Unlike acute infections that we can recover from in a few weeks with rest and medications, asthma is a long-term condition. To control the frequency of attacks and their potential effects, people who have asthma depend largely on medicines and rescue inhalers. And while medicines and inhalers are generally effective, some can’t help but still ask: is there a way to cure asthma naturally and permanently?
Asthma is not curable, but…
To date, there is still no way to cure asthma naturally and permanently. However, you can control it.
A huge part of controlling asthma is through your prescribed medications. You see, long-term medicines not only work by controlling the symptoms; using them correctly also helps prevent attacks.

Still, having your meds doesn’t mean that an attack won’t happen. They might reduce the risk and control the symptoms, but if you constantly get exposed to triggers or stop taking care of yourself, your asthma may spin out of control.
For this reason, consider practicing the steps below. They may not cure asthma permanently, but they might control it naturally.
Steps to control asthma naturally
Besides taking your control medicines and keeping your rescue inhaler on standby, you might want to consider the following steps:
Take note of and avoid triggers
The first step to control asthma is to eliminate or avoid triggers.
Triggers are things and situations that result in an asthma attack. They vary from person to person but generally include dust mites, pet dander, smoke, cold air, and emotional stress.
It may not cure asthma permanently and naturally, but avoiding or eliminating triggers puts a tight leash around it.
Actively strive to be healthy
Another way to control and manage asthma is to make lifestyle changes that improve your overall health. Experts say the following habits help:
- Strive for a healthy weight, primarily by having a healthy diet and regular, appropriate exercise. Note that physical activity can be a trigger, so talk to your doctor about an exercise program that’s right for you.
- Quit smoking and avoid second-hand smoke. Not only can they trigger an attack, but cigarette smoke can damage the lungs.
- Get adequate and quality sleep. If nocturnal asthma makes it hard for you to sleep, talk to your doctor.
Manage stress
Like mentioned, emotional stress can be an asthma trigger. For this reason, you should prioritize keeping stress at manageable levels. There are a handful of ways to do this, including:
Of course, let’s not forget that avoiding burnout is a great way to reduce stress. Some of the best ways to avoid burnout are to divide tasks into tiny, achievable chunks, prioritize, and delegate.
How about herbals?
Some researchers pointed out that many people use alternative medicine, like herbs, to manage their asthma. And while none are medically accepted as an asthma cure, some show great potential.
For instance, one report concluded that the herb Echinacea had bronchodilatory and anti-inflammatory effects that may supplement treatment of allergic disorders like asthma.
In another animal study, the researchers discovered that garlic and ginseng can soothe lung symptoms and inflammation.
But as appealing as alternative medicine is, keep in mind that we need more proof, and precautions should be taken. For one, if you’re allergic to the herb, your condition may worsen. Secondly, herbs might interact with your medicines and reduce their effectiveness.
Should you want to try an herbal for your asthma, talk to your doctor first.
Key Takeaways
According to experts, there’s no one way to cure asthma permanently and naturally. The next best thing is to control it using doctor-prescribed medicines, inhalers, and lifestyle changes.
If you have asthma, you must avoid and eliminate triggers, strive to be healthy, and manage stress. Be careful with herbals as they might cause an allergic reaction and interact with the medicines you’re currently taking.
Learn more about Asthma here.