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Gamot sa Psoriasis: What Medicine Can Give You Relief?

Gamot sa Psoriasis: What Medicine Can Give You Relief?
Gamot sa Psoriasis: What Medicine Can Give You Relief?

Psoriasis is notoriously difficult to treat. Most of us know about the condition from the itchy plaque or scales on the skin, and it is often confused with eczema1. What’s more, people with psoriasis often have other serious health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and depression. And as a chronic condition, psoriasis can get better and then come back repeatedly over your lifetime. There is no cure for psoriasis, but the right treatment and medicine can keep it under control. Anu-ano ang gamot sa psoriasis?

What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the body. An overactive immune system speeds up the growth of skin cells, making them grow in a three to four-day cycle. (Normally, skin cells grow and shed in a month.) This causes a buildup of skin cells and the formation of plaque, or scales. These can appear on any part of the body, but are most common on elbows, knees and the scalp2

Plaque can cause significant discomfort. It is often itchy; other times it may cause a burning or stinging sensation.

The cause of psoriasis is unknown, and the condition can happen to anyone, male or female, young or old.

Gamot sa Psoriasis: 3 Types of Treatment

Iba-iba ang gamot sa psoriasis. In general, treatments fall into three (3) categories3:

  1. Topical treatments – These are creams and ointments applied to the skin.
  2. Phototherapy – With this kind of treatment, the skin is exposed to certain types of ultraviolet light.
  3. Systemic treatments – These include oral and injected medications that affect the entire body.

Gamot sa Psoriasis

Anu-ano nga ba ang mga gamot sa psoriasis? Depending on the severity of your condition, your doctor will prescribe one or a combination of different treatments.

Topical Treatments

Topical creams or ointments are usually the first treatment for mild to moderate psoriasis. If your psoriasis is on the scalp, your doctor may prescribe a special shampoo. There are a variety of topical treatments that each do different things3:

1. Emollients

Emollients cover the skin in a protective layer and reduce water loss, which has a moisturizing effect. They are safe to use and are helpful in reducing itching and scaling.

2. Steroids

Topical corticosteroids work by reducing inflammation in the area, slowing the production of skin cells and reducing itching. Some steroids can be very strong and require a prescription from your doctor.

3. Vitamin D Analogues

This skin treatment also has an anti-inflammatory effect, but primarily slows down the growth of skin cells.

gamot sa psoriasis

4. Calcineurin Inhibitors

These skin treatments reduce the activity of the immune system to control inflammation. Upon initial use, they may cause a burning or itching sensation, but over weeks, this will lessen.

5. Dithranol

Dithranol has long been used to treat psoriasis to suppress the production of skin cells. It is usually a short-term treatment that is applied in a hospital setting.


Phototherapy is a treatment that uses natural or artificial light to improve a health condition, such as psoriasis, eczema, or vitiligo4. For psoriasis treatment, phototherapy uses two types of light: UVA or UVB. 

1. Ultraviolet B (UVB) Phototherapy

UVB light slows down the production of skin cells. It can be an effective treatment for some types of psoriasis that do not respond to topical treatments3.

2. Psoralen Plus Ultraviolet A (PUVA)

UVA light penetrates the skin more deeply than UVB. In this treatment, you’ll be given a tablet containing psoralens, or psoralen may be applied directly to your skin to make it more sensitive to light3.

Systemic Treatments

If you have severe psoriasis, your doctor may prescribe systemic treatments. These are oral medications or injections that affect the entire body. For example, methotrexate or acitretin slows down skin cell production, and cyclosporine suppresses the immune system. While these medications can be effective in treating psoriasis, they also come with side effects and risks3.

Key Takeaway

Maraming gamot sa psoriasis. If your psoriasis is mild or moderate, topical treatments or phototherapy can help relieve symptoms. But if your psoriasis is severe, your doctor may also prescribe systemic treatments. Consult your doctor to find out which psoriasis treatment is right for you.

Learn more about Psoriasis here.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

1 Psoriasis,, Accessed October 8, 2021

2 About Psoriasis, Accessed October 8, 2021

3 Treatment, Psoriasis,, Accessed October 8, 2021

4 An Overview of Phototherapy,, Accessed October 8, 2021

Current Version


Written by Vincent Sales

Medically reviewed by Martha Juco, MD

Updated by: Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

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Written by Vincent Sales · Updated Jul 26, 2022

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