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Facts about Eye Health: Debunking the Myths

Facts about Eye Health: Debunking the Myths

We all have grown up listening to various warnings when it comes to eye health, from ‘watching television spoils your eyes’ to ‘eating carrots will make your eyesight stronger’. There are tons of similar warnings. The do’s and don’ts list seems unending. But are all these warnings about eye health actually facts or just myths? In this article, we will go through all the popular myths and facts about eye health.

Debunking myths with eye health facts

Eye health myth 1: Eating carrots helps to improve vision.

Fact: Well, it is partially true. Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A. Vitamin A is a nutrient that helps to gain good vision. But carrots are not the only source of vitamin A.

There are other food items that are we consume regularly, which are also a source of vitamin A, including milk, egg, kale, spinach, etc. So instead of focusing just on carrots, make sure your diet comprises of other fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A.

facts about eye health

Eye health myth 2: Sitting for long hours in front of a laptop damages vision.

Fact: One of the most important eye health facts is that sitting in front of a laptop or computer for long hours at a stretch does not affect vision. It causes stress on the eyes that can further cause headaches or pain in the area around your eyes. In addition, while we work on the computer we often forget to blink our eyes.

This lack of blinking can make your eyes dry and cause irritation. Make sure the screen of your laptop or computer is not too close. It is advised to take a break from the screen at regular intervals. Following the ’20-20-20’ rule, which says taking a break every 20 minutes, staring at an object that is at a distance of 20 meters for 20 seconds.

Eye health myth 3: Kids watching television for too long are likely to get glasses.

Fact: Though there is no research that says kids can damage their vision if they sit for a long time in front of the television. It is something we all have grown up listening to. Since the ability to focus on objects that are at a huge distance hasn’t been developed yet, kids tend to often sit near the television.

This is similar to when kids read a book, you might have often seen them holding the book too close to their eyes. With age, most children are likely to change their habits. If they do not change the habit, it is an indication that your child is having ‘myopia’. Also, not just adults, it is important even for kids to have a regular examination of their eyes.

Eye health myth 4: Vision loss can never be prevented.

Fact: Most medical conditions have their own symptoms, and so do eye problems. If you come across any signs and symptoms related to the eyes, it is important to get in touch with your doctor.

One of the most important eye health facts to remember is: the earlier the diagnosis, the more effective the treatment is. Signs and symptoms include blurry vision, pain in the eyes or area around it, etc. Early treatment will help to stop the vision loss, if not, at least slow down the process of vision loss.

Eye health myth 5: Staring at the sun with naked eyes damages your vision.

Fact: It is not the brightness of the sun but the ultraviolet rays that are harmful. Staring at the sun directly is not good. It can damage your eyesight.

The harmful sun’s rays can harm your retina. This can cause a number of eye disorders including cataracts, corneal dystrophies, solar retinitis, etc.

Eye health myth 6: Eye exercises help to improve your vision and eye health.

Fact: Doctors recommend doing eye exercises when you have convergence insufficiency. It is a condition in which both your eyes don’t have coordination and have a lack of focus.

Doing regular eye exercises helps to get rid of or prevent the condition. Contrary to the belief that eye exercises help to prevent vision loss or help to lessen the power of glasses, it only helps to prevent or cure convergence insufficiency.

Eye health myth 7: Wearing eyeglasses for long hours means you are getting dependent.

Fact: If you have an issue with your vision and if your doctor has recommended you to wear eyeglasses, it is important to wear them regularly. Wearing eyeglasses for long hours does not mean you are getting dependent on them.

In fact, it is only helping you to view things properly. Not using eyeglasses regularly will only put a strain on your eyes. Thus, further harming your eyes or resulting in an eye condition.

facts about eye health

Eye health myth 8: As you grow older you will lose vision.

Fact: This is not true. Not all people tend to lose their vision with age. There are certain eye conditions that can result in people losing their vision. But most eye conditions such as cataracts, presbyopia, etc. can be treated and that will prevent vision loss in people including elder people.

It is advised to get your eyes checked at regular intervals to diagnose if you have any eye condition. If the eye condition is diagnosed at an early stage, it will help to cure it and prevent any further issues in the eyes.

Now that we have shared all these popular myths and facts about eye health with you, we have some bonus tips. Keep them in mind to have healthy eyes.

Tips for maintaining eye health

  • Consume food rich in vitamins A, C, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids to help maintain eye health. Consuming healthy food helps to prevent a number of diseases including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Make sure your meals comprise leafy vegetables, oranges, nuts, salmon, and oysters.
  • Avoid smoking. Excess smoking damages your eyes and increases your chances of developing cataracts.
  • Avoid excess exposure to the sun. To protect your eyes from harmful UV rays, use sunglasses of good quality.
  • Limit screen time. Excess screen time can make your eyes dry and cause blurry vision. While working on the computer, make sure you blink more, take a break from the screen, etc.
  • Schedule your appointment with ophthalmologists regularly. If you experience any issues with your vision, inform your doctor. Even if you do not have any issues with your eyes, having a regular eye checkup is a must.
  • If you have a family history of eye conditions, inform your doctor.

Learn more about eye health here.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Written by Nikita Bhalla

Medically reviewed by Victor Paulino, MD, DPBO

Updated by: Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

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Written by Nikita Bhalla · Updated Aug 25, 2022

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