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Does Bottle-Feeding Cause Gas? 5 Ways to Stop Kabag in Babies

Does Bottle-Feeding Cause Gas? 5 Ways to Stop Kabag in Babies

Kabag or hangin sa tiyan usually occur in infants. In most cases, it doesn’t mean there’s something seriously wrong with your baby. However, it does make them uncomfortable to the point where they’ll cry intensely, causing colic. Does bottle feeding cause gas? What can parents do about it? Find out here.

Tell-tale Signs of Infant Gas

Because they can’t talk yet, parents need to observe how their infant behaves. If they have kabag, you may observe that they are:

  • Squirmy, like they cannot find a comfortable position
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • Kicking their legs or folding them to their chest.
  • Fussier than normal
  • Passage of gas through burping or flatulence

Finally, gas in babies can lead to enlarged tummy and intense crying (colic), which can cause panic in parents.

What Causes Infant Gas?

Before we explain the possible causes of kabag in babies, let’s first clarify that having gas in the gastrointestinal tract is normal. Bacteria in the intestines produce gas; swallowing air (aerophagia) can also lead to kabag.

All of us, regardless of age, have gas in us from time to time; but babies can experience it more often because their digestive system is not yet fully developed.

But, what leads to kabag? Does bottle feeding cause gas?

To be brief, bottle feeding does not cause gas. What may result in kabag is swallowing gas, which happens if the bottle is not positioned well. However, please note babies can also swallow air during breastfeeding sessions, depending on their position.

Another possible cause of gas in babies is intolerance to their milk formula. If this is the case, your infant will probably have other symptoms like diarrhea.

Can Breastfeeding Moms’ Diet Lead to Kabag?

Now that we have explained that bottle feeding does not cause gas, let’s tackle another common concern among breastfeeding mothers: their diet.

Many moms report that eating some kinds of food trigger kabag in their babies, including:

  • Spicy foods
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Beans

However, please note that we need more studies to confirm the connection between infant gas and moms’ diet while they breastfeed. After all, many babies tolerate these foods just fine.

does bottle feeding cause gas

How to Help a Child with Kabag

Are you looking for a simple kabag remedy for your baby? You can consider the following tips:

Check their feeding position

The first practical tip is to check your baby’s feeding position.

Bottle feeding does not directly cause gas, but a wrong bottle position might make the baby swallow too much air.

To prevent kabag, tip the bottle higher so that the nipple is filled with milk. Additionally, check for clogged bottle nipples. If the milk doesn’t flow, then your baby is only sucking air. Finally, consider anti-colic feeding bottles; these bottles are designed to lessen the air in the tip.

Breastfeeding mommies also need to check their baby’s attachment and position. Keep the baby’s head higher than their tummy. This is so the air stays on top of the stomach while the milk sinks, making it easier for them to burp.

Don’t skip burping

Another kabag remedy for the baby is burping. To burp the baby, you can:

  • Carry your baby against your chest, with their chin on your shoulder. Use one hand to support them and the other to pat their back gently; or
  • Lay them on their belly over your lap. Be sure to support their head: it must be higher than their tummy. Use one hand to pat them on the back gently.

Help your baby “work out”

Movement helps them pass gas, so consider mini workouts for your baby. Lift their legs and move them in little pedaling motions. You can also give them more time on their tummy.

Be mindful of their (and your) food

If they exhibit signs of formula intolerance, it’s best to stop giving it to them for now and talk to their doctor about another alternative. In case you’re breastfeeding and notice that some foods in your diet particularly make your baby gassy, consider avoiding those foods.

Give them a baby massage

And finally, help them pass gas by performing a rub-down. Start with the tummy and then give them a gentle massage on their shoulders, arms, and legs. Massage relaxes your baby, which may help them pass gas.

Learn more about Child Health here. 



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Burping Your Baby
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Breaking Up Gas
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How to Treat Infant Gas
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What’s causing gas in my breastfed baby?
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Colic and Gas
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Current Version


Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

Medically reviewed by Regina Victoria Boyles, MD

Updated by: Regina Victoria Boyles

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Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Jan 20, 2023

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