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Facts About Penis And Other Interesting Trivia

Facts About Penis And Other Interesting Trivia
Facts About Penis And Other Interesting Trivia

What are some interesting facts about penis? For your added knowledge and to tickle your curiosity, we’ve gathered a few fascinating facts about penises! Learn more here!

Facts about penis

Penis vs shoe size

We’ve all probably heard the rumor that a guide to guessing penise size is checking out someone’s feet or shoe size. But the British Journal of Urology International found that there is no such correlation. On the other hand, the International Journal of Impotence Research report from 2006 shared that “penile dimensions are highly connected with age, height, and index finger length,” but not with foot size.

Morning wood

Facts about penis: Most men with penises get 3-5 erections per night, mostly while they are sleeping. This is known as “nocturnal penile tumescence.” Men typically have five nocturnal erections during an eight-hour sleep cycle. They usually last approximately 25 minutes each. This equates to approximately one erection every 90 minutes.

According to one theory, this occurs to prevent bedwetting since an erection prevents urination.

Although it is known that a full bladder also stimulates nerves in the same area as those involved in erections. Another hypothesis is that REM sleep is associated with turning off noradrenaline-producing cells in the brainstem’s locus coeruleus, which regulate the penis. By lowering the inhibition, the penis becomes erect.

Nocturnal erections can be helpful as a diagnostic tool, regardless of the cause. If it is difficult to get or keep an erection while awake but not while sleeping, this may indicate a psychological issue rather than a medical one.

Death erection

The death erection, also known as “angel passion” or a terminal erection, occurs immediately after a person dies. It may be even more astonishing given that we now know that erections occur both during sleep and in the womb.

It is seen to occur in persons who have died by hanging. Scientists think it might be caused by pressure from the noose on the cerebellum. However, death erections have also been observed in cases where there’s a head wound from a bullet, significant blood vessel damage, and poisoning.

Another hypothesis holds that the”severe damage of the cervical spinal cord” is what causes the erection.

Penis fractures

Facts about penis: Although there are no bones in the penis, it is still possible for it to break. Your penis contains two blood-filled tubes, and when one of these tubes ruptures, the condition is known as a penile “fracture.” Although this most commonly occurs during intense sexual activity, doctors have also documented cases of people who have broken their penis after falling out of bed, while having an erection.

The so-called penile fracture is actually the rupturing of the corpora cavernosa’s fibrous covering, the tissue that becomes erect when engorged with blood. A popping or cracking sound, severe pain, swelling, and, unexpectedly, flaccidity are all present at the time of fracture.

Fortunately, it doesn’t occur very frequently. According to a study done in 2016, this can happen in 1 out of 175,000. And if it is treated quickly, full function can be recovered. The most “hazardous” sex position that may lead to penile fractures, according to a study that examined 42 occurrences of penile fracture, is when the woman is on top.

No brain needed

The majority of people with penises have very little control over when they ejaculate. This is in part because the brain is not involved. The signal to ejaculate comes from a specific area in the spinal cord that coordinates the necessary function. 

Curved penises are normal

A penis may point left or right, up or down. Some men naturally have a modest curve because of their anatomy, while others have Peyronie’s Disease, which causes the penis to bend during erections. The bend can be mild or severe, as much as 90 degrees or more, and it typically bends up.

So if somebody is worried that their penis is a little off, they should not be concerned since they are typical. Although few penises are straight, they can curve in any direction. A curve of up to 30 degrees is still regarded as healthy.

A shower or a grower

Facts about penis: Despite some evidence of “growers” and “showers,” not all penises enlarge when they are erect. While “growers” have penises that noticeably lengthen and occasionally widen when they are erect, “showers” have penises that remain the same length whether they are soft (flaccid) or hard (erect). 

Foreskin facts

The foreskin develops from the same tissue as the clitoral hood in the womb. When baby boys are born, the foreskin tissue fuses to the glans of the penis.

The foreskin’s interior is covered in mucous membranes that are comparable to those in the mouth and eyelids, making it a moist environment. According to certain research, uncircumcised males had higher rates of STD transmission than circumcised men.

Are male circumcisions safe?

The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend or oppose circumcision, noting that it has both benefits and minor risks. However, “intactivists” argue otherwise, citing studies that claim circumcised men do not enjoy their sex as much. However, the medical community, for now, states that medical male circumcision has no adverse effects on sexual arousal, sensitivity, pleasure, or function.

Learn more about Penis Health here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Penile Curvature (Peyronie’s Disease),, Accessed Sept 24, 2022

Peyronie’s disease,, Accessed Sept 24, 2022

Circumcision Facts and Myths | Your Information Guide,, Accessed Sept 24, 2022

Penis care | healthdirect,, Accessed Sept 24, 2022

Penis irritation | healthdirect,, Accessed Sept 24, 2022

Penis injury, swelling or pain | healthdirect,, Accessed Sept 24, 2022

Current Version


Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel

Medically reviewed by Erika Rellora, MD

Updated by: Kristel Lagorza

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Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel · Updated Oct 07, 2022

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