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7 Effective Home Remedies for Wheezing

Medically reviewed by Jezreel Esguerra, MD · General Practitioner

Written by Nikita Bhalla · Updated Mar 27, 2023

7 Effective Home Remedies for Wheezing

Ever experienced a coarse whistling sound while you breathe? It is called ‘wheezing’ caused by narrowing of the airways or any inflammation in the throat. In most cases, it can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition you have.

The whistling sound can be a sign of conditions like sleep apnea, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), etc. However, it can also be due to more concerning conditions such as heart failure, lung cancer, emphysema, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), allergies, bronchiolitis, etc.

Nevertheless, you can keep a check on this particular symptom with the help of certain home remedies for wheezing, especially if caused by asthma.

Even though wheezing is a common condition and can happen to anyone, there are some other risk factors that make you prone to it. You are more likely to have wheezing if you are addicted to smoking, have allergies, or have lung cancer. Monitoring your triggers might help to control it.

Home Remedies For Wheezing

Home remedies and lifestyle changes may help you improve the condition. These home remedies are as simple as consuming warm liquids, taking steam, etc.

There are several herbals and supplements that help to control the condition.

Important: consult your doctor before taking any herbals and supplements to treat wheezing.

Inhale steam to treat wheezing

Inhaling steam is one of the common and oldest methods that helps to relieve congestion and relax your muscles. It helps to open the airways and relieve the symptoms of a cold. It may not help to heal the infection but will help you to relieve the symptoms.

The process of inhaling steam is simple. All you need to do is boil water. Pour the hot water in a bowl. Sit comfortably and bend a little over the bowl. Cover yourself with a cloth, close your eyes and inhale the steam.

Make sure you maintain a good distance between hot water and your face. Inhale the steam for a few minutes. You can even take the help of a vaporizer.

Aromatherapy for wheezing

Aromatherapy, also known as essential oil therapy, is an age-old method that uses essential oils or plant-based oils for therapies. The oils used in the treatment have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that are useful in the treatment of respiratory issues.

Essential oils that are beneficial for wheezing are eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, tea tree oil etc. Before using any essential oils make sure you are not allergic to them or else it may worsen the symptoms. It is best to seek advice from an expert

Pursed lip breathing technique to treat wheezing

Pursed lip breathing technique helps to strengthen and enhance the proper functioning of your lungs. The technique is simple where you just need to inhale through your nose and exhale through the mouth. Other benefits include relieving difficulty in breathing, reducing wheezing, and helping in ventilation by flushing out carbon dioxide stuck in the lungs and making way for fresh oxygen.

Pursed lip breathing is a simple and most effective way of breathing effectively. All you need to do is sit straight. Relax your muscles. Inhale through your nose on the count of five, feel the air as you inhale. Now slowly exhale through your mouth on the count of 10. Repeat the procedure. Practice the technique regularly as it is one of the effective home remedies for wheezing.

Raw onions

Raw onions contain sulphur that helps fight infection. You can either add raw onions to your meals or just have it directly. Raw onions are also said to be beneficial for having healthy lungs. They have anti-inflammatory properties and are rich in oxidants that are helpful.

Consume warm drinks to relieve wheezing symptoms

Consuming warm drinks helps to relieve the symptoms of wheezing. Warm drinks help to relieve congestion that causes wheezing and difficulty in breathing. Not just warm water, you can even try herbal tea or green tea with honey.

Honey has anti-inflammatory properties that help to relieve symptoms of wheezing. Regular consumption of honey helps to relieve throat infection and congestion. If you haven’t developed a taste for green tea, try different flavours of green tea.

Breathing exercises (one of the best natural remedies for wheezing)

Breathing exercises help to relieve a number of ailments related to breathing, including asthma, allergies, bronchitis, COPD, etc. Seek the help of a professional to know the right method of breathing exercises. In several breathing ailments and panic attacks, where a person experiences breathlessness, breathing exercises help.

They are also helpful in easing stress, which eventually also helps to control the symptoms of asthma or wheezing. Make breathing exercises a part of your daily routine. While practicing breathing exercises make sure you choose a comfortable location and relax your mind and body. If you are not able to focus on the exercise, do not perform it. Practicing the exercise forcefully might give you more stress.


If you suffer from intense wheezing, installing a humidifier in your home can help prevent the condition. For better results, you can even pour in a few drops of essential oils like peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil. Make sure you check if you are allergic to the essential oil. Also, read the instructions mentioned on the box of the humidifier and understand if it is safe to insert any oil in it.

Before trying any home remedies for wheezing, talk to your doctor. It is advised to not completely depend on the home remedies, make sure it is accompanied with other appropriate medical treatments. Home remedies for wheezing are best practiced after seeking medical advice and while continuing your regular medications for any medical condition you have.

Follow a healthy lifestyle, maintain an ideal weight, and stop smoking for better health. These factors also play an important role in managing conditions that cause wheezing.

Treatment and Medications for Wheezing

It is important to inform your doctor as soon as you experience wheezing. It can be an indication of a health condition, some of which may need immediate medical attention. If left untreated, wheezing can cause serious complications. Inform your doctor about how often you experience wheezing.

Your doctor may prescribe you medications that can help you control the condition. If you have wheezing because of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, your doctor may prescribe you appropriate medicines, recommend over-the-counter medications and inhalers. If an allergy is the major cause of wheezing, your doctor may prescribe you antihistamines.

Do not stop consuming the medication without consulting your doctor, as it can increase the chances of relapsing. For any concern with the medicine or the doses, talk to your doctor.

Seek medical help

In some cases, wheezing can be a result of cold or blocked nose. But if it results in difficulty in breathing or making you uncomfortable, consult your doctor. Seek immediate medical help if you notice that you have started wheezing after being bitten by an insect, after consuming certain food/medication or have choked on something in your throat.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Medically reviewed by

Jezreel Esguerra, MD

General Practitioner

Written by Nikita Bhalla · Updated Mar 27, 2023

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