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What Is Castor Oil And How Can It Help Improve Skin Health?

What Is Castor Oil And How Can It Help Improve Skin Health?
What Is Castor Oil And How Can It Help Improve Skin Health?

What is castor oil? Castor oil is a vegetable oil pressed from castor beans. It is a colorless or pale yellow liquid with a distinct taste and odor. 

Castor oil has been used for decades in food, cosmetics, and health care support. Castor oil includes chemical components such as fatty acids, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, amino acids, terpenoids, and phytosterols. In castor oil, nearly 90% of fatty acids have specific and rare compounds, which are ricinoleic acid.

The benefits of castor oil

Castor oil contains many ingredients that bring high value to health and beauty as well. Some of the effects of castor oil are as follows:

Lightening stretchmarks

Castor oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acid ricinoleic acid. These types of fats help retain moisture and potentially prevent skin dehydration. So castor oil is used in quite a few creams against stretch marks during pregnancy or weight loss.

Although this is a fairly safe natural remedy, sometimes allergic reactions are still possible. Therefore, it is recommended to apply a moderate amount on a small area of ​​skin before using a large amount.

Helps to quickly heal open wounds

Applying clean castor oil to the wound will create a favorable environment to promote tissue growth, reduce dryness, prevent sores, and reduce the risk of infection. In addition, castor oil inhibits the accumulation of dead skin cells that delay wound healing.

Castor oil anti-Inflammatory pain relief

The ricinoleic acid in this oil has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that applying oil to the skin helps reduce inflammation and pain in bones and joints. 

Castor oil helps reduce acne

Acne is a condition that can be encountered at many different ages. It helps remove dead skin cells, fight bacteria, fungi, viruses, and remove excess oil and dirt that clog pores. Not only that, the high fatty acid content aids in fading dark spots by penetrating damaged skin tissue, promoting healthy skin cell growth.

How to use castor oil 


Rub this oil on dry skin or skin that’s at risk of stretch marks. Should be massaged at night before going to bed.

Wound healing

For pain relief and wound healing, apply oil to the affected area.


First, steam your face with hot water for about 10 to 15 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon of castor oil, rub it on your face and leave it on for 45 to 60 minutes. Then wash it off. Do it about 2 times a week.

Risks of using castor oil

According to a 2007 study, castor oil has not been shown to be a significant skin irritant or sensitizer in human clinical trials. However, a 2008 study found that some people have allergic reactions when applying castor oil to their skin. Although, this is rare.

If you’re thinking about using castor oil on your lips, consider talking to your dermatologist about possible allergic reactions.

Also, consider applying a small amount of oil to a small area of ​​skin on your forearm before applying it elsewhere on your body. Observe the skin for 24 hours. If there is no reaction, such as redness or itching, chances are that your body is not allergic to castor oil.

If accidentally swallowed, some of the possible risks associated with castor oil include diarrhea and induction of spontaneous labor.

Key Takeaways

What is castor oil and how can you use it to improve skin health? Using castor oil is a useful and inexpensive way to promote skin health, and it may have particular benefits for facial skin. However, much of the evidence underlying these benefits is yet to be deemed conclusive, and a greater degree of scientific research will be required to determine the full benefits of castor oil.

This oil is relatively safe, but it can cause some side effects that should be considered when deciding whether to use castor oil on the face and skin. Consult your doctor before using castor oil. 

Learn more about Skin Health here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Angelo G. (2012). Essential fatty acids and skin health., Accessed October 19, 2022

How to get radiant hair, skin, and nails naturally,, Accessed October 19, 2022

Castor oil oral solution,, Accessed October 19, 2022

Effectiveness of utilizing VCO oil and castor oil on natural creams for dry skin treatment due to environmental factors,, Accessed October 19, 2022

Castor Oil: Properties, Uses, and Optimization of Processing Parameters in Commercial Production,, Accessed October 19, 2022

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Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel

Medically reviewed by Martha Juco, MD

Updated by: Kristel Lagorza

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Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel · Updated Dec 12, 2022

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