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The Health Risks of Frequent Masturbation

The Health Risks of Frequent Masturbation
The Health Risks of Frequent Masturbation

Masturbation is considered a basic requirement to fulfill the sexual needs of those without partners. It is, in fact, one of the most common sexually-related activities in the world. Masturbation is done by those in relationships and those who are not.

Both men and women masturbate, but you will find that some do not admit to it as it is a taboo topic in some cultures. From a health standpoint, masturbation is a normal, healthy expression of sexuality with no side effects. Masturbation provides physical pleasure and facilitates the release of sexual tension. This is often accompanied by relaxation and decreased tension.

Despite being almost universally popular, there are several myths surrounding masturbation. For instance, there are myths about its frequency. Is there a “right” amount? Is it possible to masturbate too much? Read on to find out the answers to all your questions.

Do I Masturbate Too Much?

There is no fixed number for masturbation. You should not be worrying about how many times to masturbate unless it tires you out. According to surveys, some people masturbate several times a day while remaining perfectly fit. 


There is a downside to this though. Masturbating too frequently can affect several aspects of your life. Physically, too much masturbation can have effects on your body, which include weakness and tiredness, poor vision, sexually transmitted disease, and the possibility of infertility. Mentally, you may become addicted to the feeling of orgasm that it becomes the only thing you think about all day. It may also cause you to become overly attached to the idea of sexual intercourse and open up the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). 

Masturbation and sexual intimacy

In short, with frequent masturbation, sexual desire could escalate to a worrying psychological disorder. If masturbation, regardless of frequency, causes you to enjoy sex with your partner less, if it leads to sex addiction, or if it gets in the way of work, it should probably be limited.

The decision of masturbation frequency rests completely in your hands. Various research has revealed that a healthy man can masturbate up to three times a day and repeat the cycle for the next four to five days in the week. This is what experts dub as “high-frequency masturbation.” 

As long as masturbation provides the experience of sexual pleasure and orgasm, this should be adequate for most men and women. This recommendation also encourages one to seek a regular sexual partner. Sex can be a very powerful act as it is closely associated with love and overall well-being. Therefore, it would be advised to cut back on overly frequent masturbation to make it more meaningful and pleasurable when alone or with a partner.

Sex Health Questions We Are Too Embarrassed to Ask

How Often Do People Masturbate?

There is a large body of research conducted on sexually-related activities, including the study of masturbation. The results of these studies could come as a shock to some, while others might take it in stride. 

The average frequency of masturbation for 5% of women between the age of 25-29 years old is four times a week. Meanwhile a staggering 20.1% of men masturbate with the same frequency. The second key figure in these studies is that 25.4% of men and 21.5% of women between the age of 25 to 29 masturbate multiple times a month. 

These studies also reveal that the older you get, the less likely you are to masturbate. And this applies to both men and women. This is due to natural causes, as our bodily functions begin to become more restricted because of worsening health, causing a significant drop in sex drive for the elderly.

Key Takeaways

There is no simple answer to the question, “Do I masturbate too much?” There is no fixed number as to how much you should masturbate in a day. Masturbation is enjoyable, and it helps men and women explore their sexuality. It is perfectly normal and generally safe for your health. Even then, if it gets in the way of any aspect of your life, it is a good idea to reconsider frequency.

Frequent masturbation has been linked to a reduced risk of prostate cancer in men. As for women, masturbation can serve as a yardstick to monitor anomalies when menopause takes place. 

Learn more about Sexual Wellness here




Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

How Many Times Can You Masturbate?,, Accessed June 25, 2020 Masturbation Q&A,, Accessed June 25, 2020 Sexuality Education for Children and Adolescents,, Accessed June 25, 2020  

Current Version


Written by Vincent Sales

Medically reviewed by Mike Kenneth Go Doratan, MD

Updated by: Bianchi Mendoza, R.N.

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