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Irregular Periods After Birth: When Should Menstruation Normalize?

Medically reviewed by Jobelle Ann Dela Cruz Bigalbal, MD · General Practitioner

Written by Kirsten Rocamora · Updated Jan 13, 2022

Irregular Periods After Birth: When Should Menstruation Normalize?

It is very hard to actually pinpoint when you may get your period again after delivering a baby because everyone’s body is different. But there might be ways to estimate it, such as when breastfeeding. You might have irregular periods after birth, your cramping might lessen or worsen, or you may even experience have heavier bleeding. It all depends on how your hormones behave after you give birth. Learn more about it here. 

When Will Periods Start Again?

One of the things mentioned previously that may affect your periods is if you breastfeed your baby. If you mostly bottle feed your baby or if you combine breastfeeding and bottle feeding, it could start at least five to six weeks after childbirth.

If you rely only on breastfeeding without the presence of bottle feeding, your periods will likely start after you stop breastfeeding. It’s likely that you won’t be getting your period any time soon.

If you lessen breastfeeding, you may notice spotting. Spotting is a lighter version of a period, usually known as irregular periods, and they appear as tiny spots of blood.

Irregular Periods After Birth

You may notice that when you get your period again, it’s very different from how you experienced it before. There might be significant changes such as:

  • The amount of blood
  • The level of pain you experience while cramping
  • Irregularity in your periods
  • Blood clots, but not bigger by a few inches

If you notice that the blood released is extremely heavy or periods last more than just a few days, it’s vital that you talk to your doctor immediately. Heavy bleeding and large blood clots indicate an abnormality in bleeding and may point towards an infection.

But take note that most of the time it’s of no concern. Your period might just have gotten heavier. It can be longer or much more painful, or it can be less. It all depends on how much uterus lining sheds. These all depend as well on your hormones, how the uterus is shedding, and how you breastfeed.

When Should You Seek Help

Heavier or lighter periods after birth are normal. If you are concerned, it is best to talk to your doctor because they can answer your questions based on your medical records and recovery from birth. Any additional and specific concerns can be answered by them.

Just keep in mind that having a baby and giving birth can be traumatic to a woman’s body, and it causes a lot of physical changes. It will take you time to recover, of which there is no period. 

What to Expect Once You Menstruate Again 

Your first period after giving birth might be much heavier and painful than the ones you’ve had prior to pregnancy. O it might be lighter, easier, and much better to deal with. It all depends on how your body recovers after giving birth.

Some women confuse lochia with the first postpartum period, which can be understandable. But keep in mind that periods might take weeks, if not months, to come back again.

Just remember that breastfeeding plays a significant role in your menstruation post-birth. 

Learn more about the Postpartum Period here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Medically reviewed by

Jobelle Ann Dela Cruz Bigalbal, MD

General Practitioner

Written by Kirsten Rocamora · Updated Jan 13, 2022

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