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Birth Delivery: The Different Options Available to Mothers

Medically reviewed by Mary Rani Cadiz, MD · Obstetrics and Gynecology

Written by Patrick Juanico · Updated Jun 24, 2021

Birth Delivery: The Different Options Available to Mothers

Birth delivery can be quite scary, especially if it is your first pregnancy ever. Fortunately, there various birthing methods that you can choose from. Learn the different types of birth delivery, their pros cons, and what can you expect during birth delivery.

Types of Birth Delivery

There are many choices when it comes to how you give birth. It is important to consult your doctor first on what is the most suitable one for your condition. Here are the most common types of delivery that you can possibly get: 

Vaginal Delivery

This is the most common and traditional method of delivering a baby. It is the body’s normal way of pushing the baby out through your vaginal opening with the assistance of a doctor, midwife,  or nurse.  

Although this method is pretty straightforward, there are some cases where there are needed intervention to help facilitate the baby’s delivery.One example could be the need to perform an episiotomy or creating an incision in the vaginal opening (including the area between the anus  and the vagina, also known as perineum) so that the head of the baby can go out. 

Vaginal delivery might be the most common mode of delivery, but some women have apprehension with this method. This can be either because of a low pain threshold or due to fears based on others’ experience. . 

Cesarean Section

Cesarean section, or the C-section, is another well-known type of delivering a baby. In this method, surgery is performed on the mother’s abdomen, exposing the uterus area to be able to deliver the baby. 

Although it can be planned weeks ahead for scheduled c-section, it is also possible to convert to abdominal delivery in the course of trial of labor. It may be because the cervical dilatation is not progressing or the baby’s head is not going down. While in labor, it may also be possible that the baby’s heartbeat goes down. There are reasons why some opt for a c-section, but it’s most commonly used because of medical reasons. 

Women who have already delivered through a c-section before are advised to do the same for succeeding deliveries if the previous indication for CS is still present (small pelvis, malpresented baby, placenta covering the birth canal etc.). It usually takes longer recovery time for women who had a c-section delivery compared to those who had a vaginal delivery. There’s also a chance that the scar from the surgery will be visible especially if the mother is prone to having keloids..

Assisted Home Birth

Another birth delivery method is assisted home birth. This is basically giving birth  inside your own house with a midwife or traditional hilot assisting you throughout the process.

One example is the so-called “water birth” or delivering in a pool or tub with warm water. It is believed by some that water birth relaxes both the mother and baby more compared to other birthing methods. 

A portion of mothers opt for home birth because they want to deliver their baby somewhere they’re comfortable. However, close observation of the baby’s and mother’s status may be difficult due to lack of equipment. Although it is also less expensive, home birth isn’t advisable for mothers who had a previous c-section delivery, are birthing multiples, or has a condition that might need quick medical or surgical intervention.

What to Expect While Giving Birth?

If this is your first time giving birth, it is understandable that you might get scared of what to come. So to prepare you more, here are some things that you do can while you are giving birth to your baby:

  • During vaginal delivery, it might be quite both painful and stressful at the start. However, once the baby goes out of your vaginal opening, you will eventually feel a sense of gradual relief
  • In case an emergency happens, like having no progress with the delivery, performing a c-section might be needed to successfully deliver the baby.
  • If you choose to do a home birth, there is a chance that you might be transferred to a hospital especially if an emergency happens that might harm you or your baby’s life.
  • There’s a chance that you might feel fatigue and weakness from exhaustion especially after vaginal delivery

Key Takeaways

Giving birth is not an easy thing to do, no matter what delivery method you undergo. There’s always a risk in each type and there’s also a chance that you will be getting a different one even during the actual birthing period, especially during an emergency. But just remember that this is all done so that you will be able to successfully deliver your baby.

The priority is to both have you and your baby alive at the end. Have regular check-ups and always consult your doctor to know what’s the most suitable method for you and your baby.

Learn more about Labor and Delivery here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Medically reviewed by

Mary Rani Cadiz, MD

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Written by Patrick Juanico · Updated Jun 24, 2021

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