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Baby Proofing House Checklist: Keeping Your Home Safe On A Budget

Baby Proofing House Checklist: Keeping Your Home Safe On A Budget
Baby Proofing House Checklist: Keeping Your Home Safe On A Budget

From birth to toddlerhood, your baby will hit so many milestones – from learning how to walk and crawl and reaching for things around the house. Parents do their best to keep their babies safe, especially at home where they spend most of their time. Here’s a baby proofing house checklist to help you keep your home safe. 

Identifying Hazard Zones

Before diving into the baby-proofing house checklist, it is good to identify the possible hazard zones around the home. By doing this, you can save time and effort. Also take into consideration the other rooms where your child might wander off, just in case they’re able to open doors you’ve purposely locked.

Places Around The House Where Child Safety Is Needed:

  • Bedroom
  • Bathroom
  • Garage
  • Kitchen and dining area
  • Living room
  • Window areas
  • Near stairs

Identifying the possible accidents that may occur in each area lets you anticipate how to prevent them from happening in the first place.

It also helps if you have a first aid kit at home to respond to medical emergencies and lessen additional risks.

Possible Hazards Encountered Around The House

  • Burns from open fires and heat
  • Electrocution caused by sockets and electrical appliances
  • Suffocation caused by cords and plastic bags
  • Falls due to unmounted furniture and stairs
  • Poisoning by toxic substances
  • Drowning in bathtubs and swimming pools
  • Choking on small objects and unsafe sleeping conditions
  • Trauma from hitting the head on sharp edges of furniture
  • Losing balance from slippery floors

Baby Proof Your House on  Budget

All the little projects on your baby proofing house checklist don’t have to break the bank. Your child will eventually grow up and become more mindful as they mature, so, for now, you can focus on key home improvements.

Invest in the home improvements that will protect your child for a couple of years (for example, baby gates), and rely on more cost-effective and practical solutions for other cases. 

Here are some tips to get you started.

  1. Instead of a pricey safety lock, you can use rubber bands or fitted hangers to “lock’ cabinet knobs.
  2. Stow electrical appliances that you do not use often and unplug them after every use. 
  3. Keep mats and socks from slipping by putting hot glue on the side that touches the floor. It turns any cloth into a non-slip mat.
  4. Make sure your doorknobs are child-proof by putting socks on them and securing them with a rubber band. It makes it harder for kids to open doors.
  5. Cover electrical sockets with washi tape to hide the holes. It’s a great and practical solution as it doesn’t leave adhesive residue and you can reuse it. Another option is to use the plastic lids in some baby wipes to cover the electrical sockets.
  6. Use a pool noodle or pipe insulation to cover sharp corners and glass tables.
  7. Make use of lockable containers or boxes to keep toxic substances out of children’s reach.
  8. Get rid of any toxic plants around the home, or at least keep them out of reach.
  9. Use old cloth or plastic mesh netting to baby-proof your staircase.
  10. Remove hanging objects from walls to keep these from falling on your child.
  11. Hide items such as extension cords and chargers using old shoe boxes painted with the same color to make them less visible.
  12. Move unstable furniture such as lampshades and racks closer to the wall or cabinets to prevent them from toppling over. Reinforce this by using a sturdy rope or handy zip-ties. 

Key Takeaways

Securing your home based on a baby proofing house checklist doesn’t need to be expensive. Most of the things you need for keeping your child safe are just around the house.

Repurposing materials for your DIY home projects not only lessens the cost but also helps the environment by avoiding more waste. What is also equally important is to plan out what needs to be kept safe from the baby and what possible accidents that can happen.

Learn more about Toddler and Preschooler Development here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Baby Proofing Checklist,, Accessed July 1, 2021

Child safety at home,, Accessed July 1, 2021

Modification of the home environment for the reduction of injuries,, Accessed July 1, 2021

Exploring Australian parents’ knowledge and awareness of pediatric inpatient falls: A qualitative study,, Accessed July 1, 2021

Childproofing and Preventing Household Accidents,, Accessed July 1, 2021

Current Version


Written by Elaine Felicitas

Medically reviewed by Mary Rani Cadiz, MD

Updated by: Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

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Medically reviewed by

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Written by Elaine Felicitas · Updated Jun 23, 2022

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