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Kid's Dry Cough: What Are The Possible Causes?

Kid's Dry Cough: What Are The Possible Causes?
Kid's Dry Cough: What Are The Possible Causes?

Coughing is an important part of your body’s defense system, helping rid your body of potentially harmful microbes and irritants. Coughs come in many types, including wet and dry. Wet coughs produce, or sound like they are producing, phlegm, or mucus. Dry coughs, on the other hand, do not. In this article, we’ll focus on when your child has dry cough. 

Kid’s dry cough has several possible causes. The most common is an infection, usually a viral one. However, other conditions, such as an allergy, GERD, or asthma can also trigger dry coughing in kids.

Kid’s Dry Cough Due To Infections

Viral and bacterial respiratory infections cause irritation and inflammation in the airways. And among the different entities that can bring cough, the most familiar cause is the common cold. It is an infection in your upper respiratory tract with symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, and coughing. And rhinovirus is its most common cause.

Another common cause of cough is bronchitis, which can occur as a result of either the common cold or the flu. It can be either acute or chronic.

Acute bronchitis is usually a result of an infection. Hence, it is the more common one in kids. Chronic bronchitis, on the other hand, can happen due to smoking or being exposed to  air pollution.

Other infections that can lead to dry cough in kids include:

+ Croup: a viral condition that causes swelling around the vocal cords. It is usually viral but may also be bacterial. 

+ Pneumonia: an infection that causes inflammation in the lungs. It can be viral or bacterial.

+ Bronchiolitis: a viral infection that causes inflammation in the bronchioles or smallest passages in your lungs.

+ Pertussis: known as whooping cough, it’s a bacterial respiratory infection that causes violent, uncontrollable coughing that can make it hard to breathe. Whooping cough can be prevented through vaccination.

+ COVID-19: The coronavirus can present with dry cough in children.

Common symptoms of infection causing kid’s dry cough:

+ Fever

+ Runny or stuffy nose

+ Sneezing

+ Headache

+ Body aches and pains


Depending on the infection, the cough may sound hoarse or have more of a wheezing sound. It may also worsen at night due to mucus from the nose trickling down the throat, causing irritation. 


Unlike bacterial infections, viral infections don’t respond to antibiotic treatment. Instead, treatment relies on getting plenty of rest and fluids.

If your child is over 6 months old, they can be given ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) to help relieve fevers and body aches. Babies younger than 6 months can get acetaminophen. Also, remember to avoid giving them aspirin, as it can cause Reye’s syndrome in children.

Sometimes a cough can linger for several weeks after a viral respiratory infection. This is called post-viral cough. It likely occurs due to lingering inflammation or sensitivity in the airways following infection. There’s no specific treatment for post-viral cough, but symptoms typically go away on their own after a few weeks. So to be sure, make sure you get your child get checked by a doctor.

Kid’s Dry Cough Due To Allergies: Symptoms and Treatment

Allergies happen when the immune system mistakes something harmless for a foreign invader and overreacts. Hoarse, dry coughing can be a symptom of allergies, particularly if it begins at a certain time of year or occurs after exposure to something specific like dust. For example, seasonal allergy or allergic rhinitis may develop in the spring when pollen is in the air.

Other allergy symptoms include:

+ Sneezing

+ Itchy, watery eyes

+ Runny nose

+ Rash

The best way to manage allergies is to avoid things that trigger your child’s symptoms. You can also try over-the-counter (OTC) allergy remedies, but follow the product instructions and ensure it’s appropriate for your child’s age and size.

If your child seems to experience allergies often, you may want to visit an allergy specialist. They can help you narrow potential allergens and recommend a long-term management plan.

Kid’s Dry Cough Due To Asthma: Symptoms and Treatment

Allergies can also make asthma worse. This chronic disease causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways, making it hard to breathe. Symptoms of asthma can also be triggered by respiratory illness or exercise.

Frequent spells of coughing, which can be dry or productive, are one of the signs of asthma in kids. Coughing may be more frequent at night or while playing. You may also hear a whistling noise when your child breathes in or out.

In some cases, chronic coughing may be the only symptom of asthma. This is called cough-variant asthma.

