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Vaginal Yeast Infection: All You Need To Know

Vaginal Yeast Infection: All You Need To Know
Vaginal Yeast Infection: All You Need To Know

What is a vaginal yeast infection? Healthy vaginas contain bacteria and fungi. They are collectively called as vaginal flora, and it is natural to have them. But sometimes, the balance is disturbed and an overgrowth occurs which leads to infection. While very common, a vaginal yeast infection can cause extreme irritation and discomfort. 

A vaginal yeast infection, also known as candidiasis, is very common. It is caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. Candida is found on the skin and other parts of the body, including the mouth, throat, gut, and vagina.

The vagina’s natural chemistry is a balance of bacteria and yeast. Estrogen helps this good bacteria, called lactobacilli to grow. It also kills harmful organisms in the vagina.

According to a study, 80.40% of recorded fungal infections in the Philippines in 2016 was attributed to candidiasis. Interestingly, it was the leading cause of consultation at the Dermatology Out-Patient Section of the Department of Health-Research Institute of Tropical Medicine. 

Signs and Symptoms

Extreme itchiness and discomfort in and around the vagina are the main symptoms of candidiasis. These may also be a warning sign of infection or illness:

  • Burning, redness, and swelling of the vagina and vulva
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Soreness
  • Rash
  • Burning sensation during urination

Thick, whitish-gray vaginal discharge is another warning sign of infection or illness. It has been described to have a cottage-cheese-like consistency, but odorless.

If left untreated, symptoms can escalate from mild to severe, leading to more serious health issues. Because these symptoms are similar to that of other conditions, including bacterial vaginosis, do not diagnose yourself. See your doctor immediately for more concrete assessment and treatment. 


Apart from an overgrowth of bad bacteria, there are many reasons for a vaginal yeast infection. These include: 


An imbalance in the vagina’s environment can occur during pregnancy, menopause, and the menstrual cycle.

Women in menopausal transition are likely to experience vaginal itching. The decline in estrogen levels results in thinner and drier vaginal walls, leading to itchiness.


Cortisone and other drugs can eliminate some of the vagina’s good bacteria.


The mucous membranes of your vagina can create more room for yeast to grow when there is an increase in sugar in your body. Even if there is no diagnosis, improving eating habits and limiting sugar intake can help.

Weak immune system

Immunodeficiency disorders make it harder for the body to fight off infection

Douches and vaginal products

Chemical irritants found in some detergents, soaps, feminine hygiene products, vaginal sprays, and creams can cause itchiness. 


Stress has a negative effect on the immune system which increases the likelihood of having yeast infection. 

Watch out for any warning sign of infection or illness. Vaginal yeast infection, though can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, is not considered a sexually transmitted infection (STI). This is because it is naturally existing and is part of the body’s normal flora.

However, sexual contact can sometimes lead to an infection. This is because your body might react poorly to another person’s genital chemistry. You may be at risk if you have multiple partners or change partners often. 


First, your doctor would want to know about your medical history, to include your sexual history. This includes whether you have had a yeast infection before, and even STIs.

Infections caused by bacteria and sexually transmitted infections often share similar symptoms. It is better to consult a doctor because each requires different treatment. 

A pelvic exam is usually the next step. Your doctor will need to examine the surrounding area for external signs of infection like swelling and redness.

Depending on the severity of your case, a sample of your vaginal discharge may be taken for examination. Lab tests will determine if there is indeed an overgrowth of Candida. These tests are only necessary if the infection occurs regularly and will not go away.


An estimated 75% of women will be affected at some point in life. While fairly common, yeast infections are usually treated within 7 days. Severe cases, however, may take up to 2 weeks. 

Over-the-counter Anti-fungal Medication

Vaginal yeast infection is easy to treat with symptoms eliminated in a few days. After experiencing any warning sign of infection or illness, you can buy anti-fungal medicines at any drugstore, over the counter (OTC).

These come in the form of medicated creams, ointments, and vaginal suppository for yeast infection. 

Apply OTC creams around your vulva to minimize itching that can lead to cuts and scrapes, as these will allow the spread of more germs.

Again, see your doctor first to avoid misdiagnosis and for proper treatment. Some bacteria are resistant to certain antibiotics. 

For mild cases, the doctor might prescribe a 1-3 day-regimen of the listed medications above or other prescription medication. Make sure to finish them all even after your symptoms go away. 

In severe and complicated cases, you may have to take long-term medication that lasts for weeks and in larger doses. 

Refraining from Sexual Intercourse

If you are sexually active, you may want to know if your partner has or has had a yeast infection.

During treatment, refrain from any sexual contact, vaginal or oral. Friction from sex can cause more irritation. Moreover, oils contained in some medicines might cause barriers like condoms to break. 


Vaginal yeast infection is one of the most common infections among women.

3 out of 4 women are likely to experience it at some point. And some might experience recurring infections. 

Nevertheless, yeast infections are easily managed and treated. But, there are ways on how you can minimize your risk level:

  • Avoid wearing tight clothing because it increases heat and moisture level in your genital area
  • Wear cotton underwear instead
  • Do not wear wet suits or workout clothes for long periods of time
  • During your period, change pads, tampons, and panty liners as often as possible
  • After bathing or using the toilet, always wipe from front to back. The key is to always keep your genitals dry. 
  • Refrain from douching. Douching kills the healthy bacteria necessary to prevent harmful organisms to multiply.
  • Avoid using scented genital products including vaginal sprays, toilet paper, and feminine wash

Key Takeaways

The presence of Candida yeast  in your vagina is normal. It is the overgrowth that causes health complications.

Despite its prevalence, watching out for any warning sign of infection or illness, and possible treatment of yeast infection can help minimize the risks.

The availability of over-the-counter medications can eliminate symptoms in just a matter of days. 

It is important to seek medical help first before treating yourself. Some antibiotics might not work, while others are meant for a different infection or disease. 

Learn more about Women’s Health Issues here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

What is a Yeast Infection? Accessed 23 May 2020

Vaginal Yeast Infections Accessed 23 May 2020

Yeast Infection (Vaginal) Accessed 23 May 2020

Vaginal Candidiasis Accessed 23 May 2020


Current Version


Written by Honey Buenaventura

Medically reviewed by Jezreel Esguerra, MD

Updated by: Jezreel Esguerra, MD

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Medically reviewed by

Jezreel Esguerra, MD

General Practitioner

Written by Honey Buenaventura · Updated Dec 13, 2022

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