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Visible Nose Pores? How Do You Make Them Smaller?

Visible Nose Pores? How Do You Make Them Smaller?
Visible Nose Pores? How Do You Make Them Smaller?

Heredity, clogged pores, disorders like acne or hormonal fluctuations, and a variety of lifestyle choices can make nose pores appear larger, stretched, or more apparent. Typically, dots that form on the nose are not blackheads and do not require extraction. Rather, they are visible nose pores. Please note that pores come in a variety of sizes, but nose pores are typically larger than those found elsewhere.

The good news is, larger nose pores may appear less apparent with several home cures and treatments.

This article will look at a few possible causes of stretched nose pores as well as several remedies for cleaning, unclogging, and shrinking nose pores.

What Makes My Nose Pores Bigger?

Because nose pores are naturally larger, they may be more noticeable if they become clogged. Clogged pores are typically made up of a mixture of sebum and dead skin cells that collect in the hair follicles beneath. This results in “plugs” that may harden and enlarge the follicle walls, which may increase the visibility of the pores.

Other possible causes of clogged clogged and enlarged pores include: 

+ Acne

+ More oil production (common in oily skin types)

+ Lack of exfoliation as it can cause the accumulation of dead skin cells.

+ Higher humidity

+ Heat

+ Exposure to the sun, particularly if you don’t use sunscreen

+ Heredity (if your parents have oily skin and wide nose pores, you may likely have the same)

+ Hormone changes, such as those that occur during menstruation or puberty

+ Caffeine or alcohol consumption (these can dry out your skin and lead to increased sebum production)

+ Unhealthy dietary choices (while no single foods have proven to cause acne, plant-based diets are thought to help with skin health)

+ Tremendous anxiety

+ Unhealthy or inappropriate skin care practices (such as not washing your face twice a day, or wearing oil-based makeup)

+ Arid skin (ironically, having dry skin can make pores more noticeable due to an increase in sebum production and accumulation of dead skin cells on the surface of your skin)

How To Clear Clogged Nose Pores

The first and most important step to clear clogged nose pores is to cleanse the skin thoroughly using an appropriate cleanser. If you’re in doubt about your cleanser, it’s best to seek the advice of a dermatologist. Learn more about clearing clogged nose pores below:

Take off all makeup before bed

Even the most skin-friendly makeup products can clog your pores if you leave them on overnight. So wearing oil-free, noncomedogenic products doesn’t give you a pass for bedtime makeup removal.

Make sure your nose pores are cosmetic-free before going to bed as this will help to clear them. You should also take off your makeup before washing your face to allow the cleanser to enter your nose pores more easily.

Wash your face twice every day

Cleaning your face eliminates any lingering makeup as well as oil, debris, and germs from your pores. Ideally, you should do this twice daily. You might also need to clean your face more than twice daily if you engage in any activity that exposes you to dirt or makes you sweat a lot. 

A gentle cleanser that is either gel- or cream-based is recommended for oily skin. This is because it will help to clean out nose pores without aggravating them and making them more prominent.

Use an appropriate moisturizer

Your nose pores may be producing more sebum, but you still need to moisturize after each cleansing. This prevents any over-drying that could exacerbate nose pore difficulties. In most cases, a water or gel-based solution won’t clog your pores.

Try a clay mask to thoroughly clean your pores

For optimal results, use an appropriate clay mask two to three times per week. If the rest of your face is dry, feel free to use the clay mask simply on your nose. Clay masks help draw out plugs in your pores and can also help make them appear smaller.

Exfoliate regularly

Use an exfoliating product two to three times per week to assist the removal of dead skin cells that may be obstructing your pores. The trick is to massage the product over your nose and allow it to do the work; otherwise, your skin will get more irritated.


Any new product should be tested on a tiny patch of skin before being used on the entire face. And any skin reactions should be reported to a dermatologist.

Medical Treatment And Procedures To Reduce The Appearance Of Nose Pores 

Despite keeping your nose pores clean, factors like your skin type, environment, and genes may nonetheless make them more obvious. Take into account the following remedies to make your nose pores seem smaller, of course, under the advice and supervision of a doctor. Note that it can take a few weeks or longer to see full results. 

OTC acne medications

Salicylic acid is far more helpful in this area because it dries out dead skin cells deep in the pores, essentially unclogging them. Over-the-counter (otc) acne products typically contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. The latter may be helpful if you have an active acne breakout on your nose, but it doesn’t do much to reduce pore size.

By keeping dead skin cells and oil at bay over time, salicylic acid may help the pores on your nose appear smaller. However, be careful not to overdo it as this will dry out your skin. A once or twice daily application of a salicylic acid-containing cleanser, toner, or spot treatment is sufficient to treat large pores.


You can consider a home microdermabrasion kit once a week, just make sure you don’t use it on the same day as any clay masks or exfoliating scrubs. Microdermabrasion is a milder version of professional dermabrasion treatments you might receive at a medical spa. It uses a blend of small crystals or diamond crystal tipped tools that help remove the top layer of your skin. Again, please consult a doctor before doing it on your own. 

Consider a chemical peel

Similar to microdermabrasion procedures, chemical peels also remove the top layer of skin. Therefore, the skin cells beneath will theoretically be softer and more even, and the more uniform appearance will also make nose pores appear smaller. This beginner’s guide to at-home chemical peels can assist you in getting started.

The most popular component in chemical peels is glycolic acid, but other alternatives include citric, lactic, and malic acids. These compounds all fall under the category of alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs). As finding the one that works best for your nose pores may require some trial and error. Consulting a dermatologist is a must. 

Key Takeaways

A person should consult their doctor if they have persistent skin issues, such as acne. A dermatologist, or skin specialist, might be recommended by a doctor to treat the patient. The key to “shrinking” nose pores is to keep them clean and free of any debris. If at-home remedies don’t work, consult a dermatologist for help. They may even offer professional-quality treatments like dermabrasion, laser therapy, or chemical peels of a medical grade.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Current Version


Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel

Medically reviewed by Jezreel Esguerra, MD

Updated by: Jan Alwyn Batara

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Jezreel Esguerra, MD

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Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel · Updated Oct 18, 2024

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