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How To Remove Calluses: Tips To Do It Safely and Painlessly

Medically reviewed by Mia Dacumos, MD · Nephrology · Makati Medical Center

Written by Amable Aguiluz · Updated Aug 19, 2022

How To Remove Calluses: Tips To Do It Safely and Painlessly

Calluses, in general, are related to corns and are hardened and thickened layers of skin. They develop due to pressure and friction. Many people want to learn how to remove calluses from their feet, hands, fingers, and toes, which is where they commonly develop. 

For patients who are generally healthy, calluses do not require immediate medical attention, unless it causes discomfort. However, serious cases may require medical intervention. 

Causes and Signs of Callus

Learning how to remove calluses begins with learning how and why calluses form. Calluses form due to pressure and friction caused by daily habits like the following:

Walking or running with shoes on and without socks – Wearing shoes and sandals without socks can cause friction and the growth of calluses. This also applies for socks that do not fit well.

Choosing to wear and walk with ill-fitting shoesGenerally, shoes like high heels and sandals and shoes that are tight can lead to compression and added pressure on specific areas on your feet. The same can be said for shoes that are too loose, as your feet are prone to repeated sliding and rubbing against the shoe, which ultimately is another source of friction.

Choosing to wear and walk with ill-fitting shoesGenerally, shoes like high heels and sandals and shoes that are tight can lead to compression and added pressure on specific areas on your feet. The same can be said for shoes that are too loose, as your feet are prone to repeated sliding and rubbing against the shoe, which ultimately is another source of friction.

Playing instruments like guitars or using hand tools – Repeated use of instruments such as guitars and tools have a marked effect on the chances of calluses appearing on your fingers. This is caused by the repeated pressure on your hands.

WritingExcessive writing can lead to the development of calluses in the gaps of your fingers due to the friction caused between the ballpen or pencil and your fingers.

Lack of hand protection – Performing heavy-duty tasks involving tools create friction and pressure. When doing these types of activities, wear protective gloves or gear. 

There are also other conditions that are indirectly responsible for the development of calluses:

Bunions – A bunion is an abnormally large bump that forms on the joint near the base of one’s big toe. It is bony and easy to spot once it has formed.

Foot deformitiesRefers to other foot deformities that are responsible for causing friction or pressure in focus areas. Examples of such deformities are bone spurs.

Hammertoe – A deformity wherein your toes simply curl up like claws.

how to remove calluses

Symptoms of Callus

The need to know how to remove calluses may arise when you experience symptoms such as:

  • Development of a thick and hard area of skin
  • Tenderness and pain under the hardened skin
  • Skin becomes flaky, waxy, and dry
  • A raised, hardened, and thick bump has developed
  • Callus area becomes inflamed or painful

How To Remove Calluses

The first step on how to remove calluses lies in utilizing preventive measures to ensure that calluses and similar issues do not develop. Examples include:

  • Wearing protective coverings and gear such as gloves and boots when working
  • Wearing footwear with ample room and space
  • Maintain trimmed toenails and fingernails
  • Use adhesive pads when needed with prior advice from a doctor

However, when you find yourself in a position wherein a callus has already developed, and is beginning to cause discomfort, inflammation, or pain, you may do the following:

  • Soaking affected areas in warm water until the skin softens.
  • Once the thickened skin softens, don’t peel the skin off as it might cause more damage and even increase the likelihood of infection.
  • Instead, gently rub the area with your fingers first. Alternatively, you can also use a pumice stone, emery board, or a wash cloth.
  • Apply moisturizing cream and lotion to the affected areas every day
  • Apply a cold pack for as long as 10-20 minutes if the callus is swollen or causing pain.

Key Takeaways

A callus can be dealt with swiftly if you ever notice its development. It is important to regard it as it is: dead skin. As such, one must take extra care by learning how to remove calluses properly. Always consult a doctor. On the other hand, following prevention and treatment tips on how to remove calluses will be helpful in dealing with calluses and other related conditions. 

Learn more about Other Skin Issues here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Medically reviewed by

Mia Dacumos, MD

Nephrology · Makati Medical Center

Written by Amable Aguiluz · Updated Aug 19, 2022

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