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Skin Care Tips: Getting Started With Your Skin Care Routine

Skin Care Tips: Getting Started With Your Skin Care Routine
Skin Care Tips: Getting Started With Your Skin Care Routine

In recent years, people have become increasingly more aware of the importance of skincare. Being the body’s outermost layer, the skin is exposed to harmful elements such as bacteria, insects, and friction from the wind and garments. The skin is also considered the body’s largest organ, and it plays several roles aside from protecting the body from foreign objects. Additionally, many people gain more self-confidence when their skin is healthy. This is the main reason why skin care has become so popular today. Here are some of our best tips for skin care and cleansing. 

The Different Skin Types

To understand the different skin types, it’s important to identify the layers of the skin. The outermost layer is called the “epidermis,” and it is mainly responsible for producing new skin cells and shedding older ones. 

Beneath the epidermis, the dermis houses the blood vessels and sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands is one notable part of the dermis, as these glands produce sebum, which play important functions such as keeping the skin moisturized and preventing harmful bacteria from penetrating the deeper layers of the skin. However, an overproduction of sebum can lead to oily skin or acne. When sebaceous glands become clogged, they can form pesky blackheads or whiteheads that can become infected and cause pimples or cystic acne.

The deepest layer of the skin is called the subcutaneous layer which is primarily composed of fat and hair follicles. This layer of the skin is responsible for keeping you warm or protecting the body from serious injuries resulting from falls or trauma.

Identifying your skin type, and what your skin needs is the first step to building an effective skincare routine. In general, there are 4 skin types namely:

Normal Skin. This skin type is characterized by healthy skin. People with normal skin types have relatively blemish-free skin that’s not too oily but also not too dry.

Dry Skin. When the skin does not produce enough sebum, the skin on the face, arms, or other parts of the body can become dull and rough. Dry skin can cause the sebaceous glands to produce too much sebum and lead to acne.

Oily Skin. A person with oily skin can have pores that are very visible, or appear to have shiny skin. Oily skin is caused by excess sebum production, and this can make the skin more prone to blemishes such as acne and comedones.

Combination Skin. If a person is only oily in the chin, forehead, and nose (T-zone) but dry in other areas, then they have what is referred to as combination skin.

Skin Care: Basic Do’s and Don’ts 

It may seem intimidating to dive into the world of skin care, especially with all the trendy 10-step routines making their rounds on social media. However, most people don’t need to lather on 10 products to have healthy skin. In skin care, less is actually more. Here are some useful tips for skin care and cleansing:

Cleanse, tone, and moisturize

Although a 10-step skin care routine may be helpful to some extent, 3 steps is all you really need to make sure you’re properly cleaning and hydrating the skin. Always remember to cleanse, apply toner, and moisturize. 

Always patch test

Before adding a new product to your routine, it’s extremely important to perform a patch test. This is a process wherein you only apply a new product on one area of your skin. This ensures that you’ll be able to isolate any irritations that may occur to only a small patch of skin.

Learn to read ingredient lists

If you’re unsure about whether or not a specific product is suitable for your skin, check the ingredients list. Ingredients to look out for include fragrance, alcohol, menthol, and essential oils. 

Never skimp on sunscreen

Damage from the sun can irritate the skin and hasten the aging process. This is why it’s important to always use sunscreen no matter what your skin type is. The best tips for skin care and cleansing usually involve some form of defense against harsh ultraviolet (UV) rays, so make sure to always wear sunscreen. 

Avoid over-exfoliation

With all of the physical scrubs out on the market today, it can be tempting to incorporate one into your routine. However, physical scrubs can do more harm than good. The skin might feel soft after use, but physical exfoliators can actually cause microtears on the skin. It may be wise to consult your dermatologist before using chemical exfoliators. 

Skin Care for Dry Skin

Many people suffer from dry skin on other parts of their bodies. Below are the best tips for the skin care and cleansing of dry skin:

Apply lotion after a shower

Moisturize after showering when your skin is still slightly damp. This can help prevent the skin from losing any more moisture. Additionally, the skin better absorbs lotions (or serums) better when it is damp. 

Read lotion labels

Use moisturizers that contain humectants such as hyaluronic acid or ceramides, as these ingredients attract moisture from the environment to hydrate the skin.

Skip the scented lotion

Avoid any products with too much fragrance, as these can irritate the skin even further.

Skin Care for Oily Skin

People with oily skin are those who usually have to deal with other skin conditions such as acne. However, managing oily skin shouldn’t be about completely stripping the skin of all its natural oils. If you have oily skin, make sure to incorporate these tips into your skin care routine:

Don’t skip moisturizer

Even if your skin produces excess oil or sebum, that doesn’t mean it’s hydrated. This is why moisturizing should still be a part of your skin care routine even if you suffer from oily skin. Also, please note that when the skin is not well hydrated, it produces more sebum or oil to compensate.

If you have oily skin, an oil-based moisturizer may not be compatible with your. Consider choosing a water-based moisturizer.

Pick the right cleanser

Cleansers that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide can help with excess sebum production, and may even treat acne or other blemishes. If you find that these dry out your skin too much, it can be beneficial to use a cleanser with these ingredients only 1-2 times a week. You can use a gentle cleanser for the remaining days.

Don’t forget about blotting paper

If you’re concerned about the sheen on your face while you’re in public, blotting papers may be an option. However, be sure to purchase blotting paper that is non-comedogenic (won’t block your pores) and fragrance-free.


Taking care of your skin is a big part of taking care of yourself. However, skin care doesn’t have to be complicated. For the best results, it is always wise to consult with a dermatologist in order to determine what your skin really needs. 

Learn more about Skin Health here.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Anatomy of the Skin,, Date Accessed November 18, 2020.

Your Skin (for Kids),, Date Accessed November 18, 2020.

Sebaceous (Oil) Glands,,cells%2C%20and%20epithelial%20cell%20debris, Date Accessed November 18, 2020.

Dry Skin,, Date Accessed November 18, 2020.

9 ways to banish dry skin,, Date Accessed November 18, 2020.

How to control oily skin,, Date Accessed November 18, 2020.

Current Version


Written by Den Alibudbud

Medically reviewed by Mia Dacumos, MD

Updated by: Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

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Written by Den Alibudbud · Updated Jun 29, 2021

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