The kidneys are one of the most essential organs in your body. The main job of our kidneys is to filter extra waste products from the body, as well as balance the body’s fluid and minerals. Afterwards, the filtered wastes from your blood exit the body as part of urine. Like any other organ, the kidneys are prone to diseases that may affect its function.
High levels of harmful waste and fluid may accumulate in your body if your kidneys do not filter your blood properly. It can then eventually raise your blood pressure, which will then affect other organs to include the kidney which will result to kidney failure. If left unmanaged, end-stage kidney or renal disease may occur where 90% of the kidney’s ability to function normally is lost.
An end-stage renal disease or chronic kidney disease is dangerous and fatal. Hence proper management is necessary. A patient with this condition can undergo regular treatments of dialysis which removes waste and extra fluid from your body with the help of a machine. However, there is another treatment option — a kidney transplant if a suitable kidney donor is available.

Kidney Transplant in the Philippines: What Is This Surgery?
Many Filipinos are familiar with kidney failure. And when we talk about kidney failure, it is often associated with dialysis as its treatment. However, not all patients prefer a lifetime treatment through dialysis. For some, a better choice is to replace the kidneys altogether and undergo a kidney transplant. It is a surgical procedure executed to replace kidneys that no longer function properly with a healthy kidney from a living or deceased kidney donor.
Receiving a kidney transplant may:
- Lower the risk of death
- Lower the overall treatment cost
- Reduce the dietary restrictions
- Improve the quality of life
Not everyone is qualified to undergo this kidney transplant procedure. In some cases of renal failure, a kidney transplant will be a high-risk option than a dialysis treatment.
There are certain reasons and conditions that may prevent you from receiving this treatment which includes:
- Severe heart disease
- Old age
- Dementia or other mental illness
- Alcohol or substance abuse
- Presently battling with cancer or recently treated
- Any other reason or circumstance that can affect the procedure and prevent the patient from taking the medications needed following the kidney transplant.
To proceed with the surgery, the patient needs only one donated kidney, either from a living or a deceased donor. In the event that there is no available living donor that matches the patient, he or she will be placed on a kidney transplant waiting list.
The kidneys donated on the waiting list usually come from deceased donors. Getting a match in the kidney transplant waiting list can take several months or even years depending on these factors:
- The matching and compatibility of the patient and the donor
- The patient’s time on dialysis and how long he or she was on the waiting list
- The patient’s expected survival rate after the transplant
Kidney Transplant: What To Expect
After recommending a kidney transplant, your doctor will assess if you are healthy enough to go through surgery and the post-transplant medications. You will also be evaluated for any medical conditions or illness that can affect the success of the transplant.
Choose Your Transplant Facility
Your doctor can refer you to a kidney transplant facility. You can also choose a facility on your own after considering the cost of the procedure your insurance company’s preferred providers. Please be reminded to check the kidney transplant survival rate of the chosen facility.
It is best to research about the types of transplants performed in the center and how many are done in each year. Find out about the different centers that offer kidney transplant procedures in the Philippines.
Consider the Kidney Transplant Cost
Kidney transplant costs may include tests, hospital stays, acquiring an organ donation, medications, transportation and travels to and from the facility and follow-up appointments.
Find a Compatible Kidney Donor
A living kidney donor is a faster alternative than waiting for a match in the deceased donor waiting list, which could take a few years. There are different facilities that can help you find a kidney donor here in the Philippines. A family member donor can also be an option and could be a perfect match.
Stay Healthy
Follow all your diet and exercise guidelines. Take your prescribed medicines and avoid smoking and drinking prior to your surgery. Your body needs to be healthy and strong to withstand the surgery and to be able to recover faster after the procedure.
During the Kidney Transplant
The kidney transplant is done under general anesthesia that will put you to sleep during the procedure. The doctor will make an incision in your lower abdomen (tummy) and place the kidney inside, surgically connecting it to your arteries and veins.
If it is not causing problems or complications, your doctor will leave your original kidneys inside the body.
After the Kidney Transplant Procedure
After the transplant, you will have to stay at the hospital for a few days to heal and be monitored for any signs of surgical complications. The pain and soreness around the incision site is normal and you will feel better as it heals after a while.
After you leave the hospital, you will have follow-up appointments and medications will be prescribed by your doctor. These anti-rejection drugs will prevent your immune system from rejecting and attacking your new kidney. You will take these medications for the rest of your life.
If the transplant is successful, your new kidney will be able to function normally and filter your blood. This means, you will not have to get dialysis treatment anymore.
Key Takeaways
It’s not easy to undergo any major surgery. The feeling of unease and worry while waiting for a donor and having fears about rejection is normal. Seek support from your family and friends. There are support groups that can help you understand and cope with your condition.
Try to adjust your diet and lifestyle and make healthier choices. Once you recover from your surgery, try to do low-impact exercises and physical activities. The journey towards a successful kidney transplant may be challenging, but the right guidance from your doctor and support of those closest to you can make it easier.
Learn more about Kidney Disease here.