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How To Make a First Aid Kit at Home

How To Make a First Aid Kit at Home
How To Make a First Aid Kit at Home

One of the handiest things to have in your home is a first aid kit. Whether you have kids or not, it is a good idea to always have a first aid kit at home. You can either purchase a complete set at your local pharmacy or you can easily put one together. Here is a quick look at everything you need to know about a first aid kit contents list and their uses with pictures.

Why Are First Aid Kits Necessary?

A must-have in every home is a first aid kit. It is handy and practical and can be of great help when treating minor injuries and ailments, without having to go to a clinic.

When you have a first aid kit, you can prevent minor problems from turning into more serious conditions. For instance, if you have a small wound, you can patch it up right away by yourself. That way, you can avoid the risk of getting an infection.

Depending on what is available in your first aid kit, you can even potentially treat more serious injuries. However, it would be ideal to take a class to learn more about how to use the first aid kit properly for these types of cases.

You can easily find prepared first aid kits for both home and outdoor use in most stores. However, it is quite easy and affordable to assemble your own and you can personalize it to suit your needs.

What Should I Put in My First Aid Kit?

Firstly, you need to think about what kind of container you need for all of your first aid supplies. Try to find a waterproof bag if you are planning to move your first aid kit around.

While having a medical bag is nice, you do not need to splurge on it. Most inexpensive makeup cases, fanny packs, nylon bags, and the like will do the job. You can also use resealable oven bags or sandwich bags to separate items and keep them dry.

The number of items you will need for your first aid kit will vary. It will depend on how many people are living in your home.

The Checklist

When you assemble your first aid kit, you should follow the ultimate first aid kit checklist. However, it is important to note that you should also personalize it to your needs.

Basic Supplies

Firstly, we need to start with the basic supplies. Here is a quick look at what you will need:

  • Hydrogen peroxide (a disinfectant)
  • First-aid manual
  • Spoon, medicine cup, or syringe
  • Surgical mask (breathing barrier)
  • Sterile saline for flushing
  • Turkey baster or similar bulb suction device to flush wounds
  • Thermometer
  • Eyewash solution
  • Antiseptic towelettes and solution
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Tweezers and scissors
  • Various sizes of safety pins
  • Various sizes of plastic bags
  • Lubricant like petroleum jelly
  • Duct tape
  • Several pairs of disposable non-latex examination gloves
  • Cotton-tipped swabs and cotton balls
  • Instant cold packs and hot packs
  • Aluminum finger splint
  • A big triangle bandage you can use as a sling
  • Eye pad or shield
  • Various sizes of roller gauze and non-stick sterile bandages
  • Superglue
  • Various sizes of butterfly bandages and bandage strips
  • Elastic wrap bandages
  • Adhesive tape and/or sterile plaster


Next, let us move onto medications. It is important to note that you should have extra medication that you need if you have a condition. Tailoring your first-aid kit’s medications to suit your and your family’s needs will be important in case of an emergency.

  • Pain relievers (like ibuprofen and acetaminophen)
  • If suggested by your doctor, auto-injector of epinephrine (for severe allergies)
  • Personal (maintenance) medication that does not have to be refrigerated
  • Cold and cough medication
  • Hydrocortisone cream
  • Antihistamine like diphenhydramine
  • Antacids
  • Laxative
  • Anti-diarrhea medication
  • Calamine lotion
  • Aloe vera gel

You may also add aspirin to your medications. If an adult experiences chest pain, aspirin may be able to save them from a heart attack. If a person has sudden chest pain and you think they are having a heart attack, call for professional medical help right away, and the person must chew regular-strength aspirin.

However, you should never give aspirin to children. You should also not give it to a person who is allergic to aspirin, is taking a different blood-thinning medication, or has bleeding problems.

how to make a first aid kit

Other items you can add to your kit

Having some “nice to have” items that while not necessary, can also be helpful. Here is a quick look at what you may want to add:

  • Insect repellent
  • Sunscreen
  • Cell phone and a solar charger
  • Emergency space blanket
  • Waterproof writing instrument and a small notebook
  • Waterproof matches
  • Headlamp or a small waterproof flashlight with extra batteries
  • Medical history forms for every household member
  • Medical consent forms for every household member
  • Emergency contact information, which can include the poison helpline, emergency road service providers, local emergency services, contact information of a family pediatrician or doctor

Where Should I Put My First Aid Kit?

When you are thinking about where you can put your first aid kit, it must be easy to access. It should not be tucked away and hard to find. That way, you can quickly grab it when you need to deal with an injury or ailment.

The best place to put your first aid kit would be in a central area. An ideal place to keep your first aid kit would be in a bathroom or the kitchen.

Additionally, you would want to make sure that children cannot reach it because they may hurt themselves. Try to keep your first aid kit in a high area like on top of the cabinet.

Key Takeaways

Having a first-aid kit could help you immediately treat sudden injuries and potentially save a life. Depending on the number of people in your household, you can choose to put together one, big first aid kit or make custom, smaller packs for each of the individuals in the family. In addition to the first aid kit, you may want to stock up on canned food, water, and the like in case of emergencies.
Be sure to follow the advice above to help you create a home first aid kit.

Learn more about First Aid here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Chemical Disinfectants,, Accessed June 23, 2020

Ibuprofen (Oral Route),, Accessed June 23, 2020

Acetaminophen (Oral Route, Rectal Route),, Accessed June 23, 2020

Epinephrine (Injection Route),, Accessed June 23, 2020

Antihistamine (Oral Route, Parenteral Route, Rectal Route),, Accessed June 23, 2020

Current Version


Written by Tracey Romero

Medically reviewed by Mike Kenneth Go Doratan, MD

Updated by: Vincent Sales

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