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Water Break During Pregnancy: What to Expect

Water Break During Pregnancy: What to Expect
Water Break During Pregnancy: What to Expect

When inside the uterus, the fetus is surrounded by a membranous sac which is fluid-filled known as the amniotic sac. This sac protects the baby and cushions it from any trauma and pressure during your pregnancy. When the sac ruptures, fluid from the sac flows out through the cervix and vagina. This rupture of membranes is associated with the release of hormones required for starting contractions and initializing labor. Learn more about panubigan in pregnancy and what to expect when it finally breaks.

Panubigan in Pregnancy: What to Do When It Breakspanubigan in pregnancy

You may be expecting a drama-filled experience, but that is very uncommon. Most women first have regular contractions before their amniotic sac ruptures. When your water breaks, you may feel a popping sensation along with some fluid trickling out. The amniotic fluid, being a clear and odorless liquid, can be mistaken for urine at first.

Most of the time, women are able to tell the difference, if not then you need to speak to your gynecologist who will conduct a physical examination and run a few tests to determine if you’re leaking.

Make note of the color and odor of the trickle when you feet it for the first time. If the color is brown or green, that means your baby has passed stools in the uterus and would need monitoring in case of ingestion. Once your membrane ruptures, inform your doctor and go directly to the nearest hospital for further evaluation and management.

Panubigan in Pregnancy: What will happen if my water breaks too early?

Usually, membranes rupture at the beginning or during labor. In some cases, water break occurs before labor starts, which is known as the prelabor rupture of membranes (PROM).

Risk factors for PROM are the following:

  • A history of preterm PROM in your previous pregnancy
  • Fetal membrane inflammation (Intra-amniotic infection)
  • Vaginal bleeding or abnormal discharge during second and third trimesters
  • Underweight mother with poor nutrition
  • Short cervical length

This could lead to potential complications like maternal or fetal distress, infections, placental abruption where the placenta peels away from the inner wall of the uterus before delivery and umbilical cord complications.

If your water break occurs anytime before the 37th week, it is known as preterm PROM. Your gynecologist may be able to extend your pregnancy but the baby will be born prematurely in most cases. If you have preterm PROM and you are almost 34 weeks pregnant, delivery is recommended to prevent infection.

If you’re between 24-34 weeks of pregnancy, your obstetrician may prolong your pregnancy to ensure the baby is more developed. Medications that are given include intravenous (IV) antibiotics for the infection and potent steroids to hasten the baby’s lung maturity will help in dealing with the prematurity.

What will happen if my water break doesn’t occur?

If you show signs of distress or have a planned induction of labor, your membranes may be ruptured manually by your obstetrician. This process is called amniotomy and the obstetrician uses a thin plastic hook to make a small incision in the amniotic sac to release the fluid.

Some women who experience contractions and move into active labor without having their water broken may also require this procedure.

As you near your due date, it is natural to be anxious and scared about labor. To feel prepared, keep a stash of sanitary pads in your bathroom and purse. You can also put a plastic cover on your mattress, in case it happens at night during sleep. Remember this is a natural part of childbirth and signals a beautiful beginning. Your baby is on its way!

Consult your doctor if you have more questions or concerns about panubigan in pregnancy. If you experience your water breaking, immediately go to the nearest hospital and notify your doctor to prevent any untoward events for you or your baby.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Current Version


Written by Nikita Bhalla

Medically reviewed by Ann Guevarra MD, OB-GYN Diplomate, POGS

Updated by: Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

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Medically reviewed by

Ann Guevarra MD, OB-GYN Diplomate, POGS

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Written by Nikita Bhalla · Updated Jul 29, 2022

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