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Diabetes Apps: 5 Free Apps To Help Manage Your Diabetes

Diabetes Apps: 5 Free Apps To Help Manage Your Diabetes
Diabetes Apps: 5 Free Apps To Help Manage Your Diabetes

Diabetes is a complicated condition. To remain within your target blood sugar range, you need to have an appropriate diet and exercise. On top of that, you also must take the correct dose of medication or insulin at the right time. Also, let’s not forget that diabetes raises your risk for other health conditions, including cardiovascular events. Good thing there are now apps to help manage diabetes. In this article, we list down 5 of the best diabetes apps you can download for free. 

1. Medical ID

The first in our list of diabetes apps centers on preparation. Medical ID is an app that consolidates all the medical information you need in case an emergency happens. 

In the app, you can input details like your blood type, any allergies, medications you’re currently taking, and emergency contacts. 

One great thing about this app is you can access it without having to unlock the phone. That means during an emergency, healthcare professionals can easily obtain relevant information about your health, and that you are less likely to forget any important detail. 

Access Medical ID here

2. Carb Manager

When you have diabetes, counting your macros is important. The good news is, you can easily do it with Carb Manager, an app made for those interested in keto diet but that which diabetics can also take advantage of. 

Carb Manager lets you log your food within seconds and tells you how much carbs, proteins, and fats they contain. 

The free version also allows you to track your weight and body mass index. If you subscribe to their premium version, you can also take advantage of their insulin and glucose trackers. 

Access Carb Manager here

3. mySugr

Next on our diabetes apps is mySugr, an app made by people with diabetes for people with diabetes. 

mySugr lets you log in your glucose levels manually or by connecting the app to a compatible blood sugar monitoring device. Device pairing not only saves you time, but also reduces the risk of logging errors. 

Besides tracking your blood sugar levels, the app also offers an estimation of your next HbA1c result based on your daily logs. It also has basic challenges that help you better manage your diabetes. 

mySugr is free, but upgrading to pro lets you into more advanced features, like calculating possible insulin doses. 

Access mySugr here

4. Beat Diabetes

If you’re looking for information about diabetes, consider Beat Diabetes – a one-stop-app featuring information made by medical professionals. 

This free app lets you into the best and worst foods for diabetes, expert tips on controlling your blood sugar levels, strategies to improve your physical activity through household chores, a diabetic diet as suggested by the American Diabetes Association, and so much more.  

Access Beat Diebetes here

5. One Drop 

Last on our list of free diabetes apps is One Drop. It allows you to track your blood glucose, medications, exercise, and meals. Like mySugr, you can also connect it to a compatible blood sugar monitoring device. 

One thing that sets One Drop apart is that the premium version can connect you to a health coach who can help you through the hard days. 

Access One Drop here

Final Reminders

Most of the diabetes apps we mentioned have premium versions that give you more than the basic features. Sometimes, these upgraded features include personalized health tips and even medication calculation. Please be cautious in following these tips and calculations. Despite what the app says, follow your doctor’s instructions. As much as the app says it can “personalize” things for you, only your doctor truly knows your condition. 

In other words, while diabetes apps are helpful in tracking your progress, they are not a substitute for medical consultations. Before following any treatment, meal or exercise plan from the app, check in with your doctor first. 

Learn more about Diabetes here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Medical ID,, Accessed November 18, 2021

The #1 Keto Diet App Since 2010,, Accessed November 18, 2021

Your diabetes data, simply there,, Accessed November 18, 2021

Own your health,, Accessed November 18, 2021

Highly Rated Apps for Diabetes,, Accessed November 18, 2021

Current Version


Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

Medically reviewed by Regina Victoria Boyles, MD

Updated by: Regina Victoria Boyles

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Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Feb 11, 2023

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