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Popped A Pimple? Here's What To Do Next

Popped A Pimple? Here's What To Do Next
Popped A Pimple? Here's What To Do Next

Taking care of a pimple after you accidentally squeezed or popped it is very important. When not properly treated, the lesion may become infected and leave a scar. In this article, we’ll discuss the do’s and don’ts on how to treat popped pimples. 

How To Treat Popped Pimples

Before we proceed, please remember that you MUST NEVER intentionally pop or squeeze a pimple, especially one that looks like it has pus in it. However, if you accidentally squeezed or popped one, consider the following tips. 

1. Don’t Squeeze The Remaining Pus Out

The first thing you need to do is stop picking on the pimple after you popped it. As tempting as it is to squeeze the pus out of it, doing so might only make it worse. 

2. Gently Wash The Blemish

The next step on how to treat popped pimples is to wash it gently with your regular, mild cleanser. 

Of course, before doing so, you need to wash your hands thoroughly. 

Do not scrub the blemish; simply lather the cleanser gently to remove any pus that might have come out from accidentally squeezing or popping it. 

3. Consider “Restorative” Products

What’s the next step on how to treat popped pimples? 

After washing the blemish and letting it rest, consider applying an acne or antibiotic cream that was previously recommended to you by your dermatologist. The cream would be able to help with the inflammation and infection prevention. Instead of cream, others use pimple patches which also help stop you from picking on the pimple. 

Some people also use a gentle product that contains witch hazel as reports say it has anti-inflammatory properties. 

4. Hands Off Until The Lesion Heals

Leave the pimple you just squeezed alone; don’t touch it. This is a basic rule to avoid bringing more bacteria to the skin, and it is particularly important after squeezing pimples. This area of ​​the skin is damaged, so it is extremely sensitive. If you constantly touch it, you might introduce a lot of harmful bacteria into the open wound, causing the pores to become infected and creating conditions for acne to return.

If there’s still visible swelling, you can also consider applying cold compress to the affected area. Don’t forget to use a clean cloth to wrap the ice cube with. 

5. Be Even More Careful With Makeup Application

Lastly, how to treat popped pimples includes being careful with makeup application

Never apply foundation or concealer directly to unhealed skin because the risk of bacteria entering and creating bruises is very high. If necessary, you must apply a layer of gel or acne cream first to protect the wound before applying makeup.

How To Treat Popped Pimples With Natural Ingredients

You might want to talk to your doctor about the following natural remedies that has potential in treating popped pimples:

  • Aloe vera: It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that might help accelerate the healing process of scars. You take the aloe vera gel, wash it, refrigerate it, then apply it on the acne area.
  • Tea Tree Oil: It fights bacteria, reduces swelling and prevents skin irritation. Typically, you mix 2 drops of essential oil with two drops of clean water and then use a cotton ball to dab on the acne. Leave on for 20 minutes, wipe off gently.
  • Tea bags: Take a tea bag dipped in hot water and apply it to the damaged skin. The tannins in the tea will act as an astringent, reducing irritation on the skin quickly. It also helps with redness and swelling.
  • Honey: It helps reduce inflammation, redness and swelling of the skin after accidentally squeezing a pimple. Consider applying pure honey directly to the skin, leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off.
  • Fresh turmeric: It helps regenerate the skin and remove dead cells effectively. Applying fresh turmeric to the skin is also a way to care for the skin after squeezing acne.

Of course, don’t forget that natural remedies are not always effective for everyone. They might even worsen the condition when applied wrongly. For instance, a contaminated ingredient may introduce bacteria and trigger an infection. 

For this reason, the best course of action on how to treat popped pimples is still to consult a dermatologist. 

Learn more about Acne here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

The epidemiology of acne vulgaris in late adolescence,, Accessed January 23, 2022

9 THINGS TO TRY WHEN ACNE WON’T CLEAR,, Accessed January 23, 2022

ACNE CLINICAL GUIDELINE,, Accessed January 23, 2022

Antioxidant and potential anti-inflammatory activity of extracts and formulations of white tea, rose, and witch hazel on primary human dermal fibroblast cells,, Accessed January 23, 2022

Should You Pop That Pimple?,, Accessed January 23, 2022

Current Version


Written by Hello Bacsi

Medically reviewed by Sue Kua, MD

Updated by: Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

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Written by Hello Bacsi · Updated Oct 06, 2022

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