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Nose Pimple: The Do's and Don'ts of Dealing with This Condition

Nose Pimple: The Do's and Don'ts of Dealing with This Condition
Nose Pimple: The Do's and Don'ts of Dealing with This Condition

A nose pimple can be a bother. Aside from it being too visible, it can also be painful especially when it stretches the skin on the sides of the nostril and inside the nose. It happens to everyone and managing it helps to minimize lasting effects like scarring.

Nose Pimple: Why Does It Occur?

Acne, in general, starts when pores become clogged up with oil or sebum, and dead skin cells. It appears as red bumps on the skin which may or may have pus inside of it. There are different types of acne that are deeper and more painful to have more than others like pustules, nodules, and cysts. For these types, it is best to consult your doctor to avoid permanent damage to the skin.

There are different factors that increase the likelihood of a person having acne. It may be due to hormonal changes in the body, the food that you eat, hygiene and certain medicine which affect this. It can also be due to irritation and bacteria present in the skin that affects how much acne a person has.

Things to Avoid to Lessen Nose Pimples

Nose pimples can happen inside and outside of the nasal cavity. Here are some tips that you need to avoid so that there will be fewer pimples inside and on your nose.

  • Avoid popping pimples on your own as this can lead to swelling, scarring, and infection.
  • Try not to let your nose or face touch anything that is not cleaned. Your hands or your uncleaned cell phone are breeding grounds for bacteria and may infect your face.
  • Don’t blow your nose too much as it makes it easier for bacteria to transfer from your hands to the inside of your nose.
  • Lessen nose-picking and pulling of nasal hairs as it can cause wounds inside your nose which makes it prone to infection.

Nose pimples in the nasal vestibule, or the portion at the entrance of the nostrils, happen because of bacterial infection. It can lead to other conditions such as nasal vestibulitis, furunculosis, or the presence of boils and cellulitis.

What You Can Do for Your Nose Pimple

There are different steps that can be done for nose pimples. If home remedies don’t work, it is best to consult professionals so that they can give the advice to treat your acne depending on your condition.

Here are some tips on what you can do for your nose pimples:

  • Wash the problem area no more than twice a day with a gentle cleanser. Cleaning it more can strip natural moisture off your face and can irritate your skin
  • Try to use products with salicylic acid, retinoid, and benzoyl peroxide. These can lessen bacteria on your nose but may cause a burning or stinging sensation on the skin. Make sure to use only as indicated in the package and as advised by your doctor.
  • Alternative to the topical products, some use tea tree oil and herbal masks to do a spot treatment on the pimples. This helps dry the pimples faster.
  • Find the best cleansing routine for your skin. Some routines involve just using a mild cleanser to remove dirt from the skin and moisturizer.
  • Wash your hands. It is the most basic of all tips as it not only prevents the spread of bacteria causing pimples but also other conditions.

Try to do these simple remedies for 3 to 4 weeks and check if your nose pimples lessen or heal. If it does not work, consult a professional. For pimples inside the nose, as the nasal cavity is sensitive and can affect other parts of the body, check with your doctor first before doing anything.

Depending on the severity of the pimples, doctors provide medication to treat acne. They prescribe antibiotics, retinoids, isotretinoin, and sometimes, birth control pills. There are also therapies, such as chemical peel, extraction and drainage, injections and light therapy, which combined with topical or oral medication can cure nose pimples faster.

Important note: Popping pimples in the nose can be fatal — as the nose is part of the danger triangle of the face. Infections, if left untreated or manipulated without medical supervision, can lead to brain infections and even death.

Key Takeaways

Nose pimples, like normal pimples, can affect anyone. There are different factors that increase the chances of having nose pimples. This may be because of hormones, diet, and bacterial infection. By trying not to touch the nose area and keeping it clean makes it less prone to being exposed to bacteria and open wounds where it can grow. It is good to practice good hygiene and to consult your doctor if simple remedies do not help lessen your nose pimples.

Learn more about Nose Conditions here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Acne – Symptoms and Causes,, Accessed March 30, 2021

Treatment Modalities for Acne,, Accessed March 30, 2021

Overview – Acne,, Accessed March 30, 2021

How to Get Rid of Acne on Your Nose,, Accessed March 30, 2021

Acne,, Accessed March 30, 2021

Tips for Taking Care of Your Skin,, Accessed March 30, 2021

Current Version


Written by Elaine Felicitas

Medically reviewed by Regina Victoria Boyles, MD

Updated by: Regina Victoria Boyles

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Written by Elaine Felicitas · Updated Dec 21, 2022

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