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When Do Milk Teeth Fall Out in Children?

When Do Milk Teeth Fall Out in Children?
When Do Milk Teeth Fall Out in Children?

The mouth houses the set of teeth that allows us to eat, speak and smile confidently. It plays a vital role in our overall health, which starts from the tiny teeth called milk teeth, or primary teeth, when we were young.

The crowns of the 20 “baby teeth” or milk teeth are almost completely developed at birth. These primary teeth emerge slowly through the gums during the first two and a half years of life. Once a child reaches their fifth or sixth year, these teeth eventually fall out to make way for their permanent adult teeth to grow. 

Parts of the Tooth

Every tooth differs in size, form, and position in the jaw, but what remains the same are the four main parts of each:

1. Enamel

The enamel is the rigid and often shiny outer layer of the tooth. 

2. Dentin

The dentin is considered to be the largest part of the tooth covering the inner layer and the main part of the tooth. 

3. Pulp

The pulp is located in the innermost part of the tooth. It is where each tooth’s nerve endings and blood supply are found. 

4. Root

The root is the part of the tooth responsible for holding it in place in the jaw.

Types of Teeth 

There are four different types of teeth:

1. Incisors

The top and bottom jaws each have four front teeth. The incisors are used for cutting, biting and chopping down food. 

2. Canine

Canines are sharp and pointy teeth located on each side of the incisors (on the top and bottom jaw). There are 4 canine teeth in total to help tear food. 

3. Premolars

The teeth next to your canines are called premolars. Some also refer to it as bicuspid teeth. There are four on your top jaw and four on the bottom portion, making a total of eight. They are much bigger and wider than both your incisors and canines, which help crush and grind food. 

4. Molars

Molars are known to be the strongest teeth that work together with the tongue to assist the mashing and swallowing of food. There are two sets of six molar teeth, one on top and one on the bottom portion. This makes 12 in total. 

General Guidelines for Milk Teeth Development

Every child may grow differently from the rest. Some may develop early on while some may have it on their later than expected. However, between the ages of six and 12 months, the primary or milk teeth begin to appear. At 33 months, the majority of the milk teeth have erupted. Girls’ teeth typically erupt before guys’ teeth. 

The following are general recommendations for the development of milk teeth:

  • The middle frontal tooth located on the lower jaw is frequently the first to appear. This tooth is known as the central incisor. The second central incisor comes next.
  • After which, the four upper incisors take place. 
  • The bottom two lateral incisors are followed by the first four molars and the remaining bottom two molars. The lateral incisors are located next to the central incisors. 
  • The four first molars appear next, then the cuspids or the pointed teeth emerge. 
  • The last of the milk teeth, four second molars, usually arrive once the child reaches the age of two.

Teeth in the upper jaw usually develop one to two months following teeth in the lower jaw. There are 20 primary teeth in all. Once the teeth start to come in, they usually come in at a rate of roughly one tooth per month. 

Normally, there is a gap between all of the baby teeth. This allows for the eruption of the permanent teeth, which are bigger.

Key Takeaways

Although the primary teeth are just temporary, they still require good care and special attention. A child’s main teeth must be strong and healthy not only to chew food comfortably but also to create sounds and properly pronounce words.

Make sure to take care of your teeth by regularly brushing with fluoride toothpaste. Flossing also helps to remove bacteria and dirt between the teeth. Also make sure you get to visit your dentist, too!

Learn more about Toddler Growth and Development here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Eruption Charts,, Accessed September 28, 2021

Teeth development in children ,, Accessed September 28, 2021

When Children Begin to Lose Their Baby Teeth,, Accessed September 28, 2021

Baby’s First Tooth: 7 Facts Parents Should Know,, Accessed September 28, 2021

Teeth facts and figures,, Accessed September 28, 2021

Your Teeth,, Accessed September 28, 2021

Anatomy and Development of the Mouth and Teeth,, Accessed September 28, 2021

Current Version


Written by Fiel Tugade

Medically reviewed by Regina Victoria Boyles, MD

Updated by: Regina Victoria Boyles

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Written by Fiel Tugade · Updated Mar 07, 2023

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