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How To Prepare Your Child for a New Sibling

Medically reviewed by Jezreel Esguerra, MD · General Practitioner

Written by Edamama · Updated Jan 31, 2023

How To Prepare Your Child for a New Sibling

Welcoming a new sibling and addition to family is an exciting time for everyone. Your family’s getting bigger and the new “ate” or “kuya” now has a new playmate. However, as with any changes at home, this too will require some adjustments.

Understandably, your attention will be divided as you need to give extra love and care to your newborn. Here’s how to prepare your child for the many changes ahead, ensuring that they feel included in this transition.

1. Deal with a new sibling based on your child’s age

Kids deal with changes differently. Some of them may react in a more welcoming way, while others may exhibit jealousy. The key is to make them feel excited. If your child is a toddler, show them cute baby pictures that will make them love the idea of having a newborn at home. For older kids, reassure them that your love for them will never change.

2. Explain the expected behavior of the new baby

If your child can understand situations already, explain to them how a baby behaves — from how they will eat, sleep, and sometimes, even cry in the middle of the night when everyone’s asleep. Remind them too that they were once that child, so they need to be more understanding. Welcoming a new sibling is an adjustment for everyone

3. Involve them in the preparation of a new sibling

You’ll be busy preparing the nursery and your baby bag prior to the arrival of your little bundle of joy. What about asking the future “kuya” or “ate” what they’d like for their sibling? Let them choose some of the baby essentials, clothes, the crib, and several toys. This will make them feel like they’re very involved in the whole process of welcoming the baby.

4. Designate your own time with them

One of the reasons why older kids feel jealous about having a new sibling is the fear that they’re no longer the priority. While you will be spending a lot of time with the newborn, you should not neglect your time with the other child. Set aside time with them, bonding over things you love doing together.

5. Read them stories about siblings and friendship

The best sibling relationships tend to always become the best friendships. Make this happen by reading children’s books about friendship and sibling relationships, such as Adarna House Books’ Diego and Marie and Adarna House Books’ Hating Kapatid.

6. Be honest and let them know as soon as possible

Don’t wait until the new baby arrives in your home before telling your other child about this big change in the family. Be honest with the adjustments that they should expect. Never underestimate the understanding of your child.

Learn more about Parenting here

This story originally appeared on Edamama and is re-used with permission:


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Medically reviewed by

Jezreel Esguerra, MD

General Practitioner

Written by Edamama · Updated Jan 31, 2023

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