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Trichomoniasis Management: What Should You Do if You Have Trich?

Trichomoniasis Management: What Should You Do if You Have Trich?
Trichomoniasis Management: What Should You Do if You Have Trich?

Trichomoniasis is one of the most common STDs or sexually transmitted diseases. This is why everyone should be aware of trichomoniasis management, treatment, and prevention.

This information not only helps people with trichomoniasis get better, but also prevents it from spreading.

Trichomoniasis Management Tips

Trichomoniasis is a disease that does not go away on its own. This means that if you don’t address it, the symptoms could progressively get worse, and it could last for years.

If you’re infected, you also become a carrier and can spread it if you have unprotected sex. So it’s important to address it immediately.

What do you need to do?

The first thing you need to do when it comes to trichomoniasis management is to get tested.

The symptoms of trichomoniasis can sometimes be similar to other STDs. In particular, it can be similar to gonorrhea and chlamydia.

These symptoms include the following:

  • Foul-smelling discharge coming from the genitals
  • Itchiness in the genitals
  • A burning sensation when urinating
  • Inflammation or even swelling in the genitals

Even if you haven’t experienced any symptoms, if you’ve recently engaged in unprotected sex or have multiple partners, be sure to get tested. This is because it’s possible for a person to have trichomoniasis, but not show any signs or symptoms.

Once the test confirms that you have trich, the next thing you need to do would be to visit a doctor. They can prescribe proper trichomoniasis management, and they’ll also give you a prescription for the antibiotics to treat it.

The antibiotics prescribed can either be metronidazole or tinidazole. The dosage varies from person to person, but doctors usually prescribe four 500mg tablets, to be taken all at once. Though in some cases, taking two tablets each day for seven days will be recommended by your doctor. Never self-medicate.

It is highly advised to consult your doctor and follow their instructions completely and avoid missing any doses.

While undergoing treatment, avoid having sex as well as drinking any alcoholic beverages, as these can cause side effects with your antibiotics.

For any itching or burning sensation, using over-the-counter medication, and keeping your genitals clean should help.

After a week of treatment, you should be completely cured.

What Should You Do if it Comes Back?

Antibiotic treatment for trichomoniasis is effective up to 95% of the time. However, trichomoniasis can still infect people even after they’ve recovered.

This can happen due to a number of things:

  • The treatment was not effective, as in the case of antibiotic-resistant trichomoniasis. But this is very rare.
  • The patient was not able to follow the doctor’s instructions, so the treatment did not work.
  • The patient had unprotected sex, and was infected again.

In case trichomoniasis comes back, you can just visit your doctor to ask for another prescription. Though, it is possible that they might require you to take a higher dosage of antibiotics, or take it for more than a week.

If you constantly have recurring trichomoniasis, this could lead to serious health complications.

trichomoniasis management

How Do You Prevent it From Coming Back?

In terms of preventing trichomoniasis, the best thing to do would be to practice safe sex. This means using protection when having sexual intercourse, such as using condoms or dental dams. It’s also a good idea to get tested for STDs each time you have unprotected sex, or if you have multiple partners.

Avoid self-medicating, and if you feel any symptoms of an STD, you should visit your doctor immediately.

Key Takeaways

Trichomoniasis might be a common disease, but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take steps to avoid it. If left untreated, it can lead to serious problems, especially with a person’s reproductive tract.

By practicing safe sex, you not only minimize the risk of trichomoniasis, but also other STDs as well.

Learn more about Trichomoniasis here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Trichomoniasis – Diagnosis and treatment – Mayo Clinic,,and%20your%20partner%20need%20treatment., Accessed January 28, 2021

Trichomoniasis Management and Treatment | Cleveland Clinic,, Accessed January 28, 2021

Trichomoniasis – Management & Therapy,, Accessed January 28, 2021

Trichomoniasis: clinical manifestations, diagnosis and management – PubMed,, Accessed January 28, 2021

Trichomoniasis – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf,, Accessed January 28, 2021

Current Version


Written by Jan Alwyn Batara

Medically reviewed by Mae Charisse Antalan, MD

Updated by: Mae Antalan, MD

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Mae Charisse Antalan, MD

General Practitioner

Written by Jan Alwyn Batara · Updated Jan 21, 2023

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