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Distance Learning Tips for Parents

Distance Learning Tips for Parents
Distance Learning Tips for Parents

With more schools now turning to distance education or blended learning, many parents are at a loss on what to do. How do we set up a workspace for our kids? Is it necessary to “stand guard” while they study? Learn the answers and more distance learning tips for parents here.

Distance Learning in the Philippines

Distance learning is a kind of remote education where the students do not need to be in the classroom to learn. Education will primarily happen through online platforms like virtual classrooms, emails, and video-conferencing services.

Many countries across the globe have adjusted well to distance learning, but here in the Philippines, there is an ongoing debate about it. Some argue that we should push through with the resources that we have to be able to ensure the continuity of learning. Others emphasize that many children will be “left behind” because not all can afford to have internet connections in their home.

To respond to these problems, DepEd adopted “Blended Learning.” In blended learning, students and teachers can use both online and offline resources. This means that they do not need to be online all the time. They can use books, printed modules, and even learn from the DepEd TV Channel.

But whether it’s online or offline, many families still find this new situation frustrating. To help you adjust, here are some useful distance learning tips for parents.

Distance Learning Tips for Parents

Get More Information about the School’s Learning Platform

To get started, parents are encouraged to do some research and learn more about how the school will execute distance or blended learning.

This is important because some schools take a completely online approach, while others primarily make use of printed modules.

Ask your child’s teachers about how the school will go about online teaching or module delivery. During the orientation or a scheduled meeting, ask questions like:

  • What online resources will my child need to use?
  • Do we pick up their modules or do you have designated points of delivery?
  • How will they be graded?
  • Will they follow a daily schedule?
  • Who do we need to contact in case we have questions?

Don’t hesitate to raise even the smallest concerns that you have. All the details are bound to help you and your kids adjust to the new learning system.

Set Up a Study Area and Reduce Distractions

The next step is to help your child set up a study area. It doesn’t have to be big. If it is spacious enough for them to concentrate and get things done, the space is good.

Here are some tips to help you set up your child’s workspace:

  • Choose an area with the least distraction. For instance, if your kitchen area is usually noisy, find a space away from that area or at least, build a portable screen to block distracting views.
  • Let your kids design their space. Allow them to design it in a way that they will be motivated to stay and learn in their space. But be sure that it follows certain guidelines, such as no toys or gadgets allowed.
  • Ensure easy access to the materials that they need. But as much as possible remove things that will distract them (toys, materials for their hobbies, etc).
  • Keep tabs on gadget use and set up parental controls when you can. Prior to class, children must be informed that gadgets that do not show school materials aren’t allowed. This will help you ensure that they are not accessing anything distracting or dangerous online.

One of the best distance learning tips for parents is to “tailor” the workspace to both your child’s academic needs and personality.

distance learning tips for parents

Create a Schedule for Both You and Your Child

From time to time, check if your child is following the school-mandated schedule, if they have one, and create one if they don’t. Make a bulletin board together and set up the schedule for the week so they can understand the daily routine.

In addition, if school starts at 8am, encourage your child to wake up at around 6 or 6:30, so they can have the time to stretch, eat their breakfast, and take a bath. Try to assign a subject or a goal per hour or two. Aside from lunch, don’t forget to have time for snacks or bladder breaks.

Of course, allot them time for play. Remember, at school they had friends that they could talk to and play with. As this is not possible in digital learning, ensure that they get fun stimulation from other play activities.

Also, as a parent, don’t forget to create your schedule for them. This becomes crucial if you have several kids, with each requiring attention and guidance in their daily school activities. When will you check what your child is doing? What time are you going to help them with their activities?

Creating a schedule for you and your child will give them a feeling of normalcy. It sends the message that, yes, they are at home, but it’s still school time.

Identify Objectives and Monitor Your Child’s Learning

Two of the most important distance learning tips for parents are identifying objectives and monitoring when they are achieved.

According to experts, one of the most effective ways of assessing learning is by cross-checking it with the goals or objectives. That is why it is vital that at the very start of the week or day, you and your child already know what needs to be accomplished.

For example, what should they submit for each subject at the end of the day? What learning are they supposed to achieve? If they have not submitted a particular activity, then you might need to assess if there is something wrong. Is the lesson too difficult for one hour? Did they get distracted?

Without objectives, it will be extremely hard for you to monitor how your child is doing.

As for how you are going to monitor your kids, it depends on several factors. Younger kids might need constant supervision, while older kids can be monitored once or twice a day. It also depends on the lessons. Some days, they may not need help at all. Then, there could be days when they need help with some learning objectives. Hence, you must think this through and find the best possible option that will work.

Keep in Touch with their Teachers

And finally, one of the most important distance learning tips for parents, is to communicate regularly with your child’s teachers.

Save the contact details the school has provided so that you can readily talk to the administrators or teachers in case you have questions. Also, don’t hesitate to ask for updates about your child’s academic standing.

Likewise, give your contact details to your child’s adviser so that they can reach out to you if there are concerns or updater regarding distance learning.

Key Takeaways

It may take some time before your family adjusts to this new way of schooling. But with the tips above, it could get easier. It’s important to understand that every child is unique. They may have their own way of adjusting to the situation, so constant communication with them is a must.

Finally, don’t forget to take care of their emotional and physical health while they are studying at home. Encourage them to play daily and see to it that they have a healthy diet. Allow them to stay in contact with their friends (even if it’s just online).

Learn more about Child Health here. 



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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4 Tips for Parents for Online Learning Success
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Distance Learning: 8 Tips to Help Your Child Learn at Home
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Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

Expertly reviewed by Danielle Joanne Villanueva Munji, OTRP

Updated by: Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

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Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Oct 18, 2022

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