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A Quick Guide: Safety Tips on Using a Bathtub with Net for Babies

A Quick Guide: Safety Tips on Using a Bathtub with Net for Babies
A Quick Guide: Safety Tips on Using a Bathtub with Net for Babies

Being in charge of a little human who cannot walk, eat, and do things by themself is not an easy job. And one of the most intimidating and hardest tasks of a parent is bathing the baby. The most common challenge during bathtime is to bathe a crying and flailing baby. Not to mention that the water and soap will make the baby’s skin slippery and hard to hold. So is a baby bathtub with net necessary? 

baby bathtub with net

Bathtime is supposed to be a good moment to bond with your child, but the truth is, it becomes a root of anxieties for the parents and babies.

The key to achieving a successful and enjoyable bathtime is to have the right items that will suit the needs of your baby. What are the things you need to have when introducing bathtime to your baby?

Baby bathtub with net and other bath products you will need

To make your task easier, prepare all the things you will need ahead of time. It will be an inconvenience to go back for forgotten items and leave the baby unattended. The baby bath essentials include:

  • A warm and safe place to bathe your baby. It should be a flat surface and has enough space for the bath items for easy access.
  • Two clean towels or a blanket (a hooded one if you have it). You will use the first one to wrap around the baby while bathing him, the other one is for drying.
  • A clean washcloth or a baby bath sponge. Avoid extra fuzzy or rough ones that may hurt the baby’s skin.
  • Baby bath soap or head-to-toe baby wash. It will be a lot of trial and error when finding the right soap for your baby’s skin. Choose a bath soap with no harmful ingredients, you can go as natural as you can. Choose a gentle cleanser, soap, or body wash that is fragrance-free.
  • Prepare clean clothes beforehand. The baby, especially newborns, will be extra hard to calm after a bath, so it will be a lifesaver to get the baby’s clean clothes ready.
  • Make sure the water is warm enough. The water should not be piping hot or too cold. It should be like your body temperature, or when you dip your skin into it, it’s just a little warmer.
  • Prepare the bathtub. Make sure to clean the bathtub beforehand with soap and water. Do not fill it up with water, just the right amount to rinse your baby.

Most bathtubs have different features that are age-appropriate and suitable for your baby’s needs. But the amount of different types of bathtubs in the market today makes it a little hard to choose. What type of baby tub does your child need?

Baby Bathtub with Net

Back in the day, most infants were washed and bathed in a sink or a basin filled with warm water. While holding the baby with one hand, the other hand will be lathering the body with soap and rinsing it with water.

It may work as it seems, but it can be potentially dangerous in so many ways. Also, the sink or the basin can be unhygienic because it is used for other purposes. Although some people still use the kitchen or bathroom sink to bathe a baby, others go for baby bathtubs.

A baby bathtub is a plastic bath used for bathing or washing a baby. It is a lot smaller than a regular-sized bathtub to fit the size of a baby. The baby bathtub with net is a popular choice because the net feature can help support the neck and back of your baby.

You don’t necessarily need a baby bathtub with net, but owning one can make bath time easier and more manageable. The factors to consider in choosing baby bathtubs includes:

  • Proper size of the bathtub. If the tub is too small, the baby will not be comfortable to move. If it is too big, the baby may slip and slide inside with the risk of drowning. You should also consider the height of the tub, for you to sit or kneel comfortably beside it when you bathe your baby.
  • Make sure that the material used is sturdy and easy to clean. It is good to buy a bathtub that will last until your baby no longer needs one. Easy clean-ups is also important to avoid infections and diseases. If you are buying a baby bathtub with net, make sure to clean the net thoroughly to avoid germs and bacteria build-up.
  • Buy a baby bathtub with net that fits your budget. Your baby will use the bathtub for only a year or two, depending on his or her preference. So make sure to buy a long-lasting tub for a fair price. You can buy second-hand bathtubs, just make sure it’s in a good condition. Clean it thoroughly before use. Do not buy used bathtub nets or bath seats.

How to use a baby bathtub with net

  • Lower your baby into the tub. Place his or her body on top of the net (for newborns: keep your hand under the baby’s neck for support) Make sure to keep a towel wrapped around the baby’s body. This will allow you to work your way down, from head to the body and still keep the baby warm.
  • Start wetting the baby’s head and body. Do not pour large amounts of water directly onto the face. Use your hands for rinsing.
  • Lather soap and rinse thoroughly. While your baby is in the baby bathtub with net, use small amounts of soap and gently wipe your baby’s body using a soft washcloth. Avoid the eyes, ears and nose. Make sure to wipethe neck, back and other hard-to-reach places.
  • After rinsing, wrap your baby into a dry towel or blanket. Make sure to pat him or her dry thoroughly before putting the baby in clean clothes and diapers. Keep bath time short and brief to prevent your baby from getting cold.
  • Clean the baby bathtub with net after use. Make sure to give the tub and the net a good scrub with soap and water and turn it over to dry. 

Key Takeaways 

Looking after a baby takes a lot of precautions, research, and learning. Seek advice and help from your own parents or other family members with a childcare experience. Keep yourself calm and collected when tending after your baby.

Bath time can be an enjoyable moment, not only for the baby, but also for the parents as well. But it can also be quite dangerous so be very extra cautious when handling your baby. Consider a baby bathtub with net to help you with this daily task. 

Asking for help and assistance can also make the task bearable until you get the hang of it. These first few years of your child won’t last long, so make every moment a memorable one.

Learn more about Baby Care here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Bathing Your Baby –, Acccessed March 24, 2021

Baby bath basics: A parent’s guide – Mayo Clinic, Acccessed March 24, 2021

Washing and bathing your baby – NHS, Acccessed March 24, 2021

Adelli Pilliteri, ‘Maternal Newborn Nursing, Care of Growing Family, 2nd edition (1978) Little Brown and Company, Philadelphia

Adelli Pilliteri, Child Health Nursing, Care of the Child and Family, (1999) Lippincott, Los Angeles, California

Bathing your Baby – Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Acccessed March 24, 2021

Current Version


Written by Lhay Ann Boctoy

Medically reviewed by Ruben Macapinlac, MD, DPPS

Updated by: Kristel Lagorza

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Written by Lhay Ann Boctoy · Updated Jun 03, 2021

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