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Week 5 of Pregnancy: All You Need to Know

Week 5 of Pregnancy: All You Need to Know

Baby Development

Congratulations! You have surpassed the first month of your pregnancy, and though your belly is not big enough for you to look pregnant just yet, your baby is well on its way to developing. By now, on week 5 of pregnancy baby development, you may be experiencing more symptoms and maybe feeling a bit more different now.

This guide will tell you what to expect in week 5 of pregnancy baby development

How is my baby growing?

Your baby is now the size of an orange seed, similar to a small tadpole. Think of what used to be the size of a poppy seed just a week ago—which was less than a millimeter long—is now approximately 0.05 to 0.10 inches long. Your baby may just be a tiny dot inside your womb, but it is going through rapid changes and development. 

On week 5 of pregnancy baby development, the umbilical cord and the placenta are both beginning to form. These are necessary for your baby to absorb nutrients and oxygen from your body. Essential nutrients at this baby’s stage are folic acid and calcium, so your ob-gynecologist may prescribe a folic acid supplement and milk to help sustain your baby’s development.

This week is the time to look forward to your baby’s neural tube developing as well. This tube eventually becomes the spinal column and the brain. To avoid the risk of acquiring a neural tube disorder, you may be advised by your doctor to take at least 400 micrograms of folic acid daily. 

The most exciting part awaits you and your baby on its 6th week, where the heartbeat can finally be detected.

Body & Life Changes

What should I be concerned about?

As mentioned, you may not look the part of a pregnant woman just yet, but there are a lot of changes that your body is going through at this time. Do not be surprised if you finally feel the following symptoms:

Fatigue. You may be feeling a lot more sleepy and sluggish these days. If you have not been to your doctor to confirm your pregnancy, or if you have not taken a pregnancy test yet, chances are you are already past the 4-week mark of your pregnancy. On week 5 of pregnancy baby development, your body is producing more progesterone, which may leave you feeling extra tired and lethargic.

Morning sickness. Those who have had a baby and who have experienced morning sickness understand that “morning sickness” does not just happen during the day. This feeling may persist throughout the day. To help alleviate nausea, you may try eating small frequent meals and stay hydrated. Avoid oily and fatty foods as these may aggravate the feeling further.

Frequent urination. On week 5 of pregnancy baby development, you may start to notice that you are peeing more frequently. This is because your kidneys are starting to process extra fluids.

Spotting. Do not be alarmed when you see a few light drops of blood, but not enough to cover an entire liner. This is the stage for when implantation bleeding happens, this type of spotting is normal. 

If the bleeding persists for more than 48 hours, and if it is coupled with abdominal pain, consult your doctor immediately.

Mood swings. If your husband or partner starts to notice that you are happy one minute and are crying the next, this is completely normal. Mood swings are part of the whole journey, and your feelings may be due to your body adjusting to the flush of hormones.

No symptoms. If you are lucky, you could be some of the women who do not experience any symptoms. Not all pregnancies are the same, and not experiencing any symptoms is considered also normal, too. 

Your Doctor Visits

What should I tell my doctor?

This is the best time to request for your very first prenatal appointment. If you have any health coverage from well-known HMOs such as Maxicare, Medicard, or Intellicare, check with them if your doctor’s visits and ultrasound costs are covered.

Since you are on week 5 of pregnancy baby development, the frequency of your visits to the doctor may be determined by the following:

  • Your age
  • family history
  • Underlying, existing medical conditions
  • Pregnancy risks
  • Abnormal symptoms that may need closer medical monitoring

What tests should I know about?

Before heading out to see your doctor, prepare medical papers (if necessary) and be ready to share your medical history. Do not forget to mention any previous operations, underlying medical conditions, and family history of diabetes or other illnesses that can potentially affect your pregnancy. And if you have had a miscarriage in the past, it is best to disclose this as well to your doctor so that he/ she may consider extra precautions in your pregnancy plan.

Health & Safety

What should I know about being healthy and safe while pregnant?

Now, as much as your mom or your grandparents offer well-intentioned advice, be prepared that some of these may be old wives’ tales or “pamahiins.” These are long-held beliefs that have been passed down from generation to generation. And the effectiveness of these pamahiins is more anecdotal than scientifically based.  The more common ones are:

  • Pregnant women should not attend funerals or go to a cemetery to avoid bad luck during the pregnancy 
  • Expectant mothers should play music for their baby inside their belly so that their child will grow up musically inclined. 
  • Mothers should watch shows with attractive actors and avoid looking at “ugly” people, to make sure that their baby looks just as attractive when he/she is born. 
  • Eating twin bananas signifies that you will have twins. 
  • You should avoid crying, so your baby doesn’t end up being a crybaby as well. 

While amusing, these pamahiins have no scientific basis whatsoever. 

On the other side, there are effective and practical tips mothers may follow to help them in their week 5 of pregnancy baby development:

  • Start to watch what you eat. You may be “eating for two” now, but that does not mean you should eat a lot of fatty and oily foods. Try to avoid fish that is high in mercury, such as mackerel and swordfish, as well as raw fish such as sashimi. Though it is considered safe to ingest these foods especially if coming from a reputable restaurant, it is best to err on the side of caution, especially in this early stage of your pregnancy.
  • If you have a history of miscarriage, consult your doctor and ask about safety measures you should consider. If your job requires a lot of physical activity, make sure that you have your doctor’s go signal before participating in any of these activities.
  • Rest as much as possible. Many mothers do not announce their pregnancy until they are past the first trimester, because this is the most crucial stage of the pregnancy. To ensure that the egg is able to “latch” properly, avoid strenuous activity, and get at least 8 hours of sleep every day. Also, eat healthy food and communicate with your partner and family about how you are feeling to avoid stress.

Week 5 of pregnancy baby development is an exciting stage because your baby is now steadily growing and developing just as much as your body is adjusting to the changes. If you have questions about your pregnancy, list them down, research, and consult your physician.

Hello Health Group does not offer any advice, diagnosis, or medical treatment.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Current Version


Written by Kip Soliva

Medically reviewed by Jobelle Ann Dela Cruz Bigalbal, MD

Updated by: [email protected]

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Medically reviewed by

Jobelle Ann Dela Cruz Bigalbal, MD

General Practitioner

Written by Kip Soliva · Updated Oct 22, 2021

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