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Yoga for the Bedroom: Yoga for Both You and Your Partner

Yoga for the Bedroom: Yoga for Both You and Your Partner
Yoga for the Bedroom: Yoga for Both You and Your Partner

Yoga is a form of exercise with ancient roots. It is usually done on a mat on the floor, and focuses on breathing, flexibility, and strength. Yoga eases stress, improves your digestion, and can help you lose weight. More than that, yoga can be used in the bedroom to improve your sex life.

Yoga for the bedroom does not involve any complicated poses. It is pretty simple and all you need is a little practice. You can take yoga classes to help master the forms, but these can also be practiced at home.

Benefits of Yoga 

Doing yoga regularly has a lot of benefits not only for your body but also for your mind. One of the main benefits of yoga is its ability to reduce stress. Studies show that practicing yoga regularly decreases cortisol levels in the body, thus reducing stress levels as well.

Yoga can also help your body become stronger, more toned, and more flexible. This can further improve your confidence too.

Additionally, it can help you in becoming more aware of your body. Yoga makes you listen to your body, allowing you to heighten your senses and calm your mind with a few poses. With these, yoga can also increase your body’s libido or sexual drive.

Yoga Poses for the Bedroom

These poses can help improve your sexual activity in the bedroom if practiced regularly.

Cat / Cow Pose

This pose is great in helping you relax and loosening up your spine.

  1. Go on all fours and ensure that your wrists are directly underneath your shoulders and your knees are aligned with your hips. Keep your spine neutral and balance your weight evenly.
  2. Simultaneously inhale and look up, letting your stomach bend towards the floor. Make sure that your eyes, chin, and chest are also lifted as you stretch.
  3. Tuck your chin to your chest while exhaling, and pull your navel towards your spine. Your spine should curve toward the ceiling.
  4. Start step two again and alternate between the two.

Bridge Pose

  1. When it comes to strengthening your pelvic floor, this pose is great. With a strong pelvic floor, pain during sex is reduced and can make the experience a whole lot better.
  2. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms flat on your side. Make sure that your knees are aligned with your ankles and your feet are hip-width apart.
  3. Lift your pelvic area with your torso, keeping your shoulders and head flat on the floor.
  4. Pause at the top for five seconds and slowly lower your body.
  5. Repeat 10 times.

Yoga for the Bedroom with Your Partner

These yoga exercises are great for couples who want to exercise together, and may want to amp up their sexual activity.

Relax and Breathe Together

It is important in yoga to be able to relax. Practicing breathing in tandem with your partner will help with intimacy and can make you connect with your partner even more.

Keep Eye Contact

Similar to breathing together, maintaining eye contact with your partner can improve your closeness and intensify your feelings during sex.

Seated Twist 

To get in rhythm with your partner, this yoga pose can help and make your connection even deeper.

  1. Lay with your back on the floor, extend your arms outward to form a letter ‘T’, and bend your knees.
  2. Inhale and let your knees fall to the right, while you turn your head and look to the left.
  3. Exhale and let your partner gently push your hips away from your shoulders.
  4. Hold this pose for a few seconds, switch to the other side, then help your partner do the same.

Key takeaway

Doing yoga with your partner has plenty of benefits for you, your partner, and your relationship. This improves your libido, prevents painful intercourse, and avoids erectile and sexual dysfunction.

Yoga for the bedroom may strengthen your relationship emotionally and physically. While performing yoga in the bedroom, it is important that you communicate with your partner and be open with both of your likes and dislikes.

Learn more Sex Tips here.



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Written by Alyan Cortes

Medically reviewed by Mae Charisse Antalan, MD

Updated by: Mae Antalan, MD

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Written by Alyan Cortes · Updated Dec 30, 2022

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