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Gerber Baby Food: Does It Offer Complete Nutrition?

Gerber Baby Food: Does It Offer Complete Nutrition?
Gerber Baby Food: Does It Offer Complete Nutrition?

Is your baby finally starting on solid foods? If that’s the case, you as a parent might be a little overwhelmed on how to wean them off the breast (or bottle). You might have spent some time on the internet about how to prepare baby food at home and also come across options of baby food in jars, like Gerber baby food. If you find commercially-prepared baby food appealing, particularly the Gerber brand, this article will be helpful. 

About Gerber Baby Food

Gerber has been in the industry of producing baby food since 1927. In the Philippines, they are under Nestle and mostly offer 100% pureed vegetables and fruits with zero added salt, sugar, color, preservatives, and flavors. 

On their website, they highlighted that “Every jar of GERBER® is carefully grown using our Clean Fields Farming™ practices. This ensures our purees are not only nutritious but also wholesome and safe for our little ones’ tummies.”

Gerber baby food can be given to babies 6 months to 2 years old. But, of course, if you plan on giving it to your baby once they turn 6 months, you still have to take into account their readiness for solid foods. You must also consult your Pediatrician for this plan in order to give you proper advice and guidance.

Reminders When Giving Gerber Baby Food 

Gerber has several products. First Foods offer single-ingredient puree (carrot, banana, squash, etc.) These are great for introducing your baby to the taste of fruits and vegetables ONE AT A TIME. They also offer Second Foods where one jar contains at least two fruits and/or vegetables (banana & strawberry, apple & blueberry, etc.)

You can give Gerber to your baby at room temperature or warmed (just test the temperature beforehand). Once opened, you can refrigerate what’s left but it should be consumed within 24 hours. You must also use a non-metal spoon. 


A jar of Gerber is NOT complete nutrition for your baby. Particularly when they are just starting on solids, you must still give them breast milk or formula milk. Gerber can be a good option if you want to introduce the taste of different fruits and vegetables to your baby. As they grow older, they’ll need more. Hence, you need to provide them with a variety of fruits, vegetables, starch, lean protein, dairy, and healthy fats. 

Preparing Baby Food at Home

Don’t start with solids until your baby is ready to make the transition from breast milk or formula. It’s important to wait until your baby can sit up on his own, has lost the tongue-thrust reflex (the tendency of an infant to push out solid food with his tongue), and shows signs of interest in foods other than breast milk or formula.

A newborn will begin eating solid foods at around 6 months, but every child is different. Some may be ready earlier, while others may not show interest until they are a bit older. If you’re worried that your child isn’t getting enough nutrients from breast milk or formula alone after 6 months of age, talk to your doctor about introducing solids.

If you decide to prepare their food along with Gerber baby food (or other commercially-prepared foods), you can check out this article

The following reminders would be helpful:

Heat pureed fruits and vegetables

Do not give your baby pureed raw vegetables or fruits. Heat the puree at about 180 F or at a simmering temperature. Let cool and serve. 

Don’t add sugar, salt, or honey to your baby’s food

You should avoid adding sugar, salt, and honey to your baby’s food. Honey CANNOT be given until they are a year old. Avoid artificial sweeteners, too.

If you want to add something sweet, use a small amount of fruit or vegetable puree instead. These can be mixed with breast milk or formula if it suits your child’s taste – but make sure that there is no added sugar in the puree itself!

Wait a little bit longer for foods containing allergens

Avoid nuts. If you are unsure of what your baby is allergic to, start with ONE food containing an allergen first. Give them a small amount and just gradually increase as you see that they can tolerate it. Pediatricians now encourage babies to eat eggs and shellfish in order to desensitize them if they have allergies.

Introduce new textures gradually

It is important to introduce new textures gradually. This is because your baby may not be ready for all foods, so it’s best to proceed slowly and patiently.

You should not give them:

  • Food that is too hot or too cold. This can burn their mouth or make them feel sick.
  • Spicy and sour food. They don’t give them good experience with solids and can upset their stomach.
  • Sugary foods. Remember that your baby doesn’t need extra sugar. 

Key Takeaways

Whether you choose to introduce solids by giving them Gerber baby food or home-prepared food, the most important thing is to keep your baby’s first foods simple and healthy. As you introduce new textures and flavors, remember that every baby is unique. Some will take to solids more quickly than others—and there’s nothing wrong with that! If your baby seems ready for a new type of food but doesn’t seem to enjoy it, don’t force them to eat more than they want. Try again in a few days when they might be more receptive or try another food instead.

Learn more about Baby Nutrition here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Gerber,, Accessed July 27, 2022

Made for babies, Good nutrition for babies,, Accessed July 27, 2022

GERBER® Apple Blueberry 125g,, Accessed July 27, 2022

Your baby’s first solid foods,’ll%20be%20able%20to%3A,than%20spit%20it%20back%20out), Accessed July 27, 2022

MAKING YOUR OWN BABY FOOD,, Accessed July 27, 2022

Current Version


Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

Medically reviewed by Ruben Macapinlac, MD, DPPS

Updated by: Jan Alwyn Batara

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Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Nov 23, 2023

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