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Removal of Uterine Polyps: All You Need to Know

Removal of Uterine Polyps: All You Need to Know
Removal of Uterine Polyps: All You Need to Know

Polyps are small and abnormal growths that look like small or flat bumps. In most cases, these abnormal growths are non-cancerous, but if left untreated they may eventually turn cancerous. The growth of polyps can occur in any part of your body including the colon, ear canal, nose, throat, uterus, and cervix. Polyps that grow in the uterus are called uterine polyps or endometrial polyps. Women with the condition may either have one or multiple polyps. Based on your condition your doctor may recommend the removal of uterine polyps.

Symptoms of uterine polyps

Changes in the menstrual cycle or heavy bleeding are the most common signs of uterine polyps. Women with the condition may have unpredictable periods or bleeding for more days. If you have an irregular menstrual cycle or vaginal bleeding after menopause, it is advised to consult your doctor.

These can cause symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycle, infertility, or sudden bleeding from the vagina. In some cases, women with the condition may experience no symptoms at all.

Removal of uterine polyps

Causes of uterine polyps

There’s not enough data about the cause of uterine polyps, but changes in the hormone levels are said to be one of the major causes of the condition.

Being postmenopausal increases your risk of developing the condition. Other factors that make you more prone to developing the condition include hormone replacement therapy, breast cancer treatment, obesity, etc.

Diagnosis and treatment of uterine polyps

If you have any symptoms associated with uterine polyps, it is important to consult your doctor. The diagnosis and treatment of uterine polyps are important. In some cases, the removal of uterine polyps may be advised.

Your doctor may ask you about your menstrual cycle including the days it lasts and if you experience heavy bleeding, etc. Then your doctor may do a physical examination of your uterus to check for the presence of polyps. To diagnose the condition, your doctor may recommend certain medical tests.

Transvaginal ultrasound

In this test, your doctor may insert a wand-like device inside your vagina. Images of the uterus are visible on the monitor. The images are created using sound waves.


In this procedure, your doctor may insert a tube-like structure inside your vagina. Some saline water may also be injected inside your uterus. This will help your uterus to expand and give a clear inside view. The images are viewed on the computer screen.

Endometrial biopsy

In this procedure, your doctor may insert a small tube inside your uterus to get a small sample of your tissue. This sample tissue is sent to the lab for analysis.

If the test results indicate the presence of small polyps but you do not have any symptoms, then your doctor may suggest waiting for a while.

In most cases, small polyps without any symptoms heal on their own without any medication or treatment. But if your doctor suspects any risk of uterine cancer, then he/she may suggest removal of uterine polyps.

Certain medications help to regulate your hormone levels and relieve the symptoms. But you may also notice that the symptoms are relieved only when you take the medications. Once you stop the medications, there are chances that the symptoms may come back.

If you have cancerous polyps or if the polyps are discovered after menopause, your doctor may suggest the removal of uterine polyps.

Removal of uterine polyps

Depending on the severity of the condition, associated symptoms, and response to previous treatments, your doctor may suggest the removal of uterine polyps in some cases.

Surgeries to remove uterine polyps

The surgery date is decided on the basis of your menstrual cycle. Usually, the surgery is performed within 10 days after your menstruation.

The surgery can be carried out in two ways – either by removing the polyps or by removing the entire uterus.

The procedure to remove polyps is called a polypectomy.

While the surgery that requires removing the entire uterus is called a hysterectomy. The procedure can be performed in two ways – vaginal hysterectomy and abdominal hysterectomy.

In a vaginal hysterectomy, your doctor will remove the uterus through the vagina. In an abdominal hysterectomy, your doctor will remove your uterus through your abdomen. Both the type of surgeries require general anaesthesia.

After the surgery, you may feel a little discomfort and pain. The recovery period may vary from person to person. Your doctor may prescribe certain medications to relieve pain and quick healing. You may need to stay at the hospital for a few days after the surgery.

Preparation before removal of uterine polyps

To undergo surgery, you may need to do a lot of preparation. Inform your doctor about all the medications, herbals, and supplements you take. There are certain medications that act as blood thinners.

Your doctor may ask you to avoid the consumption of such medications, herbals, or supplements for a few days before the surgery. Make sure you stop consuming the medications only if recommended by the doctor. Do not do this on your own.

There are certain lifestyle changes you may need to follow including avoiding smoking and consuming alcohol for a few days before and after the surgery.

Before the surgery, your doctor may ask you to do certain medical tests including blood tests and imaging tests. Blood tests are helpful to know if you are fit for the procedure.

Your doctor may prescribe certain medications that you need to take before and after the surgery. Make sure you take all the medications that need to be taken before the surgery as instructed by your doctor. In case you happen to miss any dosage, make sure you inform your doctor. You must also stock all the medications you need to take after the surgery to avoid any last-minute rush.

You may need to take local or general anesthesia before the surgery. The type of anaesthesia depends on the procedure of the surgery.

If your doctor recommends general anaesthesia, he/she may provide some instructions you need to follow before the surgery. You may also need a consultation by the anesthetist before the surgery.

Complications in the surgery

In most cases, polyps are non-cancerous. However, it is important to treat the condition as early as possible. If left untreated or if there’s a delay in the treatment, the growth can turn cancerous in some cases.

Uterine polyps may affect your fertility. These growths may prevent you from getting pregnant or cause frequent miscarriages.

It is believed that the removal of uterine polyps can be helpful for women to conceive. Though there’s not enough research supporting the claim. Follow your doctor’s advice regarding the treatment of polyps in case of infertility and for the removal of uterine polyps for any purpose.

Learn more about female reproductive health, here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Uterine Polyps/,the%20growth%20of%20uterine%20polyps./Accessed on 16/06/2020

Uterine polyps/ on 16/06/2020

Vaginal hysterectomy/ on 16/06/2020

Uterine polyps rarely are cancerous/ on 16/06/2020

Current Version


Written by Nikita Bhalla

Medically reviewed by Kristina Campos, MD

Updated by: Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

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Written by Nikita Bhalla · Updated Jun 15, 2022

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