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Everything You Need to Know About Daily Pooping

Everything You Need to Know About Daily Pooping
Everything You Need to Know About Daily Pooping

Daily bowel movements are important as it excretes the waste from the body and keeps the body clean. Even though it feels embarrassing to discuss daily pooping, remember, it is important. Your frequency and consistency of poop speak a lot about your health.

In this article, you’d definitely get awkward as it tells everything about daily pooping, its frequency, and ways to have healthy bowel movements.

What is the normal frequency of bowel movements?

Remember, what seems normal to you might be abnormal for another. This is because every individual has a different body type and frequency of bowel movements.

According to a 2010 study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, researchers found that the participants pooped between thrice a day to thrice a week.

Most people have their own timings and routine to use the washroom. when your pattern is disturbed, this might be considered as a stomach or bowel problem. 

As per MUSC Health, Medical University of South Carolina, doctors believe there is no accurate number of times a person should poop. The doctors then ruled out that bowel movement anywhere from thrice a week to thrice a day is considered normal. Most people enjoy daily pooping and follow the same number of times daily.

Other than that, if you experience or find anything suspicious about your bowel movement frequency or consistency, you can always ask your doctor.

Factors that affect your daily pooping frequency

There are several factors that can affect the frequency and intensity of bowel movements. Below are the common factors that affect your daily pooping frequency. 

Age can affect daily pooping

Age is one of the common factors that changes the frequency and intensity of your bowel movements. 

The older you get, the higher the possibilities that you suffer from irregular and infrequent bowel movements. This is because with age, your body experiences a number of digestive changes, including reduced gastric movement, reduced mobility, and certain medications that cause infrequent and irregular bowels.

Acute or chronic illness

Acute illness like stomach flu or viral gastroenteritis or certain medicines can disturb the daily pooping activity and frequency. 

Some chronic illnesses like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease can increase the intensity of bowel movements, followed by infrequent bowels or constipation. 

Therefore, if you are ill and experiencing the change in your daily pooping activities, inform your doctor immediately. This is the same for the people who are suffering from infrequent bowels due to medicines.

Daily diet can affect daily pooping

What you eat affects your body – both positively and negatively. 

Insoluble and soluble fiber present in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can add bulk to your stools, promoting healthy bowel activities. 

However, if your diet does not have a sufficient amount of fiber, it may affect your bowels and its frequency.

Drink more fluids as it makes your stool soft and easier to pass. Many doctors recommend drinking more fluids when you are suffering from constipation. 

Physical activity can affect daily pooping

Your physical activity not only helps to burn fat but also helps your metabolism. Increased metabolism helps your body to absorb nutrients from food and pass out waste easily. 

Daily exercise helps to improve your metabolic activity. This helps proper bowel movements. However, when you are following a sedentary lifestyle, the frequency and intensity of bowels change too. This is why obese and overweight individuals tend to have digestion problems and irregular bowel movements.

Thus, it is best that you are physically active, helping your body and digestive system work efficiently.

Certain hormones can affect daily pooping

Certain hormones like oestrogen and progesterone can affect the frequency and intensity of bowel movements. 

Women can experience the change in bowel activities when they are about to have their periods.

You can always talk to your doctor about infrequent or irregular bowel activities around your menstrual cycle date. 

Other factors

Some people have difficulty pooping in a public washroom. This is why most people feel constipated when they are traveling because they do not feel comfortable. That is absolutely fine!

What you can do is, follow the tips mentioned in the below section. This will help you with healthy bowel movements when you are away from your comfort place. 

Ways to have a healthy bowel movement

This will come as a surprise for you that pooping is part physical and part psychological. Yes, for healthy bowel movement, your brain should be at ease too!

Stress management

Stress can change the frequency and intensity of bowel movements. It is one of the most common factors that affect healthy bowel activities. Thus, it is best that you indulge in some activities that ease your mind and fight stress.

Try sports, or dancing, or meeting a friend, or spending time with your loved ones or pet animals. There are ample ways that can ease your mind and boost your mood. Do things that help relieve stress as it will be beneficial not only for your bowel movements but also for your overall health.

Be physically active

Being physically active is one of the best stress management techniques. Moving more or walking helps your intestine to push the stool smoothly. Physical activities like walking, running, swimming, exercising, etc., promote natural motion, helping smooth bowel activities. 

Small activities like walking for 10-15 minutes can help your digestive system. Thus, be physically active to help your intestine push forward the waste materials easily.

Change your sitting position

Especially when you are on the toilet seat! Try changing the angle of your legs that helps to change the angle of your colon (intestines). Change the position of your legs every time you use the washroom.

You can use a toilet footstool that helps comfortable and smooth bowel movements. In case, you don’t have a footstool, you can simply raise your feet above the ground and adjust the sitting posture. Ensure your knees are higher than your toilet seat.

Change your lifestyle

There are certain habits that cause constipation or infrequent daily pooping. This makes it harder for the stool to pass. Below are some reasons that cause constipation or infrequent bowels.

  • Food with excess sugar
  • Caffeinated drinks and beverages
  • Fatty foods
  • Alcohol
  • Spicy foods

Try limiting these items to prevent bowel problems. 

Think about bowel movements

This can be ‘eww’ but yes, thinking about bowel movement can help you with daily pooping. Doctors have found a connection between the brain and the intestines:

  • Try using the washroom at the same time daily. This will develop a pattern for your body for daily pooping. In this way, whenever you are traveling or using another toilet, you will have the urge to poop.
  • Think about poop, literally. You don’t need to be ashamed of it, just think and you might end up having an urge to use the washroom. 
  • Never ever put your bowels on hold. Use the washroom whenever you feel like using it. 

These are the essential points that you must know about daily pooping. Ensure you are having a healthy bowel movement with proper frequency and intensity. 

In case of constipation or any bowel-related problems, consult with your doctor and get medical assistance. 

Learn more about Other Digestive Health Issues here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Current Version


Written by Nikita Bhalla

Fact-checked by Hello Doctor Medical Panel

Updated by: Kristel Lagorza

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