Implantation Bleeding vs Menstruation
Is it that time of the month, or is it a sign of early pregnancy? Understanding the difference between implantation bleeding vs. menstruation bleeding may help us alleviate some anxiety. In order to understand these two and their differences, let’s clearly define each.
Implantation Bleeding
Implantation bleeding refers to a small amount of spotting or bleeding that may present around 10 to 14 days after successful conception. This phenomena occurs due to the implantation of a fertilized egg onto the walls of the uterus.
Menstrual Bleeding
Menstrual bleeding typically occurs when the endometrium is sloughed off at the start of the menstrual cycle. This occurs due to the failure of the endometrium to maintain itself after undergoing changes that prepare it for the implantation of a fertilized egg. Menstrual bleeding typically lasts for 3-5 days, but may be as short as 2 days or more than 7 days days. The amount may vary from person to person, but typically ranges from 30mL to 80 mL.
Implantation Bleeding vs Menstruation: The Similarities
Since menstrual bleeding varies from person to person, it is very difficult to identify whether what you’re experiencing is implantation bleeding or menstruation. However, there are some general characteristics of implantation bleeding that may give you an understanding as to what is happening.
Implantation Bleeding vs Menstruation: The Differences
Listed below are characteristics that may help you differentiate implantation bleeding from menstruation.
Implantation bleeding is typically light pink to brown in color, whereas menstrual blood may start off as bright to dark red.
Strength of flow
Implantation bleeding tends to be light, or look like spotting. Menstrual bleeding is variable, ranging from light spotting to heavy bleeding.
Length of flow
Implantation bleeding usually occurs for a couple of hours to three full days/ less than 3 days.
Some women experience a great deal of clotting during their menstruation, while some do not see much at all. Implantation bleeding, however, should not present any clots.
Implantation bleeding is typically light, while period blood may begin light but become heavier over time.
Cramps during implantation bleeding are light, and short in duration. Menstrual cramps may be light or strong depending on the person.
If you are familiar with what your typical menstrual features are, a deviation may mean you are experiencing implantation bleeding. For example, if you are usually a heavy bleeder and your bleeding typically lasts for 7 days, but after having sexual intercourse around 2 weeks ago, you notice that your period is lighter and lasts for 2-3 days, you may need to seek consult with your obstetrician, as this may be implantation bleeding.
Implantation Bleeding vs Menstruation: Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?
After comparing what you’re experiencing to the features above, and you feel that you may indeed be pregnant, you may take a pregnancy test to confirm your suspicions. This can be done in the clinic with your obstetrician (blood pregnancy test) or at home with a commercially available kit (urine pregnancy test). However, you should wait at least 21 days from the day of your last sexual intercourse, in order to get an accurate result.
Key takeaway
When it comes to implantation bleeding vs menstruation, they may look very similar. After all, both involve similar vaginal bleeding.
However, being mindful of your own period and noticing subtle differences may help you determine which is which. You should also look out for other signs of pregnancy, such as mood swings, nausea and vomiting (morning sickness), breast tenderness, generally feeling fatigued, body pains, and headaches.
Consult your OB-Gyne if you have additional questions or concerns.
Learn more about Menstruation here.