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Honey For Face: Why Consider Trying It?

Honey For Face: Why Consider Trying It?
Honey For Face: Why Consider Trying It?

In its natural state, honey is formed by the interaction of live bacteria, plant material, and enzymes, yielding a potent substance with numerous uses. Honey’s distinctive production process makes it particularly helpful for aesthetic applications. These applications include the treatment of acne, the healing of scars, and the balancing of skin tone. The best type of honey to apply topically to skin is raw, unpasteurized honey. Continue reading to learn more about honey for face.

Benefits of Applying Honey To The Face

Honey appears to have many benefits when applied to the face. It might be able to help ease acne, burns, and psoriasis. Come to think of it, a specific variety of honey, Manuka honey, also has anti-inflammatory properties, possibly making it efficient at speeding up wound healing. Some medical practitioners utilize this in clinical setting.

Learn more about the uses of honey for face and skin below:

For burns and grazes

Since 2,000 BC, people have used honey in traditional medicine to cure skin wounds and burns by applying it topically to the affected area.

These methods are still used today throughout the world, particularly in New Zealand. There, people occasionally apply manuka honey to burns and wounds to help prevent infection.

For acne

In a 2016 study, scientists discovered that honey from throughout the world had antibacterial action, which may make it a useful treatment for skin disorders like acne.

In a different study from 2016, researchers discovered that utilizing medical-grade kanuka honey along with 10% glycerine to treat acne was more efficient than using merely antibacterial soap.

Although it is unknown how much honey would need to be applied to the skin in order to treat acne, it is likely that dabbing a small bit of honey on the problem areas could help.

For psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that results in an excess of skin cells. It can cause irritated patches of skin to develop everywhere on the body. But a lot of sufferers of the condition have symptoms on their faces.

In a 2014 study, researchers looked at how medical-grade kanuka honey affected psoriasis. The short study found that kanuka honey was just as successful as aqueous cream in treating psoriasis lesions. Although the researchers urged further trials to validate the remedy’s efficacy for a wider population.

Another case study in 2017 discovered similar outcomes. It demonstrates that honey is an effective treatment for mild psoriasis lesions. However, like the earlier study, they concluded that more extensive research is required to demonstrate honey’s efficacy in treating psoriasis.

On top of the possibility that honey can ease the above condition, please remember that raw honey is a natural exfoliant. It helps in removing dry, dead skin cells to reveal fresh, new skin cells underneath. That means it also has potential to boost skin health in general. 

How To Apply Honey To The Face

It’s quite easy to apply honey to your face, though there are a few various methods you can use.

Honey can be applied topically, as a paste, or as a face mask that you leave on for a while.

The use of unpasteurized honey, such as manuka honey, is crucial when utilizing honey to help ease skin conditions.

To be effective, the honey you use must still contain its beneficial bacteria. This will boost your immune system, reduce swelling and redness, and speed the healing of blemishes.

One approach to use honey is to combine it with other components to make a calming face mask treatment. Before doing this, be careful to conduct a patch test on your arm to make sure you won’t experience any allergic reactions to the honey or any other ingredients.

Because honey has exfoliating characteristics, applying it to your face can help remove dead skin cells that dull your complexion and reveal brighter skin.

Apply manuka honey or another type of unpasteurized, raw honey to your face after washing it with mild soap and water. If you wish, dilute the honey with purified water to make it less sticky and simpler to remove. Leave the honey on your skin for a few minutes before rinsing it off.

Honey For Face: Are There Risks?

Most people can safely apply honey to their skin. However, if you have a skin condition, it’s a must that you consult with a doctor before applying it on your face.

People with severe pollen allergies may respond negatively to raw honey according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. Likewise, those with severe allergies must first seek consultation before taking or applying honey.

Key Takeaways

Applying raw honey to your face can help with scars, dull skin, and acne. Still, it’s best to consult your doctor if you have a skin condition so that you’ll have the proper assessment and receive the best treatment.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

How Honey is Processed,, Accessed January 17, 2023

Up-to-date use of honey for burns treatment,, Accessed January 17, 2023

Antibacterial Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Cinnamon Bark, Honey, and Their Combination Effects against Acne-Causing Bacteria,,and%20clear%20acne%20%5B5%5D., Accessed January 17, 2023

Randomised controlled trial of topical kanuka honey for the treatment of acne,, Accessed January 17, 2023

A randomised controlled trial of topical Kanuka honey for the treatment of psoriasis,, Accessed January 17, 2023

Efficacy of Natural Honey Versus Fluticasone Propionate in Mild Psoriasis: A Case Study,, Accessed January 17, 2023

Current Version


Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel

Medically reviewed by Jezreel Esguerra, MD

Updated by: Jezreel Esguerra, MD

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Medically reviewed by

Jezreel Esguerra, MD

General Practitioner

Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel · Updated Feb 03, 2023

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