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Expert-Approved Tips To Remove Blackheads On The Nose

Expert-Approved Tips To Remove Blackheads On The Nose
Expert-Approved Tips To Remove Blackheads On The Nose

Blackheads on the nose are usually harmless but they can make people conscious. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD), blackheads occur when debris, such as excess oil and dead skin cells clog the pores and the pores remain open. How do you get rid of them safely? Here are some expert-approved tips. 

Blackheads on the Nose: How Do You Remove Them Safely? 

First up, please keep in mind that those tiny spots are NOT dirt, so resist scrubbing them away. In truth, they only appear dark because light irregularly reflects off the clogged open pores. Let’s enumerate the expert-approved tips to get rid of blackheads on the nose (or anywhere else in your face). 

Treatment Products

Many over-the-counter products can help remove blackheads. These include:


Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives that can help break down blackheads (and whiteheads) and even prevent clogging of pores. Be sure to use them according to package instructions. You may notice changes in skin color and peeling while using this product. 

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide has antibacterial properties and ability to reduce the chemical changes in the hair follicle lining. This means the product can help prevent clogged pores, too. 

Be sure to start with low concentration. Skin drying is a common side effect. 

Salicylic acid

Not only does salicylic acid help remove the top, damaged layer of the skin, but it also helps dissolve the dead skin cells clogging the pores. 

Treatment Procedures

Dermatologists recommend giving the treatment products six to eight weeks to work. If the blemishes still persist, visit a dermatologist. They might recommend prescription-strength products  OR procedures, like:

  • Laser resurfacing
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Chemical peeling
  • Comedo extraction 


Some people choose to extract their blackheads on the nose at home. If you decide to do this, please be careful. The device must be sanitized, the procedure should be done correctly, and the aftercare must be performed. If you’re not confident in doing all these, please find a trained provider to do the extraction. 
Improper extraction may result in worsening of your blemishes:
  • You might not be able to extract the blackhead. In fact, you might even push it further back. 
  • It may result in inflammation and scarring. 
  • You might introduce bacteria into the open pores. 

Home Remedies

While they may not be as effective as the treatment options above, you may still consider these home remedies:

  • Tea tree oil helps with bacterial growth. 
  • Salt and sugar scrubs can remove dead skin cells plugging the hair follicles. 
  • Green tea helps with excess oil that might plug the hair follicles.

Blackheads on the Nose Do’s and Don’ts


  • Clean your face twice daily and after sweating. Rinse with lukewarm water. 
  • Use gentle products, from cleansers and makeup
  • Get in touch with a dermatologist if the blemishes persist despite home treatment. 
  • Choose water-based makeup over oil-based to reduce excess oil buildup. 


  • Extract or squeeze on your own if you’re not confident you can do it properly. 
  • Perform facial steaming. They don’t “clean up” the pores. They might help soften the blemishes before extraction, but if you’re not going to extract, you might as well not do steaming. 
  • Put restrictions on your diet: foods do not cause blackheads on nose (or anywhere else)
  • Stay out under the sun without sunscreen 

Key Takeaways

If you have blackheads on the nose or anywhere else, you may get rid of them through over-the-counter products, treatment procedures, or home remedies. Experts say give treatment 6 to 8 weeks to work. If the blemishes still persist, it’s best to consult a dermatologist. Refrain from extracting blackheads on your own as it might only worsen your condition.

Learn more about Acne here. 


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


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Current Version


Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

Expertly reviewed by Dexter Macalintal, MD

Updated by: Dexter Macalintal, MD

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Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated May 12, 2022

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