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Is It Normal For Children To Vomit While Teething?

Expertly reviewed by Dexter Macalintal, MD · Internal or General Medicine

Written by Hello Bacsi · Updated Jun 03, 2022

    Is It Normal For Children To Vomit While Teething?

    Teething is a natural process that every child goes through. Teething can be an unpleasant experience for children. Many people think that it is normal for children to vomit while teething, is it true?

    Teething foreshadows a number of possible problems for the health of the child. Many parents worry that during teething, children are prone to vomiting and fever. 

    Symptoms of Teething Babies

    In some children, there are usually no symptoms when teething. However, there are other babies who may become fussy, start drooling, lose their appetite, or cry more than usual. In some cases, teething can be accompanied by vomiting and fever.

    When you discover that your child is prone to vomiting when teething, you should take your child to see a pediatrician to determine the underlying cause of this symptom.

    Typical symptoms of teething babies include:

    • Harder to sleep
    • Loss of appetite
    • Cry more
    • Likes to chew things
    • Red, sore, or swollen gums
    • Drooling more

    Baby Vomiting While Teething

    Teething can make babies feel uncomfortable, but not likely to make them vomit, according to an analytical study from eight countries. However, vomiting can occur at the same time as teething symptoms.

    An article published in the journal Pediatrics in Review highlights that teething is at a time when babies are exposed to a variety of pathogens. In addition, the passive immunity that the mother passes on to the baby during pregnancy is impaired at this time. As a result, it is possible that your baby is prone to vomiting during this time due to a bacterial or viral infection.

    Some illnesses that can make a child more likely to vomit include:

    • Ear infections
    • Urinary infection
    • Common cold or flu
    • Gastroenteritis or other stomach infection
    • Food allergies or food intolerances can cause vomiting.

    You need to call the doctor if any of the following symptoms in your baby are accompanied by vomiting:

    • Fever
    • Shortness of breath
    • Persistent rash
    • Can’t drink
    • Sleep more than usual
    • Feeling extremely uncomfortable, crying a lot
    • Show signs of dehydration, including dry mouth, lack of tears, and diapers that are less wet than usual.

    You should also take your baby to the doctor if vomiting persists for more than 12 hours or if the child vomits in large quantities.

    You can usually treat teething at home in your child using simple measures, such as cold compresses and massage. You can see your dentist or pediatrician for more advice on how to relieve symptoms.

    Key Takeaway

    It is important that you take your child to the doctor if he or she has a high fever, is irritable, or exhibits other symptoms that are not typical of teething. Seek medical attention if your child’s vomiting lasts for more than 12 hours or is vomiting too much.

    Learn more about Baby Development here


    Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

    Expertly reviewed by

    Dexter Macalintal, MD

    Internal or General Medicine

    Written by Hello Bacsi · Updated Jun 03, 2022

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