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Are Bananas Good For Urinary Tract Infection?

Expertly reviewed by Chris Icamen · Dietetics and Nutrition

Written by Honey Buenaventura · Updated Apr 19, 2022

Are Bananas Good For Urinary Tract Infection?

One of the most common causes for urinary changes and discomfort is a urinary tract infection, which may lead to more serious complications if left untreated. But by taking steps to avoid developing an infection, you’ll have less to worry about. Preemptive care need not be a complicated thing, however. Food that is readily available can have a huge impact on your urinary health, such as bananas. So are bananas good for urinary tract infection? How do they positively affect your urination? Read on to find out.

What are Urinary Tract Infections?

Urinary tract infections (UTI) refer to the conditions wherein the urinary tract has become overwhelmed by bacteria. It can manifest in different ways, ranging from inflammation of the bladder or cystitis to severe kidney infection.

Once bacteria enter parts of the urinary tract and begin replicating, the infection begins.

It is also worth noting that because of how the urethra, or the tube through which urine flows, of women is of much shorter length than men, urinary tract infections occur more frequently in females.

Urinary tract infection in men is a much rarer occurrence and must be examined by medical professionals as soon as possible.

Knowing these bits of information, you’re probably wondering are bananas good for urinary tract infection? How does it address bacterial build-up? Before that can be answered, it’s important to know the signs of an infection. 

Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections

The symptoms experienced vary based on which area of the urinary tract is infected. But there are general ones that occur regardless of location, such as:

  • A fatigued and uncomfortable feeling
  • Urine that is opaque or bearing a strong odor
  • More frequent urination than normal
  • A burning sensation or pain when urinating
  • Bloody urine
  • Body temperatures in the extremes (either low or high)

Meanwhile, elderly individuals may also experience other, less common symptoms like:

  • A change in overall behavior
  • Worsening incontinence
  • Increased hostility or confusion

Are Bananas Good for Urinary Tract Infection?

Bananas and other fiber-rich foods are indeed good for preventing urinary tract infections. They aid proper bowel movement, which helps keep pressure off of the urinary tract. So urine flow is unobstructed, ensuring that bacteria build-up does not happen.

Most 120g bananas have 1.7 grams of soluble fiber, which helps get rid of bacteria when paired with sufficient water intake.

Bananas are also a good food to eat if you have a sensitive bladder, as some foods can cause irritation.

The benefits you get from eating bananas also go beyond past urinary tract infection prevention because they are rich in nutrients such as:

  • Potassium for muscle and nerve health
  • Vitamin C, which bolsters your immune system as an antioxidant 
  • Magnesium for bone strength and health
  • Better Out Than In

    So to answer the earlier question, “Are bananas good for urinary tract infection?”, by ensuring that your bowels are in tip-top shape, you’re less likely to get an infection.

    Basically, making sure that your body is flushing out bacteria and other wastes is the key to preventing a urinary tract infection. And bananas are one staple food that aids the body in removing waste. 

    Learn more about Urinary Tract Infection here


    Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

    Expertly reviewed by

    Chris Icamen

    Dietetics and Nutrition

    Written by Honey Buenaventura · Updated Apr 19, 2022

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