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Paano Mag Tuli? The Pros and Cons of Circumcision

Paano Mag Tuli? The Pros and Cons of Circumcision
Paano Mag Tuli? The Pros and Cons of Circumcision

Tuli or circumcision has become a rite of passage for boys in the Philippines. During summer, boys aged 10 to 12 line up to go through the operation just before school starts. Before this, ano ang tuli at paano mag tuli are some of the questions they may ask, and eventually leads to kailangan ba magpatuli?

What Is Tuli?

Tuli or circumcision is a low-risk, out-patient surgery to remove the foreskin that covers the tip of the penis. It is performed for medical as well as religious and cultural reasons. Whatever the reason, it is important that consent from the parents and from the person himself is needed to continue with the operation.

There are countries where circumcision is performed on infants less than 1 year of age. Countries in Africa have the most number of circumcised individuals. Circumcision is also considered a religious ritual for Islamic and Jewish families.

Paano Mag Tuli: Pros And Cons Of Circumcision

After knowing circumcision and paano mag tuli, it is equally important to know the pros and cons of going through the operation. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of circumcision lets us know why there are people who go through with it.

The benefits of circumcision include the following:

  • Lowers the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases which includes HIV
  • There are certain medical condition such as phimosis, balanitis or paraphimosis which makes circumcision a treatment option
  • Decreases the risk of urinary tract infection which is common for uncircumcised men
  • For hygiene purposes as cleaning the circumcised penis is easier
  • Lower risk of penile cancer and cervical cancer for females with circumcised partners
  • An increase in sensation with the tip of the penis exposed

On the other hand, disadvantages or possible complications of circumcision include:

  • Irritation and/or possible infection caused by the operation
  • Bleeding
  • Cutting the foreskin shorter or longer than expected
  • Meatitis or inflamed penis opening
  • Possible adverse effects to anesthesia
  • Issues on whether the child as an adult wanted to go through with it or not

*Note that these complications are not common but probable in some cases.

Paano Mag Tuli: Is It Necessary?

The bakit magpapatuli at paano mag tuli are necessary information to help decide on this. Depending on your circumstances, it may or may not be necessary. People who do not undergo the operation do not necessarily have lower quality of life compared to those that have. Some doctors would even mention that the benefits of circumcision are good but in the end, it would ultimately depend on the decision of the patient.

There are medical cases where it is beneficial to have circumcision especially for phimosis and balanitis. In these cases, having the foreskin removed helps ease the pain the patients feel. In terms of religious and cultural practices, it may give a sense of accomplishment and pride for the person. Understanding and consenting to the operation is also important.

The decision lies with the person who will choose to undergo it. It is his body and whether he goes with circumcision or not is something he does for himself.

Key Takeaway

Circumcision or tuli can be a cultural, religious, and medical experience for boys and men. It has both advantages and disadvantages which can affect the person’s life in the long run. Understanding more about it, like knowing paano mag tuli, can someone live without it, and why you want to go through with it, enables a person to make good decisions about it.

Learn more about Penis Health here.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Male Circumcision,, Accessed July 1, 2021

Circumcision (male),, Accessed July 1, 2021

Circumcision,, Accessed July 1, 2021

Circumcision in men,, Accessed July 1, 2021

Should the Baby be Circumcised?,, Accessed July 1, 2021

Circumcision,, Accessed July 1, 2021

Circumcision for Children,, Accessed July 1, 2021

Circumcision,, Accessed July 1, 2021

Current Version


Written by Elaine Felicitas

Medically reviewed by Mary Rani Cadiz, MD

Updated by: Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

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Medically reviewed by

Mary Rani Cadiz, MD

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Written by Elaine Felicitas · Updated Jun 23, 2022

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