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Aloe Vera for Skin: What Makes It So Popular?

Aloe Vera for Skin: What Makes It So Popular?
Aloe Vera for Skin: What Makes It So Popular?

A few years back, everyone had their eyes on only one product — aloe vera. When people heard about the interesting and promising benefits of aloe vera for skin, it was undeniable that it was considered the holy grail product of the year.

Whether they had dry or acne-prone skin, many incorporated it into their skincare routines for the delightful glow it brings. Ever wondered what makes this the most raved-about product by many people? Find out below.

For starters, people associate using aloe vera for skin care whenever they have sunburns. However, this natural herb is more than just a quick fix to burns.

Getting To Know the Main Ingredient: Aloe Vera 

For generations, the Aloe vera plant has been known for its wide range of benefits, ranging from beauty, medical, and skincare. 

The term Aloe vera is derived from the Arabic word “Alloeh,” which translates to “shining bitter substance,” and “vera” in Latin means “true.” Aloe vera leaves are triangular, broad, thick, and meaty, with a sharp tip and spiky edge, and three different layers: 

  • An inner clear gel containing water and glucomannans, amino acids, lipids, sterols, and vitamins.
  • The middle layer of latex with a bitter yellow sap has anthraquinones and glycosides. 
  • An outer thick layer of 15–20 cells, called the rind, serves as a protective layer and synthesizes carbohydrates and proteins.

2000 years ago, Greek scientists first recognized its functionality to be a universal remedy. The Egyptians, on the other hand, referred to Aloe as “the plant of immortality,” now catering a variety of purposes in the field of dermatology.

Although this perennial, succulent plant is made up of 99% water, the clear, viscous gel is mostly used to treat small cuts and burns. It also contains glycoproteins and polysaccharides which help speed up the healing process and promote skin development and repair, respectively. 

What’s more, these chemicals have the potential to boost the immune system as well.

Because of its soothing, moisturizing, and cooling characteristics, many have explored the potentiality of Aloe vera for skin conditions. It treats mild burns (like sunburn), minor skin irritations, acne, bug bites, abrasions, skin aging, eczema, and psoriasis.

What Makes Aloe Vera for Skin a Cut Above the Rest?

Aloe vera is an all-around wonder holding 75 active constituents ranging from vitamins, minerals to enzymes, and amino acids. All of which work together to provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antibacterial, antiseptic, analgesic, and even antiviral properties suitable for skin concerns. 

Research shows that the wide and consistent use and application of aloe vera for skin promises significant results.

  • Burns and wounds. The use of aloe gel appears to shorten the time it takes for first- and second-degree burn wounds to heal. Aloe gel may also aid in wound healing.
  • Acne. Research reveals that using aloe gel in the morning and evening alongside the topical prescription acne medicine tretinoin can better help with acne treatment.
  • Psoriasis. Aloe extract cream may alleviate the itch, scales, redness, and inflammation associated with mild to moderate psoriasis. 
  • Herpes simplex virus. The use of a thicker formulation (aloe vera cream) may aid in healing the lesions. 

Key Takeaways

There are numerous products on the market that contain aloe vera in concentrations ranging from 1 to 98%. 
The aloe gel showcases its ability to retain moisture for extremely long periods of time while also having soothing properties. As a result, you may find this holy grail ingredient vera in various topical products like moisturizers, cleansers, sun lotions, and even shaving creams. Thus, it is no question as to why people seek this one-of-a-kind organic regimen in their skincare routines.

Learn more about Skin Care and Cleansing here.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Aloe,, Accessed November 21, 2021

Aloe,, Accessed November 21, 2021

Aloe vera and the skin,, Accessed November 21, 2021

Aloe vera: A plant for many uses,, Accessed November 21, 2021

Aloe vera: A Short Review, Amar Surjushe, Resham Vasani, and D G Saple,, Accessed November 21, 2021

Aloe Vera: Not Just for Sunburns,, Accessed November 21, 2021

Current Version


Written by Fiel Tugade

Medically reviewed by Martha Juco, MD

Updated by: Martha Juco, MD

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Written by Fiel Tugade · Updated Feb 24, 2023

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