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How to Prevent Eye Redness: Tips That are Worth a Try

How to Prevent Eye Redness: Tips That are Worth a Try

Eye redness is a condition that has several causes. It can be caused by something as simple as pollen irritation or as serious as inflammation in the parts of the eye. Learn how to prevent eye redness here

What Are Some Causes of Eye Redness?

Redness is an indication that something wrong is going on in the eyes. Before learning how to prevent eye redness depends, you must first determine the cause of it. 

Here are some of the most common causes.

Tired Eyes

If a person has been awake for too long, reading or staring at a screen for too long, or doing activities that stress the eyes, this can cause redness. 


When the eye comes in contact with irritants such as chemicals or small particles, it may lead to redness in the eyes.


When your eye or the area around your eye is burned or hit by blunt force, the injury could cause bruising and redness in your eyes. 

Corneal abrasion

The cornea, or the clear layer covering the iris and the pupil, can get scratched when it comes in contact with dust and other small particles. Aside from redness, a corneal abrasion might also cause light sensitivity and a feeling that a foreign object is in the eye. Aggressively rubbing the eyes may also cause a corneal abrasion. 


If a person has an allergic reaction, may it be from pollen, pet dander, or eating peanuts, this can cause inflammation in the eyes and swelling of the eyelids. Aside from redness, allergic reactions also cause a burning sensation, watery eyes, and itchiness.

Eye surgery

After eye surgery, it is normal to experience inflammation which results in redness and swelling in the eyes.

Contact lens

Not using contact lenses properly can lead to complications such as corneal abrasion, infection due to contaminated contact lenses, and corneal hypoxia, or the lack of oxygen in the cornea. 

Viral and Bacterial Infections

A lot of bacteria and viruses can cause irritation and redness in the eyes. The virus or bacteria often infects the cornea or the conjunctiva, the layer covering the white part of the eye. Most eye viral and bacterial infections are contagious.

Dry eyes

This is a condition wherein the eye is not lubricated enough due to insufficient production of tears, or tears that evaporate too quickly.  

Subconjunctival hemorrhage

The conjunctiva contains many small blood vessels that can break because of trauma or a violent movement such as a strong sneeze or cough. When these do break, blood leaks out causing red spots to appear on the eyes. This condition is often harmless and heals on its own. 

Inflammation on any part of the eye

Most of the time, we see redness on the white part of the eye (sclera) but it doesn’t mean that only the sclera is affected. If an infection occurs in any layer or tissue in and surrounding the eye, redness will manifest. Inflammation can be caused by a wide variety of conditions most of which are infections. 

  • Iritis – An inflammation of the colored part of the eye (iris)
  • Keratitis – An inflammation of the clear layer in front of the eye (cornea)
  • Orbital cellulitis – An inflammation due to infection in the tissues and glands surrounding the eye
  • Pink eye – An inflammation of the layer (conjunctiva) surrounding the white part of the eye 
  • Scleritis – An inflammation of the white area of the eye (sclera)
  • Uveitis – An inflammation of the middle layer of the eye (uvea)

How to Prevent Eye Redness

Just as there are many causes, there are also many ways on how to prevent eye redness. Do try the following

How to prevent eye redness: Don’t Stress Your Eyes

If you’re reading or staring at a screen all day, follow the 20-20-20 rule. For every 20 minutes, look 20 feet ahead for at least 20 seconds. 

How to prevent eye redness: Avoid touching your eyes

Our hands can potentially carry a lot of particles and pathogens that can be harmful to our eyes. Whenever you need to touch your eyes or area around your eyes, make sure your hands are thoroughly washed or sanitized.

How to prevent eye redness: Protect your eyes

Use protective eyewear to protect your eyes from debris, sunlight, and other foreign particles. Wearing appropriate eyewear in places such as a laboratory, construction site, and workshop can significantly lower your risk of possible eye injury and infection.

How to prevent eye redness: Use contact lenses properly

Many infections can be caused by not fitting your contact lens properly. Bacterial infection may also arise from not cleaning or replacing your contact lenses. Wearing contact lenses too long or when sleeping can also irritate your cornea.

Make sure to follow instructions on how to put on contact lenses and for how long you should wear them. Do not reuse disposable contact lenses. Also, use prescribed eye drops for lubrication for better fit and comfort. 

How to prevent eye redness: Eye check-up

Get an eye check-up at least once a year. Your ophthalmologist can assess the condition of your eyes and detect any early onset of eye disease. They can also prescribe the right medication and treatment. Make sure to follow them religiously. 

Key Takeaways

Eye redness can be caused by a lot of conditions. It is usually an indication that something is wrong with your eyes. Using contact lenses correctly, protecting your eyes, and scheduling a regular check-up with your ophthalmologist can significantly prevent a person from developing severe eye conditions. 

Learn more about Eye Care here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Red Eye, Accessed January 16, 2021

Herpes Infection in the Cornea,,the%20risk%20of%20visual%20impairment. Accessed January 16, 2021

Possible contact lens complications, January 16, 2021

Corneal Abrasion, January 16, 2021

Dry Eye,,problem%2C%20particularly%20in%20older%20adults. Accessed January 16, 2021

Eye Strain: How to Prevent Tired Eyes, Accessed January 16, 2021

Eye Allergy, Accessed January 16, 2021

Red eye,

Accessed January 16, 2021


Current Version


Written by Hazel Caingcoy

Medically reviewed by Regina Victoria Boyles, MD

Updated by: Regina Victoria Boyles

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Written by Hazel Caingcoy · Updated Jan 20, 2023

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