There are numerous methods of birth control. Doctors believe certain sexual practices, devices, surgeries, drugs and agents are the effective types of contraception. These types of contraception are available for both men and women who are willing to prevent pregnancy for a short term or permanent.
With a wide range of techniques available to prevent pregnancy, the most common are contraceptive pills and condoms. However, there are a few people who are not completely aware of different types that help to prevent pregnancy.
Let’s have a look at different types of contraception available until now.
Types of Contraception
Below are the various types of contraception that you must know.
Natural Birth Control Method
Traditionally, people did not have any medication or devices to prevent pregnancy. So some men and women would avoid ejaculating inside the vagina. This method is called “Coitus Interruptus.” In this method, a man avoids ejaculating inside the vagina and experiences orgasm outside. This method prevents semen deposition inside the vagina.
Commonly known as “the shot,” this contraceptive injection contains progestin and estrogen that help to prevent pregnancy. This birth control injection is called Depo-Provera — commonly known as DMPA or Depo Shot. According to doctors, women need to visit a clinic to get this injection. This injection prevents women from releasing an egg. However, although this injection prevents pregnancy, it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.
Sterilization is a surgery for both males and females.
- Male Sterilization: Vasectomy is the surgery to sterilise a man. In this method, a surgeon blocks or cuts off the tubes that help ejaculation. According to a survey, this method is 99 per cent effective.
- Female Sterilization: Tubal Ligation is the surgery to sterilise a woman. In this method, the doctor burns, blocks, or cuts the fallopian tubes to prevent fertilization. Another female sterilization is “Tubal Implant.” This is where a doctor places a coil inside the fallopian tubes. In a few days, the tissues start to grow around, blocking the tubes. According to doctors, female sterilization is 99 per cent effective.
Pharmaceutical Types of Contraception
Pharmaceutical ways range from pills to devices inserted by a doctor to avoid egg fertilisation. However, it is important that you consult a doctor before trying any of these methods.
Contraceptive Patch
It is a transdermal patch that releases synthetic progestin and estrogen hormones. Doctors recommend wearing this patch for approximately three weeks, generally on the buttocks or lower abdomen. To allow a smooth menstrual period, doctors suggest avoiding wearing the patch in the fourth week.
Contraceptive Pill
Doctors suggest consuming a combined contraceptive pill daily. The pill contains two hormones including progestin and oestrogen that help stop ovulation or the release of the egg. Also, this thins the lining of the uterus.
Morning-After Pill
The “morning-after pill” or emergency contraceptive pills may prevent conceiving after sexual intercourse. This contraception prevents fertilization, ovulation, or embryo implantation. Doctors believe that emergency contraception can be used up to 72 hours after unprotected sex.
Vaginal Ring as Contraception
This type of contraception is a flexible — plastic ring that releases estrogen and progestin in a low dose over three weeks. This contraceptive vaginal ring thickens the cervical mucus and prevents ovulation. This ring is supposed to insert into the vagina for three weeks and it is removed for a week for a menstrual period.