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What Is a High-EQ Child? Ano ang Kahulugan ng Emotional Quotient?

What Is a High-EQ Child? Ano ang Kahulugan ng Emotional Quotient?
What Is a High-EQ Child? Ano ang Kahulugan ng Emotional Quotient?

For the longest time, parents, teachers, and researchers focused heavily on a child’s intelligence quotient or IQ. High-IQ individuals are often regarded as geniuses with more potential to academically excel compared to their counterparts. However, high IQ alone doesn’t always guarantee success. For instance, a study done on Mensa members showed a connection between higher IQs and higher risk of  psychological conditions1. Currently, campaigns advocating for mental health are bringing emotional quotient (EQ) or emotional intelligence into the spotlight. But how would you describe a high EQ child? At ano ang kahulugan ng emotional quotient?

What Is a High-EQ Child? Ano ang Kahulugan ng Emotional Quotient?

Ano ang kahulugan ng emotional quotient? EQ is the ability to understand and manage our emotions3. This is expressed in many different ways, such as being more empathetic towards others.

Discover the qualities of a high-EQ child here:

High Emotional Quotient Quality #1 – More Attentive

Children with higher EQs are more sensitive and empathetic2. Part of empathy is being attentive to other peoples’ emotional cues, or being able to listen to them6. A highly-attentive child who is empathetic will notice when someone around them is feeling down or needs help. This quality makes it easier to reach out to others and build healthy relationships3.

High Emotional Quotient Quality #2 – Improved Alertness

Another quality children with higher emotional quotients possess is alertness. When a person is alert, they can more easily respond to changes around them7.

Alertness is related to being attuned to what is happening around you, and how your actions can affect others, or having a degree of self-awareness.

A child who is self-aware understands how their mood can affect themselves and those around them. In turn, this leads to better emotional control in social situations2.

High Emotional Quotient Quality #3 – Calmer Disposition

One definition of EQ is the ability to understand, use, and manage one’s own emotions3. Identifying a bad mood or negative emotion early on is the first step to controlling it. Children with lower EQ may be easily frustrated and throw tantrums. The ability to maintain calmness makes it easier to think clearly and make the right decisions. However, it is important to remember that each child has a unique disposition and temperament. Feeling sadness, frustration, and anger are all part of normal responses, depending on the situation.

High Emotional Quotient Quality #4 – Boosted Confidence

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of emotional intelligence is good self-esteem. Children who have a healthy self-esteem are less likely to fall prey to peer pressure and have more self-confidence4. Confidence in their own abilities translates to being able to take risks, such as joining a spelling bee or trying out for a sports team. Those with lower EQs may experience a level of fear or anxiety that holds them back from trying new things.

High Emotional Quotient Quality #5 – Better Concentration

Lastly, higher EQ children concentrate better. This is because extreme emotions and impulsivity influence decisions. Interestingly, children who are impulsive show poor emotion regulation by the time they are middle-aged4. As expected, strong emotions influence decision making. Generally, good moods result in optimistic choices while bad moods have an opposite effect5. With well-developed emotional intelligence, we are able to control our emotions instead of our emotions controlling us.

Boosting EQ for Better Self-Esteem

As parents, you may be wondering how you can effectively boost your child’s emotional quotient and self-esteem. The first step is to provide your child with proper stimulation and nutrition with brain-building ingredients like MFGM and DHA. It helps to look for nutritional products that help support both EQ and IQ development.

After your child’s physical and nutritional needs are met, the next step to developing their EQ is to let them express their emotions. Instead of immediately punishing your child after “acting up“, help them identify and unload their feelings. This lets them better understand and control their emotions over time. As mentioned previously, good EQ helps improve confidence, social skills, and mental performance, which can all improve self-esteem.

Last but not least, be ready to be a good role model. Emotional intelligence development doesn’t stop after childhood. Learning and maintaining appropriate social skills and emotional control are a continuous process. Your relationship with your child will also improve if you are both able to express your emotions in healthy ways.

Learn more about MFGM and EQ development here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

1 Karpinski, R., Kolb, A., Tetreault, N., Browski, T. “High intelligence: A risk factor for psychological and physiological overexcitabilities”. Intelligence. Published on Accessed on October 13, 2021

2 Ogurlu, U. “A meta-analytic review of emotional intelligence in gifted individuals: A multilevel analysis”. Personality and Individual Differences. Published on Accessed on October 13, 2021

3 KidsHealth Behavioral Health Experts. “Emotional Intelligence”. TeensHealth. Published on Accessed on October 13, 2021

4 Checa, P., Fernandez-Berrocal, P. “The Role of Intelligence Quotient and Emotional Intelligence in Cognitive Control Processes”. Frontiers in Psychology. Published on Accessed on October 13, 2021

5 Lerner, J., Li, Y., Valdesolo, P., Kassam, K. “Emotion and Decision Making”. Annual Review of Psychology. Published on Accessed on October 13, 2021

6 Serrat, O., “Understanding and Developing Emotional Intelligence”. Knowledge Solutions pp329-339. Published 23 May 2017 on Accessed on November 18, 2021.

7 Brown, V., et. al., “Alertness”. ScienceDirect. Published 2002 in Accessed on November 18, 2021.

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Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel

Medically reviewed by Regina Victoria Boyles, MD

Updated by: Regina Victoria Boyles

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