased gallbladder. It is also the most common type of gallbladder removal surgery.

 Before the surgery, you may undergo several tests to ensure that you are healthy enough to undergo the procedure, some of these tests may include blood tests, imaging tests, and depending on your medical history, you may also need to undergo additional tests such as an EKG (Electrocardiogram) or an x-ray of your chest.

At this stage, it is highly recommended that you tell your doctor if you are currently taking any kind of medication, including supplements or over-the-counter drugs for the reason that certain medications can possibly interfere with the procedure.

This procedure is performed in order to provide permanent relief to a person that is suffering from gallbladder polyps or any problems that are associated with the gallbladder in general.

While both options are considered a safe operation, every surgical operation still carries some risks. Consult your doctor in order to minimize the risks as much as possible, risks of the removal of gallbladder include:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Blood vessel damage
  • Infection
  • Allergic reaction
  • Injury to the small intestine
  • Pancreatitis
  • Blood clots
  • Heart problems

Home remedies

Even though resorting to natural treatments is not supported by most medical professionals, the majority of people would still attempt to treat gallbladder polyps through natural means. Some home remedies that can help provide relief from benign gallbladder polyps may include:

  • Warm water enemas
  • Eating beets or drinking beet juice
  • Pear juice or pears
  • Externally applying hot compress
  • Drinking olive oil on an empty stomach

Some people would also recommend taking preventive steps in order to help reduce the development of gallbladder polyps. Some of these steps include avoiding the following:

  • Fried or fatty foods
  • High cholesterol and readymade foods
  • Full-fat dairy products
  • Carbonated drinks

In addition to this, some people may also recommend the additional intake of:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • High-fiber bread and cereals

Key Takeaways

Is gallbladder polyps treatment without surgery available? Gallbladder polyps are usually benign and nothing to be worried about, but their existence should not go completely unnoticed. It is highly recommended to take precautions as there is still a chance that they may become cancerous. If you are worried or if you experience some of the symptoms of gallbladder polyps, get yourself checked by a medical professional.

Learn more about Gallbladder Disease, here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

About gallbladder polyps,)%20or%20noncancerous%20(benign).

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Study about polyps

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Diagnosis and treatment of gallbladder polyps

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Experts on gallbladder polyps

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Current perspectives on treating gallbladder polyps

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Current Version


Written by Ruby Anne Hornillos

Medically reviewed by Mia Dacumos, MD

Updated by: Jan Alwyn Batara

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Written by Ruby Anne Hornillos · Updated Aug 23, 2023

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