Other symptoms of asthma that you may see can include:

+ Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

+ Rapid breathing

+ Low energy levels

+ Chest tightness or pain

If your child is diagnosed with asthma, their healthcare professional will work with you to develop an asthma action plan. The plan will include your child’s asthma triggers and how and when they should take their medication.

Asthma medication helps lower the inflammation in your child’s airways. Your child will likely have two types of medication — one for long-term asthma control and one for quick relief of asthma symptoms.

Kid’s Dry Cough Due To GERD: Symptoms and Treatment

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is chronic acid reflux that can cause regurgitation, which is when the stomach’s content rises back up into the esophagus.

The burning sensation your child may feel is what we call heartburn. In some cases, however, some children with GERD can also experience persistent cough, hoarseness, or wheezing.

Different triggers for GERD in children may include exposure to secondhand smoking, obesity, and coexisting conditions that affect the lungs or the nervous system. Treatment usually involves lifestyle changes and medicines. 

Environmental Irritants Can Cause Kid’s Dry Cough, Too

Exposure to various environmental irritants can cause throat inflammation, leading to a dry cough.

Common irritants that can cause a cough include:

+ Cigarette smoke

+ Car exhaust

+ Air pollution

+ Air that’s too cold or dry

The dry cough may become chronic if your child is frequently exposed to an irritant. Your child may be more susceptible to irritation if they also have allergies or asthma.

Coughs caused by exposure to irritants usually resolve once the irritant is removed.

Sometimes, It’s Because They Inhaled Or Swallowed An Object

It’s not unusual for young children to put things in their mouths or noses, including buttons, beads, and other small objects. If they inhale too deeply, the object may get lodged in their airway. Or they might swallow the object, causing it to get stuck in their esophagus.

If your child has swallowed or inhaled something, their cough could be a sign that their body is trying to dislodge the object. You may also hear wheezing or choking noises.

If you believe your child has inhaled or swallowed a foreign object, seek immediate treatment. Bring your child to the emergency room ASAP. A bronchoscopy may be needed to find and remove the object. And after removing the object, you’ll want to monitor them for signs of infection or further irritation.

Kid’s Dry Cough For No Reason? Doctor Says It’s Psychosomatic Cough

A psychosomatic or somatic cough is a term that doctors use to refer to a cough that doesn’t have a clear cause and doesn’t respond to treatment. An underlying psychological issue or distress usually causes these coughs.

But these coughs are rarely diagnosed as there is more often a physical cause for the cough. If they occur, these coughs often last for more than 6 months and get in the way of day-to-day activities.

If your child’s healthcare professional has ruled out all the potential causes of their dry cough, they may diagnose it as a somatic cough. You’ll likely be referred to a child psychologist or psychiatrist.

Tips For Relief

It can take some time to figure out the cause of a dry cough in children. And the main treatment for it will depend on the underlying cause. These tips can help to provide some relief in the meantime:

+ Inhale warm, moist air. To do this, turn on the shower in your bathroom and close the door, allowing the room to steam up. Sit with your child for about 20 minutes as they inhale the warm mist.

+ Use a cool mist humidifier. If the air in your house is dry, it can also dry out your child’s airways. Try using a cool mist humidifier to add moisture to the air. Avoid heated humidifiers as these can cause burns.

+ Drink warm fluids. Warm fluids can feel soothing if your child’s throat is sore from coughing. If your child is at least a year old, you can add some honey for added relief.

Please remember that for any child health issue, the best course of action is to seek consultation with their doctor.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Types of Coughs in Children,, Accessed January 20, 2023
Coughing,, Accessed January 20, 2023
Coughs, Age 11 and Younger,, Accessed January 20, 2023
Chronic acid reflux (Gastroesophageal reflux disease),,Accessed January 20, 2023
DO YOU HAVE AN ASTHMA COUGH?,,caused%20by%20the%20constricted%20airway.Accessed January 20, 2023

Current Version


Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel

Medically reviewed by Jezreel Esguerra, MD

Updated by: Jezreel Esguerra, MD

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Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel · Updated Feb 10, 2023

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