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Does Prostate Milking Prevent Cancer? What Even Is Prostate Milking?

Does Prostate Milking Prevent Cancer? What Even Is Prostate Milking?

Prostate milking is something you’ve probably heard of, but aren’t exactly sure about what it is. Is it safe to do? Does prostate milking prevent cancer like some proponents claim? How do you even “milk” a prostate?

Read on to find out the answers to these questions, and more.

What Is Prostate Milking?

Prostate milking, also known as prostate massage, is the process of stimulating the prostate gland. People sometimes do prostate milking for sexual pleasure, but there are also some medical uses to it.

The process involves a doctor inserting a gloved and lubricated finger up a man’s rectum. After that, the doctor will massage the prostate until fluid comes out. For some people, this can cause some discomfort. But others might find this pleasurable, which is a reason why some people do it purely for sexual pleasure.

Medical Reasons for Prostate Milking

During the late 1800s and early 1900s, prostate milking was recognized as a form of treatment for chronic prostatitis. Before prostate milking, doctors used various methods to treat prostatitis, such as using heat, cupping, and even applying leeches1.

Prostatitis refers to a condition where the prostate gland suffers from swelling and inflammation. This can cause a lot of pain, especially during urination. In some cases, it can also cause painful ejaculation.

does prostate milking prevent cancer

Healthcare professionals perform a prostate massage to examine urine specimens and identify if the cause of prostatitis is from an infection or not. This procedure is also known as the Stamey-Meares four-glass localization method.

To do this, four bacterial cultures will be made using four different samples. The first is from the initial voided urine, and the second is a midstream urine sample. The third sample is fluid that comes from the prostate after the prostate massage, and the fourth is a urine sample after the prostate massage. However, this procedure can be expensive and can cause discomfort for some patients. For this reason, healthcare professionals do not perform it regularly.

How About Prostate Milking for Sexual Pleasure?

There are some people who engage in prostate milking not for medical reasons, but for sexual pleasure. For them, stimulation of the prostate heightens their orgasm, and some even engage in masturbation while having their prostate milked.

While there are also claims that prostate milking can help with erectile dysfunction, there’s not enough evidence that shows this to be the case.

When it comes to safety, so long as individuals perform the procedure properly and with sterile implements, there shouldn’t be any problems doing it for pleasure.

Does Prostate Milking Prevent Cancer?

Now, with regard to the question of “Does prostate milking prevent cancer?” there are no studies to support this claim. One possible explanation for why people believe this is that there are claims that regular orgasms can help prevent prostate cancer. But this too has no support from any facts or evidence.

There are some studies whose results have shown that men who ejaculate more have a lower risk of prostate cancer. But the difference is extremely small, and not significant enough to recommend it as a means of preventing cancer.

So while prostate milking does have some medical uses, as far as preventing cancer is concerned, it’s not an effective way to go about it.

Key Takeaways

Prostate milking has medical purposes and uses for sexual pleasure. While it does have some benefits when it comes to treating prostatitis, it’s not yet proven effective against preventing cancer as some claim.
If you wish to lower your risk for cancer, the best way to go about it would be to live a healthy lifestyle and engage in regular health checkups.

Learn more about Men’s Health here.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


2 Prostatitis – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic,, Accessed September 22, 2021

3 Treatment of Prostatitis – American Family Physician,, Accessed September 22, 2021

4 Frequent sex: Does it protect against prostate cancer? – Mayo Clinic,, Accessed September 22, 2021

5 Current treatment options in the management of chronic prostatitis,, Accessed September 22, 2021

Current Version


Written by Jan Alwyn Batara

Medically reviewed by Regina Victoria Boyles, MD

Updated by: Vincent Sales

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Written by Jan Alwyn Batara · Updated May 10, 2022

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