There are times when you may feel like you are “not in the mood.” However, if you notice that your sex drive has taken a dip for a longer period of time, you may want to consult a specialist. When it comes to addressing low libido, depending on diagnosis, one may be prescribed therapy, medication, and other exploratory treatment. Here are ways on how to increase sex drive naturally.
What is Libido?
Libido is what we often refer to as sexual desire or sex drive. Sexual health, on the other hand, is the state of social, mental, and emotional well-being that relates to sexuality. Therefore, libido is important for the overall quality of life and general health of an individual.
Why Does Your Libido Decrease?
Libido can decrease for many reasons. One of the most common reasons that people lose their sex drive, especially for men, is age. However, how much it decreases will vary from person to person.
People tend to have the same level of sexual interest even as they age, so a low libido may not entirely be due to age. The lack of sex drive may also be due to other factors. For instance, a man may be unable to get an erection or finds it difficult to maintain one during intercourse due to erectile dysfunction.
However, a person can experience a decrease in their libido, even without having a medical condition. Things such as the following can have an impact on a person’s libido.
- Drug abuse
- Alcohol
- Stress
- Depression can all have an impact on a person’s libido
A study shows that obesity and being overweight can also be linked to a declining sex drive. A substance termed SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin), which binds testosterone and reduces its availability to arouse desire, is produced in greater quantities by a high body fat percentage. Additionally, people who are overweight have a higher chance of having low self-confidence, which means it could go hand-in-hand with a low sex drive. Trying to maintain a healthy weight and working on yourself can help potentially boost your libido.
Additionally, there are certain medications that can decrease a person’s sex drive. More notably, anti-hypertensive medication has a higher chance of causing erectile dysfunction in men. However, erectile dysfunction often comes with high blood pressure, which is why erectile dysfunction could also signal an undiagnosed heart disease or high blood pressure.

Another cause may be surgery. It is especially true if a person underwent surgery related to their genital tract or breasts. Some people may also generally experience pain during intercourse, which makes them have little desire for it.
For both men and women, exhaustion and fatigue can cause a loss in libido. A person who exercises too much may have a decrease in their sex drive. However, a person who exercises too little may also experience the same decline in their libido.
Psychological issues
Men and women may also have some psychological issues that prevent them from wanting to participate in sexual activities. For instance, low self-esteem and poor body image can affect their confidence. Additionally, a history of negative sexual experiences and sexual or physical abuse can greatly impact their desire for sex.
A symptom of decreased libido is little to no interest in sexual activities, such as masturbation. These individuals may rarely or even never have sexual thoughts. Additionally, having concerns about your lack of sex drive could be a symptom on its own.
Causes of Lack of Sex Drive in Men
When it comes to men, testosterone is an important hormone that comes from the testicles. It is responsible for
- Sex drive
- Sperm production
- Building bone
- Muscle mass
- Men experience a decrease in testosterone which is normal as they age. Although a drastic drop in testosterone can decrease a man’s libido.
Causes of Lack of Sex Drive in Women
Women also experience a lower libido as they age. However, significant life changes can greatly affect a woman’s sex drive. For instance, the following can impact sex drive.
- Illness
- Menopause
- Pregnancy
Similar to men getting a decrease in testosterone, a woman may have declining estrogen levels. Estrogen is made from a woman’s body tissues and ovaries. When the estrogen levels in women decrease, their libido often follows.
Breastfeeding can have a major effect on a woman’s libido. A woman experiences various hormone changes throughout their pregnancy and after it. Additionally, taking care of a new baby may be stressful and tiring, which may be why they have no interest in sexual activities.
Additionally, personal interest can affect a woman’s libido. Stress and depression are two significant factors that affect a person’s want and performance in the bedroom.
How to Increase Sex Drive Naturally
Since anxiety is a common reason why both men and women may struggle with their sex drives, you can try to manage your stress levels. You may suffer from a specific type of stress-related to sex, which may make it hard for you to feel aroused.
Some simple ways you can manage your stress levels is by:
- Getting adequate hours of sleep
- Regularly exercising
- Improving your relationships
- Additionally, speaking to a therapist can greatly help you find the root cause of your anxiety and help you address it.
The quality of your relationship with your sexual partner also matters when it comes to your sex drive. When things feel dry and dull, you may want to revive the romance. You can try communicating more with your partner, going out on more dates, spending time together, and doing activities outside of your home.
Heart health, romance, and sex drive
As stated earlier, heart health and circulation can have an impact on libido, particularly in men. Therefore, following a healthy diet and exercise can help in promoting good heart health and good blood circulation.
Additionally, certain foods can be considered aphrodisiacs. These types can potentially increase a person’s arousal. You can try some aphrodisiacs such as:
- Watermelon
- Oysters
- Chocolate
- Strawberries
How to Increase Sex Drive: Alternative Medicine
While more research is needed to confirm the benefits, herbal remedies are believed to be one of the effective means on how to increase sex drive naturally. Certain herbal remedies such as ginseng, Tribulus, and maca are said to help improve a person’s sexual function. However, it is important to consult a doctor first, before using alternative medicine and herbal remedies.
Key Takeaways
Dealing with a decrease in libido can be difficult. However, there are many treatments – from medication to therapy and even alternative medicine – that can be used to increase your sex drive. Always consult your doctor, and open up communication with your sexual partner.
Learn more about Sexual Wellness here.